View Full Version : Northen Michigan

10-22-12, 10:22 AM
I was up in the northern part of michigan, so i figured i might as well do some looking for snakes. I was in a very secluded area of woods with a stream running through it, and found zero snakes. it was mid september, and we had some pretty cold weather so i think that might have something to do with it. The only find was what i think to be a red backed salamander.

10-22-12, 04:46 PM
Very cool.

10-30-12, 07:05 AM
Looks very different than the redback salamanders we have here. Must be a different colour phase, I've never seen one that dark.

I find them under every-other log on hikes, extremely common here.

These are the two colour-phases I find here:
Northern Redback Salamander (http://people.wcsu.edu/pinout/herpetology/pcinereus/index.html)