View Full Version : I think Medusa has scale rot

10-15-12, 09:21 AM
My fiance and I were holding some of my bp's yesterday, and I was holding Medusa for a while. I always check my snakes over when I hold them, and I noticed on his belly that he has a scale where the edge is flaky and a rusty red, and I'm 95% certain that its scale rot. I checked his cage and hadn't noticed before that he peed in his hide, and I honestly don't know how long he's been sitting in it. I replaced the bedding immediately. He's not acting sensitive or odd, but I'm very concerned for him. :( He was my very first snake, and I know that scale rot can be very serious. I checked him over and its only on one scale, is there anything I can treat him with? I have a bottle of iodine and plain neosporin. I feel awful about this, I know its my fault. I have the money for the vet if he needs to go, but I have no idea if he needs to.


10-15-12, 09:25 AM
Am no expert but looksto me like he has caught his scale on something rather than it being 'rot'

10-15-12, 10:07 AM
Am no expert but looksto me like he has caught his scale on something rather than it being 'rot'

I don't think there is anything for his scale to get caught on... I've never dealt with scale rot. From the pictures I've seen though it looks like the scale should be hard/dry, but Medusa's scale in question is soft.

10-15-12, 03:53 PM
I don't know anything about this. But I really hope he gets better!!
Try not to worry you will find out and he will get better.
Hes sounds like hes in good hands.

10-15-12, 04:34 PM
I second what Rob stated.. it looks like a cut/tear more than rot.

10-15-12, 09:16 PM
Should I just leave it alone and just keep an eye on it? I'm stumped on how he could have torn the scale. Should I put neosporin on it?

10-15-12, 10:43 PM
Keep an eye on it. If you feel the need to just use betadine go ahead. There's an ingredient I believe you're not supposed to have in it but I can't think of it on the top of my head. If it is scale rot then all you need to do is keep everything very clean and use paper towel for now, not an actual substrate or it'll scratch it and make it worse. Even if it isn't scale rot you should switch to paper towel.

10-16-12, 06:49 AM
Keep an eye on it. If you feel the need to just use betadine go ahead. There's an ingredient I believe you're not supposed to have in it but I can't think of it on the top of my head. If it is scale rot then all you need to do is keep everything very clean and use paper towel for now, not an actual substrate or it'll scratch it and make it worse. Even if it isn't scale rot you should switch to paper towel.

Thank you, I'll switch him to paper towel today. Where would I get Betadine?

10-16-12, 07:01 AM
I believe you can also use non-pain relief neosporin if its a tear or cut.

10-16-12, 07:15 AM
Thank you, I'll switch him to paper towel today. Where would I get Betadine?
Mind the humidity if you're using paper towel. Paper towel substrate, screen top, and a heat lamp is a recipe for horrible sheds...

10-16-12, 07:21 AM
I'll be keeping an eye on the humidity, I'll probably throw him in a tub while this heals up.