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10-16-12, 06:20 PM
The Beldam!!! (10 pts to whoever can name what movie it's from!)
Sorry for the bad pic, it's hanging from the lid of the container right now xD I'll get better pics when I'm not so sick, I've been puking all day....


=] also, when can I put it in an actual enclosure? is it big enough now, or is there a certain size?

10-16-12, 07:15 PM

congrats on your new addition!

10-16-12, 07:18 PM
Yes! =] and thanks....its gorgeous

10-16-12, 07:18 PM
Very nice. Is the movie adaption? Also is a xharectir in Zelda and paper nario

10-16-12, 07:26 PM
Yeah, the movie. It's one of my favorites =] I hadn't realized it was in those games!

10-16-12, 07:57 PM
How big around is it my rose hair is in a 10 gallon tank but she is full grown

10-16-12, 08:02 PM
around 2 inches? maybe 3?

10-16-12, 08:52 PM
I would leave her in that young T's dont like alot of room they get stressed out easily start out with a small plastic critter keeper or a large deli cup with dirt and a very shallow water dish no more that an inch of water they can drown in anymore than that

10-16-12, 09:01 PM
It's arboreal though. (Pink toe Tarantula). And it seems keen on escape *shudders* When I opened the lid to spray the cup, it tried escaping and touched me...Not gonna lie, I squealed like a little girl... Have I mentioned I'm a teeny bit afraid of spiders? haha. Any tips on getting over it? Here's a better pic, really show's it's color. (I get the feeling it's a girl. don't ask why. xD)


10-16-12, 09:48 PM
Just keep touching it thats how I got over my fear

10-16-12, 09:52 PM
but it's so fast!!

10-16-12, 10:00 PM
It may not help too much with your fear, but I learn and understand, thus respect, best by observation.

I don't know if you're an artist Ibaman, but maybe sitting and watching him / her and do sketches from life (granted if your Beldam there moves fast you'll have to go from memory) may help.

I've got three (and counting...) spiders in my dorm suite's living room, all three different sizes. I haven't drawn them yet, but I have taken photos and just looked at them. I've gotten to know by watching them what I can expect from them. I always see the biggest perched upside down in her web every morning, and sometimes in the middle of the day or during the evening if it's been quiet. The small one in the corner that I posted about a little while back hasn't shown herself since she had her huge crane fly meal. I bet she's cradled under the vent all sorts of happy! If I shine a light at them too fast they startle and hide, however if I bring it onto them slowly they don't seem to mind.

Even though I know I'm scared of spiders, these spiders are welcome in the living room (the roommate doesn't know they're still here... tee hee ;) ).

10-20-12, 12:12 PM
She is definitely large enough to go in an enclosure. I even keep my slings in actual enclosures (2.5 gallons).

10-20-12, 12:25 PM
She's a pretty one! :D

As far as getting over your fear...umm....I don't think I can help much on that one lol. I got my rose hair for the same reason. I've had her for about 3 months now and can only bring myself to hold her about once every couple of weeks for about 5 minutes. However, I'm perfectly happy just watching her. Considering my fear of spiders was much worse before I got her, I say I'm making progress. I doubt I'll ever be completely over my fear of them, but I do have more of an appreciation for them. I'd like to have a few more, to be honest. :)

Just give it time. Some fears take longer to get over than others, I suppose.

10-20-12, 12:31 PM
lmao, i def appreciate spiders, just...ewww xD hahaha.

10-20-12, 12:56 PM
You can put it into an enclosure or find a really big plastic jug with a large lid and use that. It works. Similar sized to a 2.5 gallon.

10-20-12, 01:02 PM
Yup, that's the plan! I'm doing a naturalistic terrarium for her, I just don't know when she's big enough to put into it...

10-21-12, 03:28 PM
question...do t's not move much after eating? I fed her last night, she totally chomped it down, and then I put her in her new terrarium today...she hasn't moved, and she was hiding under the silk leaves that were in her cup, when she's usually hanging from the lid.

10-21-12, 07:39 PM
Probably just getting used to the bigger space and she'll move soon.

10-21-12, 08:17 PM
My Charlotte doesn't move much for a day or two after eating when she is hungry she gets really active!

10-21-12, 08:19 PM
ok good...haha, before I moved her in there she wasn't really moving either...i know she isn't dehydrated, so I got scared...haha. I hate not knowing what's going on xD

10-28-12, 03:14 PM
I would leave her in that young T's dont like alot of room they get stressed out easily start out with a small plastic critter keeper or a large deli cup with dirt and a very shallow water dish no more that an inch of water they can drown in anymore than that

I disagree. In the wild, most baby animals are exposed to large/open environments without getting stressed out. As long as the T has plenty of cover/hiding places, it will be just fine.

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/halloween/scary-mask.gif (http://www.sherv.net/mask-emoticon-644.html)

10-28-12, 03:20 PM
The best way to get over your fear of spiders is to kiss them.

10-28-12, 03:22 PM
She's moving around now, so I think she just needed to get used to it. Also, crickets are buttholes...i put one in her cage, and it disappeared, so i figured she had eaten it, so i put another one in, and sort of watched her, and realized it disappeared without her moving...so i had to find them...they had found a hole under the water dish and were hiding out there! So, i took them out, filled in the hole and anywhere else the could hide, and put another cricket in there, which she happily devoured. any tips on getting the crickets not to chirp?! she only eats mediums, but as we all know, it's hard to keep the sizes perfectly seperated.

10-28-12, 03:25 PM
The best way to get over your fear of spiders is to kiss them.

I keep trying to hold her, but she won't get on my hand =[

10-28-12, 03:27 PM
Males are the chirpers. For silence, use females. If you use mature females, I do recommend snipping off their ovipositor (long needle-like appendage at the end of the abdomen). It's removal seems to prevent them from laying eggs.

Crickets tendency to burrow into the substrate often makes them a pain to keep track of.

Because pinktoes can be skittish, herding them onto your hand can be somewhat challenging but it can be done.

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/halloween/scary-mask.gif (http://www.sherv.net/mask-emoticon-644.html)

10-28-12, 03:31 PM
good to know! I've only got 5 males in there, so maybe I'll feed them off first. I'll be sure to snip the ovipositor before i put them in for food. I wouldn't mind eggs (constant supply of crickets sounds good...xD). I know they like warm and moist...anything else?

10-28-12, 03:42 PM
The problem with allowing the females to lay eggs in the T's enclosure is that the pinheads are too small for your T to capture. And because the pinheads are so small and lightweight, they have an easier time climbing up bark and branches. As such they can become a nuisance to the T (like having ants crawling all over you). Of more concern, would be if you T is molting. While molting a T is helpless. Hungry crickets have been known to chew holes in the T's exoskeleton while the T is helpless. Typically this results in the death of the T as they then bleed out. (In this regard, it is akin the to leaving uneaten crickets in a lizard's tank. Sometimes the crickets will chew on a lizard ... particularly if the lizard has not warmed up to its active state.)

http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/halloween/scary-mask.gif (http://www.sherv.net/mask-emoticon-644.html)

10-28-12, 03:46 PM
Oh no, that's why I said before I put them in her cage, I'll snip them. While they're in the critter keeper, it should be fine

10-28-12, 03:57 PM
How do you sex crickets?

10-28-12, 04:01 PM
Males chirp and have 'wings', also have little thorn things coming off their back legs. Females have two butt spikes coming off the abdomen. =]