View Full Version : Crocodile monitors new climbing logs
10-27-12, 05:02 PM
Hi all on this fantastic forum. I got some fantastic cork bark logs today. 4 x 3ft long 6-8" diameter cork bark logs, fixed 2 bits together for Nashers enclosure and 2 bits together for Dashers enclosure. Fixed them to the ceiling so not to loose any of there useable space, but in return gain more climbing,hanging out and hiding areas for them both. what was funny is once installed they didn't check out there own they checked out the other ones first LOL. I'm very pleased hence why I showing them off. More pics to come as was just before there lights out that I finished.
Nasher my female checking out the males as shes always first to explore all new stuff, were as he (Dasher) not keen on change
Dasher my male checking out the logs installed in the females enclosure. he didn't like the fact his area was changed but seemed to like hers but considering he been able to walk from his to hers for a few weeks now I surprized he didn't mind the changes in hers but was angry with ones in his by angry I mean he was hissing and puffin up at it LOL
10-27-12, 05:07 PM
thats a nice enclosure they have there! nice idea with hanging them from the ceiling too.
10-27-12, 05:09 PM
Man i love monitors, hope i am in the situation at some point to be able to have my own :)
10-27-12, 06:02 PM
the neatest part about them, is when you look into their eyes, they are undoubtedly looking into yours as well sizing you up haha
10-27-12, 06:06 PM
the neatest part about them, is when you look into their eyes, they are undoubtedly looking into yours as well sizing you up haha
Funny you should say this... One of mine will stare right through you, It's almost scary how penetrating that stare is.
there is something very velociraptor-ish about them..... very very cool. thanks for sharing the pics.
10-27-12, 10:07 PM
That's a great idea, I'll definitely use that one day.
10-28-12, 12:09 AM
That guy is a dinosaur.
10-28-12, 01:10 AM
they are the velociraptors of the lizard world with teeth and claws to match. As the movie says "they remember". I have dealt with many monitor species but crocs are the bad boys for sure. They truely will hold grudges and work out plans. I have been bluffed charged many times just so they can a run for a door that was closed in hopes that didnt close it tight (only happened once and lead to a mad dash after a croc.
10-28-12, 01:32 AM
That enclosure is amazing! What are the dimensions of it? I used to have a croc monitor back when I lived at home but once I moved out, there just wasn't enough room so I had to get rid if it. I hope to get one again. How are the temperaments if yours? Mine was pretty much the devil and would always try to attack through the glass.
10-28-12, 01:55 AM
To many posts to quote them all but thanks everyone for your kind words.
the neatest part about them, is when you look into their eyes, they are undoubtedly looking into yours as well sizing you up haha
that is so true I find myself looking at them for ages sometimes, so smart and it is amazing what you can learn from just looking into there eyes.
they are the velociraptors of the lizard world with teeth and claws to match. As the movie says "they remember". I have dealt with many monitor species but crocs are the bad boys for sure. They truely will hold grudges and work out plans. I have been bluffed charged many times just so they can a run for a door that was closed in hopes that didnt close it tight (only happened once and lead to a mad dash after a croc.
I have only been mock charged when the female was gravid last time, My partner however has been mock charged a few times now from the male LOL, that is because she does not "read" them correctly but shes learning and to date bite free.
That enclosure is amazing! What are the dimensions of it? I used to have a croc monitor back when I lived at home but once I moved out, there just wasn't enough room so I had to get rid if it. I hope to get one again. How are the temperaments if yours? Mine was pretty much the devil and would always try to attack through the glass.
The dimensions for both are only 8ft by 8ft by 8ft just the males is a mirror image of the females, they are joined VIA a 10ft by 2ft by 2ft tunnel/bridge which allows for easy free movement between the two but when needs must it is very easy to split them up by just closing the divider in the middle of the tunnel/bridge. Currently they been together this time round since the 11th OCT copulated a number of times and getting on fine together so haven't had a need to split them since but sure soon I will. temperment wise they are fine as I don't handle them. female is more outgoing and bold always comes to see what your doing, tong feeds gently. Male is more nervous but hes come a long way since I owned him and now stays out in the open and he tong feeds also now. I can enter there enclosures most days without issues for bulb change,cleaning so on but I must judge it correctly as sometimes they have off days. Perfect I thinks
10-28-12, 05:28 AM
temperment wise they are fine as I don't handle them.
No idea how much I respect that statement. Kudos.:cool:
10-28-12, 03:01 PM
No idea how much I respect that statement. Kudos.
