View Full Version : Turtle and Tortoise egg laying info????

10-17-12, 02:03 AM
I joined the forum a few months back but rarely write until recently. I have a pair of Russian Tortoises whom have bred several times this year and are eating well. I also have a pair of 3 toed box turtles whom are constatly mating...I mean like everyday. They also are very active and eating great. So I was wondering. After the constant mating....what would be my next step with them. I know it probably sounds like a stupid question to experienced breeders, but I just would like to do this right. I have read several, several books and websites. Some have great info, some so-so info and then LOTS of sketchy info. Sometimes I don't know which information to follow. Does anyone have any good suggestions that has worked for you in the past. We have been successful in breeding Leopard Geckos and I breed birds. So I have all the incubators and thermometers and supplies you can think of, just not sure why the girls aren't laying any eggs. Maybe it is because they don't like the substrate we have laid down or the way the tank is set up???? Not sure. Anything would help. Thanks in advance. Excited to read what people suggest!! :)

10-17-12, 02:29 AM
Here are a few pictures of the 3 toeds
I love them. They are packed with alot of personality. We got them last winter from some guy who didn't want them anymore. He got them from a pet shop somewhere. He actually let his dog play with them. Hence the holes in their shells...GRRRRRR. Idiot. Well anyways I think they are awesome!!


10-17-12, 02:31 AM
The Love Birds together
Top view of them. There he goes again, smelling her rump probably ready to mate again!!
