View Full Version : sick Savannah monitor help

10-16-12, 01:02 PM
i have a sick Savannah don't know what to do trying to get the cage to the right humidity his not eating can some one help me

10-16-12, 03:36 PM
Before anyone can help you, we need to know exactly how you are keeping your lizard.

Please also tell us if you are handling it or not, and how old it is.

Pictures are also very helpful. Can you post photos of your Monitor and it's enclosure.

10-16-12, 04:10 PM
More information would be helpful. How old is the monitor? how long have you owned it? how are you housing it? do you handle it? how often?

Also, please introduce yourself here: New to the forum? - sSNAKESs : Reptile Forum (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/new-forum/)

10-16-12, 06:24 PM
Agreed, we need info before we can give you a recommendation/diagnosis.
A monitor refusing food is a bad sign though, and if I had to guess based on that, it's dehydration. Water is needed to digest food, so a dehydrated animal will choose to stop eating. The animal should not be force-fed, as if it doesn't have the water to digest a meal, it will take the water from its organs, which is of course very bad.