Thanks I find I get much more back from mine without touching them. just to show you all how they got on 24hrs with the cork bark logs installed here are some pictures
Dasher the male
Nasher the female
and a feeding video of each on the logs
and one of my nile monitor for you "infernalis" as your boscs love to chase food so done one of my nile chasing food lol
Hahaha! I kept saying "awesome" the whole time I was watching this, which got my wife's attention. As soon as she saw what I was watching she got up and left the room. Amazing videos Phillip, as ever. Your Nile is beautiful.
10-28-12, 04:16 PM
Thanks I find I get much more back from mine without touching them
:D good to hear!
probably keep a lot more pints of blood flowing through you too!
10-29-12, 05:43 PM
Great pics to see, great thread, thanks!
those crocs remind me of my Lacies
10-30-12, 08:06 AM
:D good to hear!
probably keep a lot more pints of blood flowing through you too!
Going by the last chap my female tagged on the knee when she was only 3ft long I'm confident I made the right choice LOL
Great pics to see, great thread, thanks!
thank you
those crocs remind me of my Lacies
thank you, they are very similer in many ways and in around 2 years I will have a lacie monitor in my collection also to compare better, as long as the chap manages to breed them over here that is.
Little Wise Owl
10-31-12, 09:48 PM
They're magnificent. Everyday, you guys make me wish I'd gone for a monitor instead of a tegu. lol Not a Croc. Monitor, mind you... haha
11-08-12, 12:28 PM
Your crocs are amazing and your Nile's feeding response is crazy. Loved the pictures and videos. If you don't mind my asking is the room the enclosures are in a part of your house or is it an outbuilding? Very cool setups and thanks for sharing.
11-08-12, 02:03 PM
These reptiles are gorgeous! I especially loved the video of your Nile monitor. I've seen a full grown adult in person, they get pretty big! The one I saw belonged to this large pet store and they would leash him and let him walk around. He was quite friendly and very laid back. Lol. They kept a Nile monitor, a Marmoset and a Serval as pets. Such a neat place! :D
11-08-12, 02:09 PM
I'd love to see a serval in person. I've only ever seen them on TV and online and they look amazing.
11-09-12, 08:32 AM
They're magnificent. Everyday, you guys make me wish I'd gone for a monitor instead of a tegu. lol Not a Croc. Monitor, mind you... haha
that is because monitors are the BEST
Your crocs are amazing and your Nile's feeding response is crazy. Loved the pictures and videos. If you don't mind my asking is the room the enclosures are in a part of your house or is it an outbuilding? Very cool setups and thanks for sharing.
All my reptiles are kept in the outbuilding at the bottom of my garden
These reptiles are gorgeous! I especially loved the video of your Nile monitor. I've seen a full grown adult in person, they get pretty big! The one I saw belonged to this large pet store and they would leash him and let him walk around. He was quite friendly and very laid back. Lol. They kept a Nile monitor, a Marmoset and a Serval as pets. Such a neat place! :D
Thank you
11-15-12, 12:52 AM
Those logs are awesome! And the monitors seem to enjoy them very much!!! :) Thanks for sharing!!! I really enjoy seeing them.
11-21-12, 07:24 PM
Those logs are awesome! And the monitors seem to enjoy them very much!!! Thanks for sharing!!! I really enjoy seeing them.
thank you. They enjoy them very much, more so my male he enjoys looking down at me.
I thought it maybe time to update everyone with my progress (or not so) with my pair of v.salvadorii Dasher (M) and Nasher (F). She has produced 9 eggs in total 3 on the 20th and 6 on the 21st. offered various nesting options (5) but she choose to lay them in her normal substrate in two differant locations (why I am yet to work out). I have placed all 9 in the incubator but I suspect maybe 3-5 of them may be fertile. I will just wait and see if they go bad or not ( I hope). I have never incubated any varanus sp eggs so we will see how they pan out.
Some pictures of them, not many of her as shes been rather moody for awhile and not soo photo active LOL but plenty of him.
Nasher thinking of going inside her log which she often does.
Nasher coming of her log
Dasher inside his log
Dasher having a yawn after eating
Dasher on his log just finishing a meal
Dasher eating a ex breeder male rat
as a "treat" here is one of my nile tri-podding for food
just as a extra "treat" a picture of my v.spenceri tri-podding for food
Glad they are enjoying the tubes mate and fingers crossed for fertile eggs.
Looking awesome as ever :)
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