View Full Version : Last 2 Baby Corns for Sale were Sold Today...

10-14-12, 07:31 PM
...this evening shortly after I got back from Tinley Park. Someone called me on the phone answering a CL ad about baby Corns and I told her "yes I have a pair". Long story short, we met somewhere in town, she gave me the money and I gave her the last available pair I had. This completes the first stage of this breeding project and now I can raise the 2 pairs I have left and use them to produce F2. :) Life is good.

10-14-12, 08:47 PM
Congrats on all the sales! :)

10-14-12, 08:54 PM
Congrats! :D

10-14-12, 09:25 PM


10-15-12, 08:23 AM
Im happy glad they found good homes

10-15-12, 09:59 AM
that's great ex!! I still have 5 babies and 2 adults, but our expo isnt until the 27/28th. hopefully I'll sell everyone, I already have next seasons pairing!!


10-15-12, 10:22 AM
TO NEXT SEASON! I have 3 other breeding projects planned

10-15-12, 10:23 AM
Lucky you!! I only have the one pairing planned as I have not found my Sunkissed from non star gazer lines yet!! :(

10-15-12, 10:37 AM
Bloodred Motley (Hellboy) X Bloodred Stripe (Stheno) for the Corns, btw I had an off season oops lockup last week between Khorne, my Bloodred and Stheno my Bloodred Stripe. We'll see if there are any eggs in a few weeks.

Also there's the Macklot's pairing as in GI Jane X Merlin

For the Dums it's Popeye X Arwen

Then for the BRBs it's Rico my newest acquisition X Rita

10-15-12, 11:20 AM
Congrats, take the money earned and invest it into the next morph you want to work with. :D

10-15-12, 11:27 AM
Thank you. That's going to be the "Desert Camo" I want to try to prove out in the Macklot's via GI Jane..

10-15-12, 11:48 AM
Bloodred Motley (Hellboy) X Bloodred Stripe (Stheno) for the Corns, btw I had an off season oops lockup last week between Khorne, my Bloodred and Stheno my Bloodred Stripe. We'll see if there are any eggs in a few weeks.

Also there's the Macklot's pairing as in GI Jane X Merlin

For the Dums it's Popeye X Arwen

Then for the BRBs it's Rico my newest acquisition X Rita

That's awesome!! My one pairing for corns this coming season is My Snow (Yuki) X my Hypo Motley het Amel (Sol). Keepeing a couple breeding pairs from this match to raise up and breed to eventually create Motley Coral Snows.

10-15-12, 12:05 PM
Very nice! My first Corn project (Bloodred Motley X Amel) with that I want to raise these 2 pairs up, put them together and hopefully out of the wide variety of stuff I get from that clutch I can come up with a Fire Motley

10-15-12, 12:46 PM
that would be a great addition to your collection if you get one!!

10-15-12, 02:47 PM
Do you ever feel odd about selling snakes to CL people? Do you question them about their snake experience? Not being hostile, just curious. I know corns are quite simple to care for.

10-15-12, 03:07 PM
Corns are great starter snakes, I dont know about ex, but I send care sheets and my contact info for any further questions along with all my babies

10-15-12, 03:13 PM
that would be a great addition to your collection if you get one!!

The day I produce a Fire Motley is the day I will feel a sense of accomplishment, especially considering this is my first ever breeding project.

Do you ever feel odd about selling snakes to CL people? Do you question them about their snake experience? Not being hostile, just curious. I know corns are quite simple to care for.

My problems with CL people are mainly the sellers. That being said, this is her first ever time owning snakes, but her roommate has a pair of IJs so I'm not worried about that plus, like you said, Corns are simple to take care and as far as beginner's snakes are concerned, nothing beats a Corn.

10-15-12, 03:54 PM
The day I produce a Fire Motley is the day I will feel a sense of accomplishment, especially considering this is my first ever breeding project.

I know the feeling, I can't wait to see my first Coral snow peep it's head out of an egg, even if it is 3 years or more away!!

10-21-12, 12:58 PM
Congrats! I only have 3 left for sale. I feel uneasy about selling snakes on CL. What if you get some punk that just wants one so he can watch it eat live mice, only to give it away or release it when they get tired of it?

I'm currently breeding my pair of het pied ball pythons and pair of blonde trans pecos rats.

Pairings for next season:


Amel motley het anery x anery het amel
Amel motley het anery x amel
Amel motley het anery x snow motley
Bloodred poss het amel x bloodred
Snow stripe het hypo x hypo het amel, anery, caramel and stripe
Diffused gold dust motley x het fire stripe
Diffused gold dust motley x ultramel motley het caramel and bloodred

Texas rats: If the females are up to size (there's a good chance they will be).

Scaless 66% poss. het leucistic x 100% het leucistic
Scaless 66% poss. het leucistic x leucistic

Ball pythons:

Het pied x het pied
Pastel x normal

Yep, next season should be a good one!

10-21-12, 01:38 PM
Good for you. :) Yeah I got bit by the "breeding bug" when my Amel was paired with my Bloodred Motley resulting in 13 babies from 14 eggs. Then I looked at the other stuff I had and started calculating possibilities.

10-21-12, 08:55 PM
Good for you. :) Yeah I got bit by the "breeding bug" when my Amel was paired with my Bloodred Motley resulting in 13 babies from 14 eggs. Then I looked at the other stuff I had and started calculating possibilities.

That's EXACTLY what happened to me. Those a really good hatch rate too!

10-22-12, 03:09 AM
Congrats on the sales! I've still got quite a few left to go, because mine produced rather late in the season. But if anyone's looking for some fun golddust motley projects, I got your hookup! Haha!

10-22-12, 03:34 AM
Speaking of breeding projects, etc....

If anyone just happens to be making some orchids this next season, I'd like to put my name on one. Thanks! :)

10-22-12, 08:50 AM
Congrats on the sales! I've still got quite a few left to go, because mine produced rather late in the season. But if anyone's looking for some fun golddust motley projects, I got your hookup! Haha!

What all do you have?

Speaking of breeding projects, etc....

If anyone just happens to be making some orchids this next season, I'd like to put my name on one. Thanks! :)


10-22-12, 08:52 AM
one day I'll do Orchids........ just looking for the perfect Sunkissed to start with!!

10-22-12, 09:13 AM
That's EXACTLY what happened to me. Those a really good hatch rate too!
Thank you. