View Full Version : Website suggestions

Zoo Nanny
10-27-12, 01:55 PM
I've had my website up now for close to 5 years. While I get more than my share of parrots and rabbits I'm not attracting herp people. Any suggestions to the site that would help draw in people would be great. I'm am a dunce when it comes to a computer and setting this site up was weeks of work. I've updated it a couple of times but for the life of me I just can't seem to think of other things to add. Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions.
Home Page (http://zoonanny.com/)

10-27-12, 02:34 PM
It's pretty simple.

Why would I uproot my snake cage to bring it to you, plus it's food for a week while I go on a week vacation and pay $10 bucks for it?

Your price isn't too high but my snakes can live fine for any real vacation time I would take. Even then, I'd get a close friend to check to make sure they are alive and have water. It's all they truly need.

10-27-12, 02:46 PM
Like Aaron stated.. The only time I think it would pay off is if someone was going away for a month and had their snake in a tub. Not many people take more than a week or 2 away and a snake is easy to set up for that time frame.

10-27-12, 02:55 PM
We are the same, family member will pop in and fill up water bowls, none need feeding even if we are away for a fortnight.

Zoo Nanny
10-27-12, 02:59 PM
Yes I realize that about snakes. I used to do home visits but insurance rates went through the roof so I had to stop. I was thinking more in the lines of animals that can't go long term. I do have a few beardies, iguanas, geckos and frogs that I sit. These I have gotten as referrals from the MSPCA Angel, Tufts and a couple of other local clinics.

10-27-12, 03:55 PM
Again, I'm not picking up and carrying a large enclosure so someone else's house and still paying for them to care for it. I can get a family member to toss in some greens or worms to my lizards if I had any.

It's just not the same set of care as other animals. They may need the human interaction as well as exercise but my herps don't care who feeds or cleans them.

10-27-12, 04:12 PM
With snakes, I'd be worried about leaving them somewhere new and the chances of another snake having mites or something else. You would have to have a way to quarantine snakes in different areas I suppose.

10-27-12, 05:27 PM
"Detailed diets for your parrots, reptiles and bunnies available. Yes I cook and serve fresh foods for all. "
Please tell me what reptiles require cooked foods?

10-27-12, 05:59 PM
Please tell me what reptiles require cooked foods?

Some lizards enjoy cooked squash, carrots and other Items. I cook some stuff up for my BTS regularly.

Zoo Nanny
10-27-12, 06:18 PM
I never serve sweet potato raw to any animal. It has a trypsin inhibitor which prevents the digestion of protiens and cooking deactivates it. Those of you that feed turkey and chicken don't you cook it first or do you always serve it raw? The bacterias found in raw meats especially fowl make me very nervous.
And you need to remember that I also serve foods to parrots and small mammals. I cook a variety of grains and legumes. I also bake bird bread and cookies.
I shop twice per week for fresh vegetables and fruits so that I always have a variety for all animals.
Animals are kept in separate rooms unless from the same home. Not a perfect quarantine as I have forced hot air heat and central air but the animals at least have a door between.
Most people who use me I ask to come for a pre-visit so that they are able to see exactly what I offer. This gives us the opportunity to talk about the specific animals. I have agreements with vets in the area for emergency visits. One for birds and small animals and a different one for reptiles. There are also two excellent hospitals under an hour away in the event of a overnight or weekend emergency.

10-28-12, 10:42 AM
I never serve sweet potato raw to any animal. It has a trypsin inhibitor which prevents the digestion of protiens and cooking deactivates it. Those of you that feed turkey and chicken don't you cook it first or do you always serve it raw? The bacterias found in raw meats especially fowl make me very nervous.
And you need to remember that I also serve foods to parrots and small mammals. I cook a variety of grains and legumes. I also bake bird bread and cookies.
I shop twice per week for fresh vegetables and fruits so that I always have a variety for all animals.
Animals are kept in separate rooms unless from the same home. Not a perfect quarantine as I have forced hot air heat and central air but the animals at least have a door between.
Most people who use me I ask to come for a pre-visit so that they are able to see exactly what I offer. This gives us the opportunity to talk about the specific animals. I have agreements with vets in the area for emergency visits. One for birds and small animals and a different one for reptiles. There are also two excellent hospitals under an hour away in the event of a overnight or weekend emergency.

