View Full Version : tackling nesting/options

10-26-12, 08:46 AM
well i posted this on another forum as well just figured i'd broaden the feedback/suggestions.
this is for v. melinus

my guys are gertting close to ~21in at my last measurement so i was wondering the best way to go about getting the adult enclosure ready for the females

currently in their enclosure i am using an organic soil containing peat with a "leaflitter" mixture of coconut husks/bark mixed with coconut fiber. i can snap some pics if it would help. i guess the question is this.

"...and was deposited
in the above described natural tree trunk half-filled with
peat soil, foliage and a layer of sphagnum moss."
-taken from Biawak Vol. 4 Num. 3

it's later reported one of the females died from sepsis at age 7.

the question: should i provide another nesting area/option as well? if so what should i go with? i know only the girls will decide if its suitable but my goal is to not have to lose one or both of them due to poor nesting options. thanks.

10-26-12, 03:40 PM
I would provide several nesting sites till you see what she prefers. I would think a setup like crocdocs would be the key, but I would provide a suitable depth in the enclosure as well (not sure on your current depth), I would also do an elevated nest box also. Options and options are key. Good luck. Im not familar with melinus but my crocs used to dig in a sandy substrate 30in down however she ended up laying in a decomposing mulch pile twice. First time was scattered as I was not prepared for her to lay eggs at all.

10-26-12, 03:49 PM
currently its at about a foot maybe a little less. they are about 20in total length. the adult enclosure is going to allow for 36in of substrate. my thought is provide what was used for nesting in biawak along with a 60/40 sand/soil area, elevate a "nest box" with the coco/peat soil, and i guess now a mulch-type area. my guess is keep the substrate moist @83-86F in those areas. it'll be interesting to see how it all pans out and what is used/isnt used and if i get any fertile eggs. there is a video floating around on here somewhere of the practice nest box above ground. a bit large but at this age it just provides an extra hide. my loner female sits in it and stares at the back wall a lot of the time lol.

10-26-12, 04:08 PM
I would focus more on the coco mix and a sandy soil mix. My croc went to the mulch because of the heat I think (still untested). Mulch would be a crappy substrate for long term egg incubation.