View Full Version : Anyone Like MBKs?

10-16-12, 11:45 PM

10-17-12, 12:18 AM
MBKs are so gorgeous!
Are these yours?

10-17-12, 12:26 AM
Great looking animals! Where did you get them?

Blaze Mcsmith
10-17-12, 12:30 AM
yeah they are cool and they get pretty big
i wouldnt mind getting into them

10-17-12, 12:49 AM
How big do they get?

10-17-12, 01:29 AM
I just bought a couple of babies 2 weekends ago. I love MBKs and Ive wanted them for a long time.

10-17-12, 07:24 AM
Thanks everyone...
And yes these are mine.
I wouldn't post pics of anyone else's snkes.....lol
I got them from my buddy Tom Stevens in Texas.
They will be paired up next year for the first time.

They are very similar to splendida in size.
They can reach 5 feet plus.

Blaze Mcsmith
10-18-12, 09:15 PM
how can you not like them their so sleek and pure looking
isn't there another type of black snake similar to these?

10-18-12, 11:13 PM
Who has two thumbs and likes these? This guy.

11-16-12, 04:33 PM
:) nice snakes

11-16-12, 06:51 PM
I love these guys. Never seen a snake eat so fast. Voracious and generally docile.

This is no insult to anyone as I said I like them, but I still love what the first name I ever heard of them as..."Poor man's Indigo".

11-16-12, 10:32 PM
Absolutely beautiful!

11-17-12, 09:02 AM
Very nice. My buddy as a 5 year old male that's about 4 feet.

11-17-12, 11:40 AM
Stunning. Love the full black body, very sleek. Parts of the body in the first photo look brown, is it just the lighting?

11-17-12, 04:08 PM
I love these guys. Never seen a snake eat so fast. Voracious and generally docile.

This is no insult to anyone as I said I like them, but I still love what the first name I ever heard of them as..."Poor man's Indigo".

I used to call them this too.....

11-17-12, 04:12 PM
Stunning. Love the full black body, very sleek. Parts of the body in the first photo look brown, is it just the lighting?

Many are very dark brown......especially those that have some remnant desert king pattern. Solid colored ones are very rare in the wild. In captivity they have been line bred to produce more solid colored/patternless snakes.

Many believe MBKs are just melanistic splendida, but Burbrink et al lumped them with californiae, which many of us think is absurd!