I am fairly certain that the lizards that eat thsi type of meat dont have the faclities to cook it in the wild :)

10-28-12, 12:52 PM
I never serve sweet potato raw to any animal. It has a trypsin inhibitor which prevents the digestion of protiens and cooking deactivates it. Those of you that feed turkey and chicken don't you cook it first or do you always serve it raw? The bacterias found in raw meats especially fowl make me very nervous.
And you need to remember that I also serve foods to parrots and small mammals. I cook a variety of grains and legumes. I also bake bird bread and cookies.
I shop twice per week for fresh vegetables and fruits so that I always have a variety for all animals.
Animals are kept in separate rooms unless from the same home. Not a perfect quarantine as I have forced hot air heat and central air but the animals at least have a door between.
Most people who use me I ask to come for a pre-visit so that they are able to see exactly what I offer. This gives us the opportunity to talk about the specific animals. I have agreements with vets in the area for emergency visits. One for birds and small animals and a different one for reptiles. There are also two excellent hospitals under an hour away in the event of a overnight or weekend emergency.

Stick to small mammals and birds.

Zoo Nanny
10-29-12, 03:17 AM
Stick to small mammals and birds.
Well that's rude. Why would you say that?
I understand that the larger animals like snakes and monitors can't be boarded but there are many smaller lizards that are better boarded than left alone.

My original question was if anyone could suggest changes to my website.

10-29-12, 03:52 AM
a few a-holes in this thread. i think its great your offering people the option to board their exotics. im sure she knows there is always a risk of mites with reptiles and birds and how take preventative measures. read some info provided on her site.

I understand that the larger animals like snakes and monitors can't be boarded but there are many smaller lizards that are better boarded than left alone.

for the site i'd go try and appeal to beardie owners. they are the ones who are going to be boarding their animals most frequently and probably at least 10-15 within a 10 mile radius of you

Zoo Nanny
10-29-12, 05:21 AM
Thank you for taking the time to review my site.
Do you think adding additional pictures of beardies and some of the other smaller reptiles of my customers would help draw people in?
Another question too should I include in my info the fact that I had the opportunity to work with vets and animal nutritionist implementing specific dietary needs for herps as well as other species at the zoo?

10-29-12, 06:59 AM
a few a-holes in this thread. i think its great your offering people the option to board their exotics. im sure she knows there is always a risk of mites with reptiles and birds and how take preventative measures. read some info provided on her site.

for the site i'd go try and appeal to beardie owners. they are the ones who are going to be boarding their animals most frequently and probably at least 10-15 within a 10 mile radius of you

Why? I'm again not moving my 40 to 50 gallon tank, lamps and everything for a simple vacation. They can live on water and a maintenance diet provided by someone popping in every other day or so.

To Zoo Nanny, good luck. I think your best bet is to just keep taking what reptile business you get and not really look for more. There isn't much else to do.

Personally, I read your site and you've had experience with "AN" (singular) anaconda. Good for you but that doesn't make me feel like you're experienced for anything really reptile related of that size or any reptile really. Like I said good luck and just push more towards birds/small animals/farm animals.

10-29-12, 07:00 AM
a pic or two of beardies or leopard geckos would help with the marketing aspect. including the fact you worked with vets/animal nutritionists would make you look more knowledgeable :)

10-29-12, 10:02 AM
a pic or two of beardies or leopard geckos would help with the marketing aspect. including the fact you worked with vets/animal nutritionists would make you look more knowledgeable :)

Isn't that lying then?

By her own words she states she cooks the meat for lizard consumption or would. That tells me either she didn't listen or the animal nutritionist is stupid.

Zoo Nanny
10-29-12, 10:07 AM
Why? I'm again not moving my 40 to 50 gallon tank, lamps and everything for a simple vacation. They can live on water and a maintenance diet provided by someone popping in every other day or so.

To Zoo Nanny, good luck. I think your best bet is to just keep taking what reptile business you get and not really look for more. There isn't much else to do.

Personally, I read your site and you've had experience with "AN" (singular) anaconda. Good for you but that doesn't make me feel like you're experienced for anything really reptile related of that size or any reptile really. Like I said good luck and just push more towards birds/small animals/farm animals.

A bit off there, here's the remainder of the information on herps from my site.
"I've worked with again the small sand boas on up to the very large red-tailed boas and even an anaconda! The list of herps I have experience with includes frogs, turtles, tortoises, snakes, geckos, beardeds, iguanas, skinks, anoles, salamanders, newts and even a few crocadilians thrown in."
I've never said that I was an expert, but at the same time I'm not a newbie. Yes it was just one anaconda but numerous other snakes of differing sizes. Arron I guess I just can't figure out why you are being so nasty. I have over 7 years working as a zoo keeper working with herps on a daily basis, how much experience is enough in your opinion to be a reptile pet sitter?

