View Full Version : Snakes bites?
11-02-12, 03:23 PM
Hey GuySs!!
So I'm curious about snake bites!!! Have any of you been bitten by your BP and if so describe the pain!!! Please :p
i was bit by my ball just last week for the first time when trying to feed him,but being that my snake was so little it didnt hurt much, it hurt my heart more and scared me more,made a little blood come out like if u was to poke yourself with a pin... he let go right away
I can't speak to what an adult BP bite is like, but a juvinile bite is next to nothing.
I got bit a few weeks ago by my 130 gram juvi after a feed. She dragged her rat under a hide so I couldn't watch her eat. Came back ten or so minutes later to make sure all was well and she had come out of the hide, but there was a damp spot in the corner that I didn't notice before and as I went into the viv to check it out I left one hand dangling in the viv in front of her and she tagged me on the ring finger of my right hand.
It happened so fast that by the time it registered, it was over and done. Not much pain at all. A few drops of blood. Cleaned it with soap and water. Couldn't tell that I had been bit the next day. I have had paper cuts that hurt far worse and took way longer to heal.
imo, the anticipation of being bit is way worse than the actual event.:D
11-02-12, 09:13 PM
It all depends on where they get ya
11-02-12, 09:30 PM
I got bit by my adult BP a while ago - it was quick, it hurt for a little bit but I didn't feel it at all less than an hour later. After I rinsed off the blood I could barely see where he got me. :3
The bite from my 4 month old boa was worse, she thought I was food and constricted. You could clearly see the rows of her teeth a couple days after the actual bite.
11-02-12, 09:46 PM
You'd feel an adult python bite, it would probably make you bleed, but it's nothing serious...
11-02-12, 10:18 PM
For the most it stings for a few minutes once they let go but it will bleed.alot for a good 10 minutes! The shock of how quick it happens scares you more than the bite!
11-02-12, 11:40 PM
When I had a ball python, many years ago, I got bit. Completely my fault, I stuck my hand in at feeding time. Felt like many small needles sticking into my hand. Bled just a little, until I washed it up, and it stung a little bit until it dried. Over all it was not too bad. I don't remember how big he was at the time, but he was getting into his adult size.
11-03-12, 12:24 AM
My two year old daughter got bit by a 4.5' boas that was as thick as a coke can. She cries for about thirty seconds and then asked to hold him.
11-03-12, 06:48 AM
Put it this way - snake bites hurt a hell of a lot less than a cat scratch :)
There is a bite thread where you can see the lack of damage caused -
11-03-12, 09:05 AM
i only keep Carpet Pythons,but a bites a bite.....
it happens that fast it's pretty much painless
adults can leave a bit of bruising,but not all that sore pal
cheers shaun
11-03-12, 09:45 AM
I guess it is fortunate snake teeth are designed for holding prey, not cutting/shearing/tearing/grinding it like a cat or dog's teeth!
Adult bites hurt like an SOB. Don't kid yourself.
Yes.Indeed nothing feels as painless as a 6-7 foot snake latching
11-03-12, 11:16 AM
Like a paper cut, more anoying then anything else, adult burmese,, diff. Story
11-03-12, 11:55 AM
ive been tagged by my BP when she was a juvenile and ive been tagged by a 6 ft BCI. like said above the ball python bite was nothing, and the BCI really wasnt bad either. i think it really depends on where and how you get bit. i find the itchiness afterwords is the worst!!
11-04-12, 07:28 AM
Yeahhh any adult snake bite hurts like a b...h and will scare the hell out of u bc u don't expect it bc u trust your adult snake knows u enough and u trust the snake its a shock and painful experience I've only been bit once and I have small thin hands so it felt like I dropped a hammer on my hand and when her teeth went in felt like it the bones of my hand and that was from my 7 foot Red Tail
11-04-12, 07:40 AM
A snake bite feels like having a sunburn and some one slapping it. A light stinging and that it. There's nothing to be scared of it all philological. Also you have to take in to fact different people have different levels thresh holds to pain. So a bite that might hurt like heck to you might not hurt at all to me.
11-04-12, 08:14 AM
Never been bitten by a bp. Worst bite I got was from a 6 foot retic I was holding at an expo. It was quick but not did I bleed a lot.
11-05-12, 03:10 AM
As frequently as I hold my animals and as long as I've been keeping (about 12 years total, not counting the years I took a break), I only remember being bitten twice. Once from a juvenile ball and once from a 6 month old burm. Both hurt about the same. Both were quick bites and both were completely my fault. The ball bite produce maybe a drop of blood. The burm bite scraped me since I jerked away and felt more like a cat scratch than a bite. If I had not jerked away, I may not have bled. Both bites scared me more it hurt. Took me longer to calm my racing heart than it did to stop the bleeding lol
11-06-12, 02:59 PM
After reading them all I'm not so scared of Romeo biting me!! I know it will hurt a bit but nothing to cry about. I have had him for about a year and a half now and I haven't had a bite scare yet. Wish me luck!!!!
11-06-12, 03:38 PM
An owner of a 13-foot burm once asked me the same question: "What is it like to get bitten?" In other words, if you have a single docile pet snake and practice safe handling, you may never find out.
11-06-12, 04:39 PM
it feels like a paper cut but WAY more supurising.
11-06-12, 06:47 PM
bite from a 1 yr old ball
shocked the hell outta me, but didn't really hurt;)
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