View Full Version : 2 newbie questions about my bull snake

11-02-12, 03:00 PM
First off, I'm wondering about shedding. His eyes turned super milky for about 2 days and now they are clear again but he did not shed. Is this normal?

And secondly, Ive had him now over a month and he's only pooped twice. Each time it was decently sized and the urate was completely white as it should be, but he's just not pooping very often. I recently just switched him off pinkies to fuzzys but I did read when they are on pinkies they dont poop very much as there just isnt a lot let over to poop out. Is this true?

Thanks for answers and sorry for the newb questions!

11-02-12, 03:06 PM
The shed should happen in a few days as for the pooping fuzzies are absorb by the digestive system and leave very little waste to poop out once you switch to larger prey there will be more poop

11-02-12, 03:10 PM
Thanks! Snakes are just so different from the lizards Ive kept! Lizards poop almost daily lol

11-02-12, 04:43 PM
I don't know a lot about snakes, but what are your humidity levels like and are you measuring them digitally? That's usually the cause of any shedding issues (though I can't say if it's abnormal for what you're explaining to happen or not).


11-02-12, 04:48 PM
I don't know a lot about snakes, but what are your humidity levels like and are you measuring them digitally? That's usually the cause of any shedding issues (though I can't say if it's abnormal for what you're explaining to happen or not).


It's only been 2 days=no shedding issue yet.

Everything you asked about is normal. No worries.

11-03-12, 08:25 AM
If I recall my what I've read right the cloudiness vanishes as part of the process of shedding. Basically a special liquid is seperating the old skin from the new, this causes the cloudiness in the eyes, and once it's job is done the cloudiness disappears and the snake sheds in the near future.

11-03-12, 09:07 AM
fuzzys,pups,anything without fur,don't leave a lot to poop out

re shedding
after their eyes clear up,they shed anything from 2 to 10 days later

also please don't apologise for asking questions,we are all on a learning curve mate

cheers shaun

11-03-12, 12:47 PM
Thanks for all the helpful responses everyone! As for the humidity, he is a Colorado native so I'm fairly certain the humidity is spot on perfect (I live in Colorado).

11-03-12, 06:40 PM
Thanks for all the helpful responses everyone! As for the humidity, he is a Colorado native so I'm fairly certain the humidity is spot on perfect (I live in Colorado).Maybe. Problem is the humidity inside the house isn't necessarily the same as outside. If you ever use AC or heating, that will really change it.


11-04-12, 12:43 AM
Regardless of the humidity outside or inside your house it is best to provide a humidity gradient with a tub of damp sphagnum moss. Place the tub of moss so that one end of it is on the warm side.....
Provide this option along with many others and the snake will go where it needs to go....when it needs to.....

They know what they need.......all we need to do is provide the options for them to choose from.

11-04-12, 12:57 AM
Regardless of the humidity outside or inside your house it is best to provide a humidity gradient with a tub of damp sphagnum moss. Place the tub of moss so that one end of it is on the warm side.....
Provide this option along with many others and the snake will go where it needs to go....when it needs to.....

They know what they need.......all we need to do is provide the options for them to choose from.True. Options should always be provided, even if they seem unnecessary. My crocodile gecko (not a snake, I know) never uses her humid hide, but she still always has it just in case she ever decides to. The best we can do is replicate their natural options to the best of our abilities, and if we do that properly, they'll know what to do from there.


11-04-12, 02:03 AM
With a large collection, I find that most of my snake shed perfectly only soaking in their water bowl. The ones that do have problems, which are only 2 out of 143, I offer a mandatory soaking in a tub and they shed off fine. Don't look for problems before you have them.

11-05-12, 05:15 PM
So he's starting his shed now but it's nothing like I expected. I've always found whole skins that were shed off in one big piece out in the wild but Ragnar is shedding little parts at a time. It's a mess to clean up and there's still patches of unshed skin on him. I let him soak in a luke warm bath today for about 8 mins to loosen up the rest of the shed. He keeps dragging his eyes on the wood logs in his cage because I think there's still skin caps over them. Hopefully the soak will work and he starts to learn how to shed properly!

11-05-12, 06:13 PM
If he is shedding i pieces then his husbandry is off, recheck temps and humidity and next shed up the humidity during the "blue" phase :)

11-05-12, 08:51 PM
Hopefully the soak will work and he starts to learn how to shed properly!http://images.wikia.com/theamazingworldofgumball/images/1/18/Jackie-chan-meme.png

A snake doesn't "learn" to shed any more than a girl "learns" how to have her period. It's your job to provide proper husbandry so that he can shed without issue.


11-15-12, 05:05 PM
So he's starting his shed now but it's nothing like I expected. I've always found whole skins that were shed off in one big piece out in the wild but Ragnar is shedding little parts at a time. It's a mess to clean up and there's still patches of unshed skin on him. I let him soak in a luke warm bath today for about 8 mins to loosen up the rest of the shed. He keeps dragging his eyes on the wood logs in his cage because I think there's still skin caps over them. Hopefully the soak will work and he starts to learn how to shed properly!
Does he have the humid hide Jlassiter recommended? It's my understanding that snakes with access to one rarely ever have shedding issues. Soaking in water may help, but keep in mind in the wild snakes usually shed fine whether they have access to bodies of water or not, as they are able to simply go to wherever the humidity is right.

Illness can also cause a snake to shed improperly, so you may want to watch for anything else unusual.