10-29-12, 10:12 AM
A bit off there, here's the remainder of the information on herps from my site.
"I've worked with again the small sand boas on up to the very large red-tailed boas and even an anaconda! The list of herps I have experience with includes frogs, turtles, tortoises, snakes, geckos, beardeds, iguanas, skinks, anoles, salamanders, newts and even a few crocadilians thrown in."
I've never said that I was an expert, but at the same time I'm not a newbie. Yes it was just one anaconda but numerous other snakes of differing sizes. Arron I guess I just can't figure out why you are being so nasty. I have over 7 years working as a zoo keeper working with herps on a daily basis, how much experience is enough in your opinion to be a reptile pet sitter?

First of all it's A-A-R-O-N. Take the time to glance at the post you quoted if you can't remember it. It's a large pet peeve of mine, especially since it's written right there on the screen.

I'm not trying to be nasty, you asked for suggestions. I made some. They weren't necessarily all in "looks good! Keep going!" nature but yet they were suggestions.

I have seen zoo keepers give out more misinformation than most newbies so no I don't have to take that as knowledge. Especially since, in general, zoos don't generally care for their keepers own personal private experience. They want degrees.

You proved to me, and others, that you lack basic dietary needs of herps so why would I believe any of your experience is good? As I stated in my first post, you'd need to be more accommodating if you want more reptile customers. Put the insurance premium for outcalls in the cost.

Zoo Nanny
10-29-12, 10:21 AM
Aaron why are you being so offensive? There is nothing on my site that is not true. I see that you are a long term member here. Being that I would expect you to be helpful to other members instead of attacking and attempting to demean. You have me wondering if I have some how offended you in some other thread to make you act as you have.
I asked a question regarding the meat. At the zoo we were not allowed to feed out any raw fowl unless we bred them ourselves due to the potential of bacteria found in store bought meats.

Zoo Nanny
10-29-12, 11:07 AM
Aaron after reviewing this entire post again I mistakenly thought a post from a different member was one that you wrote also, putting me that much more on the defensive. I apologize.

10-29-12, 12:28 PM
Well Nanny, I see you have met Arron. This is just how he rolls. What worries most is when people claim experience and then ask a noobish question. Asking about cooking meat for reptiles is very noobish. I understand that the zoo did it a little different but that just means they were either way too cautious or just stupid. For a potential customer to see bad information it may turn them away from using your services. I am not saying this to be nasty , mean , a douche or a troll. I just want you to see where we see inexperience or just poor training.

As for cooking fowls, no I never cook my fowls first.

Zoo Nanny
10-29-12, 02:15 PM
Thank you for your response. There are no statements on my website refering to cooking any meats. I had asked a question regarding meat because I saw on a post here people feeding turkey and chicken to their reptiles. At the zoo we were not allowed to feed fowl unless we raised it ourselves due to fear of bacteria from packaged chicken. We got donations from super markets. Our chickens that we raised we fed out to animals live. The only reptiles at the zoo that got chickens were the crocodiles. The statement made on my website which has caused so much fuss was taken out of context. The full is as reads. "Detailed diets for your parrots, reptiles and bunnies available. Yes I cook and serve fresh foods for all." And yes I do cook sweet potatoes and will continue to do so. At this time it is the only cooked food that i feed to lizards. We are unable to provide the natural diets for many of our captive pets so we are forced to substitute in an effort to meet their dietary requirements.
I honestly did not think that I would be put on the firing line for asking for help.

10-29-12, 02:59 PM
zoo nanny, didnt you know everyone here has gone to a major university and earned zoology degrees, veterinary medicine degrees, as well as wildlife biology degrees, and marketing degrees?

10-29-12, 03:10 PM
Just an fyi on the cooking of some meats to eliminate bacteria. Your pet may be just fine to digest all kinds of nasties but it will also keep them alive in/on its body for quite some time which can be a health hazard for the owner. If you don't handle them then who cares but i you do this may be an worth while practice.

As far a hoping for more reptile customers. Probably not your best market. As nicely as I can say this I think the comment about sticking to birds and mamals was actually good advice. Sorry.

