View Full Version : Ambient heat panels/heating

10-17-12, 01:03 PM
I am trying to gather as much information on heating as I can before I build my next enclosure. I have a 4ft boa that I am planning on building a large life enclosure for in the not very distant future. I am planning on making it a large show piece with decorations and what not. I am curious how the pros plan and layout their heating before building the enclosure. I would like to use heat panels but have no experience with them. I am planning on making the enclosure 6ft long minimum and 3-4ft deep and high. All this is subject to change. But how do you know what elements to get or is it just a crap shoot? Your experience would be appreciated.

10-17-12, 01:14 PM
a non light emmiting ceramic bulb,bulb guard and thermostat would heat a tank that size mate

most likely you would need a 150 watt,although if the room the tanks in,is a cold room you may need a higher wattage bulb

what hieght do you plan on making the tank ?

cheers shaun

10-17-12, 01:17 PM
A radiant heat panel would be a great choice. I will PM you a great link that will help you figure out the best size for what you want.