View Full Version : Radiant Heat panels

10-26-12, 07:23 PM
Do they get hot enough for my snake to get burned on?

10-26-12, 07:41 PM
Yes unless you use a thermostat...

10-26-12, 07:42 PM
No they don't. Radiant heat panels are also mounted in such a way that the snake can't wrap around them. These are my preferred heating method.

10-26-12, 07:43 PM
Yes unless you use a thermostat...

I assumed he meant by touch not by baking to death.

10-26-12, 08:42 PM
I'm using a radiant heat panel for my burmese and it doesn't get hot enough to burn him. Of course, it's regulated with a herpkeeper thermostat and is mounted on the ceiling. :)

They're my preferred heating method as well. :)

10-26-12, 08:42 PM
They can rub against them for quite a while before they burn..a good 10-15 seconds. And as stated above it is impossible for them to cling to or wrap around.

Like any heat source, you should have a thermostat

10-26-12, 10:12 PM
Awesome, is a zilla thermostat ok to use with it or do i need a more expensive thermostat?

10-26-12, 10:51 PM
I use a hydrofarm thermostat. Keeps the mat itself at around 80, so even if he touches it, burns won't happen.

10-26-12, 11:02 PM
I use an alife thermostat its not super expensive and does the trick

10-27-12, 12:24 AM
I use a hydrofarm thermostat. Keeps the mat itself at around 80, so even if he touches it, burns won't happen.

Actually a hydrofarm is an on/off type thermostat. That means your heat matt will spike well over 80 til the probe reads 81-82 ish then shut off until the probe reads 78-79 ish. A proportional thermostat will adjust the power flow to keep the heat mat around 80 degrees.

10-28-12, 01:42 AM
good to know, Korbin! Every time I do a temp read of the surface of it, it's usually only 83-85. (the mat doesn't get very hot as is, cause it's a piece of crap)

10-28-12, 02:16 AM
Lol. So is mine. That's why I went rhp.

10-28-12, 02:41 AM
Once I start on pajamas' cage, That's on my list of to buys. For now, the heater he's got is fine...i need this joooobbbbb

10-28-12, 04:30 PM
awesome thanks for the info guys!