Zoo Nanny
10-29-12, 03:48 PM
Well I can see this was a mistake. Thank you to those that offered constructive criticism and suggestions. Would love to know the credentials of those of you who felt it necessary to go on the attack.

10-29-12, 03:54 PM
don't let a couple of trolls keep you from asking questions here. most folks are decent people on this particular site, but as with anything you have your armchair cowboys sitting behind their computer, keeping that 'puter screen suntan going.

10-29-12, 04:02 PM
Sorry I gave you my best personal advice, and it offended you.

My credentials are as follows;

Grade won sience, grade 3 math and I've seen a lot of videos on the Internet. I also bread a crested gecko once so I'm practically a veteran reptile breeder.

I will still stand by my op, stick to small mammals and birds. It's unesesary to board reptiles, unless you would like to pay me.

10-29-12, 04:45 PM
I have an associate degree in theology.

10-29-12, 04:49 PM
I have a Masters in HRM and i think some people need to toughen up and others need to pull their necks in.

Noone has been rude or offensive on this thread, a question was asked, opinions requested, and answers - honest answers, were given by experienced reptile keepers.

If you dont like honest answers dont ask honest questions :)

10-29-12, 05:44 PM
I also meant no offence and thought my comment to be serious.

Zoo Nanny
10-29-12, 06:48 PM
I also meant no offence and thought my comment to be serious.
I took no offense to your responses and appreciated them.
Lanky Rob
As far as people not being offensive we differ. Pulling half statements and twisting what has been said is in fact offensive and did not answer the question that I had asked. I came on here asking for help on my website. What I got was attacked for cooking food and asking a question regarding meat.
A number of the responses were honest constructive criticism which I appreciate and don't take offense to and appreciated also those that took the time to read my site and offer suggestions. It was obvious that some who felt there was a need to attack did not bother to read my site fully if at all.
I joined this site because after reading a number of post I thought that I had found a good herp site finally. I hope that my first impression is true and that I will continue to enjoy and learn from reading the threads.

10-29-12, 07:12 PM
I joined this site because after reading a number of post I thought that I had found a good herp site finally. I hope that my first impression is true and that I will continue to enjoy and learn from reading the threads.

true that. best herp site on the net

10-29-12, 07:17 PM
true that. best herp site on the net

Of course it is. I am here.

Also I never bothered to read the site... just saying. I hate links.

10-29-12, 07:27 PM
Also I never bothered to read the site... just saying. I hate links.

lol K-dog i love you:)

10-29-12, 10:02 PM
I took no offense to your responses and appreciated them.
Lanky Rob
As far as people not being offensive we differ. Pulling half statements and twisting what has been said is in fact offensive and did not answer the question that I had asked. I came on here asking for help on my website. What I got was attacked for cooking food and asking a question regarding meat.
A number of the responses were honest constructive criticism which I appreciate and don't take offense to and appreciated also those that took the time to read my site and offer suggestions. It was obvious that some who felt there was a need to attack did not bother to read my site fully if at all.
I joined this site because after reading a number of post I thought that I had found a good herp site finally. I hope that my first impression is true and that I will continue to enjoy and learn from reading the threads.

You asked for opinions on your site. Not my fault, or anyone's that you simply felt attacked or that you didn't like them.

You did join a semi-knowledgable herp site. You'll get the information you need to care for herps here.

What YOU need for your site is someone who works in advertising to help market yourself better to the herp customer. Since you plan to keep on that track of wanting to attract more....

Zoo Nanny
11-07-12, 03:16 PM
The more I thought about what was said here regarding cooked meats the more curious I became and began doing some research. I knew that not only had I been told to cook meat by two different vets but had also seen it on care sheets. Below is one of a few different sites that I saw speaking of meats being fed to BTS.
"Meats can include cooked shredded/ground (lean) chicken, beef or turkey, different types of worms and insects, an occasional mouse, and a small amount of cat food. Do not feed raw meats. While it's true that blue tongues eat some carrion in the wild, our processed meat is a little different than the natural way of things—hormone injections, unsanitary slaughterhouses, you name it. It's definitely important to cook out any weird bacteria or contamination. Especially since cooking it is so easy. " Taken from Bluetongueskinks.net
Having only had to feed one reptile my own BTS meat to get him off the cat food that he had been eating when he refused all else I don't feel that asking about meats with other reptiles was such an off the wall question or a newbie question. Fortunately all of the other reptiles I have owned or worked with were not picky eaters and readily ate.