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View Full Version : My Carpet Python won't strike any more

John Murphy
11-03-12, 07:37 AM
Dear All,

Please help out I have a Irya Jaya Jaguar Carpet Python that was a brilliant eater in his first year - striking and eating - over the last few months - he will only sometimes every three weeks eat a small mouse and does strike at his food at all!!

can anyone help with advice please!!!


11-03-12, 08:48 AM
At that age it should be eating small rats. Your food size is way to small. Not worth it effort to kill and eat. If it's eating small mice i would try a rat fuzzies once it it that a couple times move it up to small rats.

Oh BTW hello and welcome.

11-03-12, 08:54 AM
Dear All,

Please help out I have a Irya Jaya Jaguar Carpet Python that was a brilliant eater in his first year - striking and eating - over the last few months - he will only sometimes every three weeks eat a small mouse and does strike at his food at all!!

can anyone help with advice please!!!


hello and welcome

if he's 18 month to 2 years old...

he's most likely off his food for breeding season mate

MALE Carpets can be sexually mature at 18 months

FEMALES 3 if its a large female,but most keepers wait until the females,4 years of age

my friends zebra produced a clutch at 18 months last year,the female was 4 years old (for the record)

i would not worry too much

you should really try and get him onto rats,as the older they get the harder it can be to change them over,and it takes a lot of jumbo mice to feed an adult Carpet

cheers shaun

11-03-12, 10:17 AM
My male ij jag has never struck his food. As long as they are eating there is nothing to worry about.

11-03-12, 10:50 AM
My male ij jag has never struck his food. As long as they are eating there is nothing to worry about.

This, plus he should really be eating decent size rats NOT mice :)

John Murphy
11-04-12, 05:49 AM
Thanks for the useful replies and so promptly- much appreciated!

In the meantime my costal jungle carpet python has grown massively over the last year and is now 6 ft three inches long - what size viv would you suggest is suitable?


11-04-12, 05:57 AM
I would say something at least 6 foot long by 2 or more feet high and 2 feet deep.

11-04-12, 06:08 AM
I would say something at least 6 foot long by 2 or more feet high and 2 feet deep.

this,if she hits the 9,10ft mark or more...

if you could give 3ft in height though,imo it would be better

i keep anything under 8 to 9ft,in 4x2x2ft tanks

cheers shaun