View Full Version : Is this Soil Appropriate?

Little Wise Owl
10-20-12, 04:49 AM
I have two bags of this that someone in the family bought. It doesn't claim it has anything in it other than it's "Natural" and "Weed Free". It's priced at $2.60 a bag which is the usual price of pure soil here. This will be used for a tegu, btw.

Vigoro | Garden Soil - 28.3 Litre | Home Depot Canada (http://www.homedepot.ca/product/garden-soil-283-litre/960177)


10-20-12, 08:19 AM
I cannot seem to find any sort of ingredients analysis anywhere.

10-20-12, 09:26 AM
If it garden soil then it will be loaded with organic material. Usually to rich in my experience. Tegus dont seem as picky with their dirt.
Oww garden dirt that's loaded with organic material can stink because it organically breaks down.

Little Wise Owl
10-20-12, 12:46 PM
I'm having a tough time finding soil that includes its ingredients and is just soil... I would use my backyard's soil but at this time of year, it's turning into heavy, frozen mud and is hard to deal with.

Who knew it'd be so hard to find pure dirt.. lol

10-20-12, 04:31 PM
so, dig some up, bring it in, within a day or two it will dry some.

10-20-12, 04:33 PM
100% Sphagnum peat moss. that's what I'm going to use in my t's cage. I have it around for my venus fly traps, as they are VERY picky about soil. I figure if they can grow in it, it shouldn't harm T's =D

10-20-12, 08:00 PM
I don't know if this interjection is warranted but Venus fly traps and other plants with similarly modified flowers prefer nutrient-poor soils. The modified flowers (or 'traps') aren't produced if the plant is getting needed nutrients from the soil. I believe said plants also prefer a more acidic soil as well.

Is nutrient-poor, acidic bedding ideal for tegus? The folks I know use cypress mulch. :)

10-20-12, 08:05 PM
Exactly, if it doesn't have nutrients in it, there isn't going to be anything to harm the pet...fertilizers, plant food, the like. Just my line of thought!

10-20-12, 08:09 PM
Ah I see what you were getting at! That's a good way of looking at it! :) I was thinking of it from a monitor perspective. My savannah monitor rubs her food on the ground and thereby takes in trace minerals from the soil. :)

10-20-12, 08:12 PM
Ohh, that does make a lot of sense. I didn't know they did that. Nutrients in soil may be a little more important for you, then...maybe mix cypress mulch in with it?

10-20-12, 08:14 PM
Do tegus rub food on the ground before consumption?

10-20-12, 08:16 PM
no clue...my collection is limited to pythons and a T xD (boyfriend is scared of lizards after having an iguana snuggle with him while he was asleep)

10-20-12, 08:31 PM
Aw that's too bad! :) I'm a lizard kind of lady but have never kept Tegus. :)

10-20-12, 08:33 PM
see, and I LOVE lizards and geckos and the like...I think beardies are sweet, and Iguanas are my absolute favorite lizard...they have such a unique personality!

Little Wise Owl
10-20-12, 08:51 PM
Do tegus rub food on the ground before consumption?

Yes. They eat sort of like monitors do. They also wipe their faces in the dirt after eating.

10-20-12, 08:52 PM
Hmm my first response didn't post. Tegus act like monitors in a lot of ways. I had a nice red tegu that passed away in my fire. They do very well when settup like monitors. They will consume a lot of dirt with food and do the ground and pound method. They will also do a death roll like an alligator (mine only did it once but other report it to be more common). My buddy had one for a year that only made it to 15inches, on peat moss, and basking spot around 105. In 6 months in my care (setup like a monitor) it double it's like and almost doubled it's weight. 130 basking spot, sandy dirt, whole food, mice, roaches, etc.
Peat moss is okay but actually will dry out really quickly if it's only 1-3 inches. Gets dusty and doesn't hold a burrow very well unless it's pretty wet. Cypress sucks for burrowing species (to many sharp ends). Sandy soil with some leaves on top is the best ;)

10-20-12, 09:05 PM
Ps do not- I repeat do not buy from varnyard/ Bobby hill. He used to be the man for tegus but is ripping people off (including a close friend). I heard he has another website going since varnyard got bad publicity. Check fuanaclassifeds boi section for updates.

Little Wise Owl
10-20-12, 09:10 PM
My intention was to keep my tegu like a monitor. Soil/sand substrate, high basking spot, whole prey and ripe fruits/veggies.

so, dig some up, bring it in, within a day or two it will dry some.
Does your soil have all the squirmy wormies in it too? I don't mind that it's full of earthworms but I found tons of other gross crawlies. Just makes me so nervous for his health... lol Some looked like parasitic worms I was shown in college.

Ps do not- I repeat do not buy from varnyard/ Bobby hill. He used to be the man for tegus but is ripping people off (including a close friend). I heard he has another website going since varnyard got bad publicity. Check fuanaclassifeds boi section for updates.
I have no intention of ever dealing with Bobby. His recent behaviour is appalling. My Tegu breeder here in Canada works close with Tegu Terra. I'd get another tegu from Johnny in a heart beat.

10-20-12, 09:31 PM
i've always been curious how tegus react to internal parasites? my WC monitors im pretty sure all carry something internally (nothing external) but as long as i have housed them properly, i never found a need to treat them? are tegus similar?

10-29-12, 03:05 PM
If your planing to use substrate try ABG mix

spagnum moss, crush charcoil, coconut fiber, mix all together and you set to go (if you want you could add some Isopods culture to keep the substrate clean) on top add some tree fern that will keeps the humidy you need, also will drain exsesive water

I use this same metod for my Amazon tree boa and it works great no smells, plants love it and are growing fast

PS: I dont have a specific mesurament, it depends of how big is your cage and how deep you want the substrate

10-29-12, 04:50 PM
I use black earth for my lacertas, They love it since it holds a burrow and stays moist without molding, It's easy to maintain as well, some spot cleaning and tilling and its ready to go

10-31-12, 09:56 PM
I heard top soil is good with play sand, a 50/50 mixture