View Full Version : Containment +suggestions for breeding/pet mice

10-18-12, 09:17 PM
So I have been researching for weeks now about breeding mice, because buying frozens are getting a bit pricey and breeding mice seems like a new challenge for me.. I need your opinions!
Next month im going to buy 1 Male and about 2 Females(should i only get 2?) i bought three 14 1/4" X 9 1/2" containers,(is that big or small enough?). I also have a 10 gallon tank.. I want my mice to be happy so i want to get them an exercise wheel and all the fun stuff.. Any comments, Answers, or concerns? Thank You!!

11-02-12, 05:38 PM
should just delete this :(

11-02-12, 05:41 PM
Sorry but I never saw this.

Three mice in a 10 gallon is plenty big.

The question everything will boil down to is how many mice do you need to feed your snakes?

11-02-12, 05:45 PM
I don't remember ever seeing this thread.. sorry.

I was breeding mice for a while.. they stink a lot be ready. I had 1 male 2 females in a 10 gallon tank. No toys or anything due to everything that they come in contact with holding smell. I used shredded paper seeing as I got it free, changed it out every 2-3 days and did a full tank wipe down every 7 days. My females each had 8-10 babies every other month... I had a 40 gallon tank I would place the mom and babies in until the babies could eat solid food. Then I would toss mom back in to the breeding tank and the other mother would normally have a litter by then so she would get taken out. It can be a lot of work but its not horrible. I would still be doing it but I am selling my house and don't need the odor issue..

11-03-12, 05:56 AM
Everything gun girl said pretty much covers the basics. The only thing I can think to add is that female mice should really only be bred between 4 months-1 year. You can find 4/5 month old girls in pet stores, and if you're still breeding when they hit a year old, you can buy new breeders for cheap at the pet stores, and feed the old ones if you don't want to keep them. Boys can breed from 4/5 weeks till death.

I think it's great that you're getting them a wheel :) I'd also recommend a little house or two to hide in. And I'd recommend removing the girls when they're pregnant, to reduce the chance of too many babies (mice can be impregnated immediately after giving birth, which is terrible for their health) and to reduce the chance of munching (either the mom or the other female eating the pinkies)

Good luck!

11-03-12, 11:54 PM
Thank you :)

11-04-12, 11:07 AM
If at all possible for your snakes, I'd recommend breeding rats over mice. They are so much easier and better to raise. They stink less, are less messy, less aggressive towards each other and they stink less. Did I mention they stink less?!

11-06-12, 03:41 AM
Haha i really wanted rats as well but my corn is still eating pinkys i dont think it can eat a baby rat