View Full Version : Offensive article-please respond

10-29-12, 10:59 PM
Please post a response/complaint about this article. Though it's stupid, and angering, let's keep it polite or reasonable so they have no reason to remove our posts!!

Stupid crap like this makes me...many emotions. Let's make a fuss.

How to Kill a Garter Snake | eHow.com (http://www.ehow.com/how_8604209_kill-garter-snake.html)

Little Wise Owl
10-29-12, 11:05 PM
Although they are harmless and eat other small pests such as insects and rodents, they may instill fear in the residents around the area.

Wow, they even state they're harmless and beneficial to the environment BUT KILL IT ANYWAY BECAUSE SOMEONE CAN'T WEAR THEIR BIG KID PANTS.

Seriously, this is the stupidest eHow I've ever seen, ever.

Zoo Nanny
10-30-12, 05:19 AM
Disgusting article. Made a reply and posted to face book. Many of my friends are in wildlife rehab and animal rescue. Hopefully that page will be inundated with negative responses and get removed.

10-30-12, 12:43 PM
That is so cruel to kill a harmless snake

10-30-12, 02:00 PM
Quite ridiculous to kill something because it simply scares someone... I fail to understand why someone even thought it was a good idea to make an article like this. :angry:

10-30-12, 02:08 PM
Just like all these other things ive been seeing out there... You just cant fix STUPID!!!

Zoo Nanny
10-30-12, 02:15 PM
My friends at work, I love them.
You can email your outrage directly to E-How

10-30-12, 02:25 PM
I emailed them.. that is such crap.

I posted the email and the link to the article on my facebook..

Zoo Nanny
10-30-12, 02:31 PM
Email sent. Hopefully if they receive enough emails they will remove the article.

10-30-12, 05:00 PM
That article is ridiculous. I sent an e-mail too

Zoo Nanny
10-31-12, 03:35 AM
I got some of my friends to also send emails. This morning the article is not opening. If you do a search on ehow it is in the list but won't open! Fingers crossed that once they review the article it will be removed permanently.

10-31-12, 06:52 AM
Saw this post just now...the article is not there. Looks like the complaints may have worked!

10-31-12, 08:42 AM
I got an email back stating that it would be removed... good job guys!

10-31-12, 09:01 AM
Sometime a little affirmative action helps. Good job.

Zoo Nanny
10-31-12, 09:32 AM
I got an email also. That was great getting so many to respond so quickly. I was also happy to see ehow respond so quickly to the complaints as well. More often than not different agencies/sites will ignore complaints.

10-31-12, 09:49 AM
Looks like they pulled it down already! Awesome!

11-03-12, 11:49 AM
Just about to say the same thing. I am glad it has been taken down. Garter snakes are harmless, and to kill them is ridiculous.

11-03-12, 04:36 PM
Feels good that we did something. At least you good people here kind of make me like humanity a bit ; )

11-03-12, 07:13 PM
see, making noise works!!!

11-13-12, 12:56 PM
Just like all these other things ive been seeing out there... You just cant fix STUPID!!!
more like idiot, this article mustve been made by someone whos brain has a very,very,very low density level.

11-13-12, 01:01 PM
Sad. I am going field herping for some today.

11-15-12, 05:36 PM
Sad. I am going field herping for some today.
i would be out field herping right now, but the weathers super cold where im at, so it would be trying to find a living unicorn right now:).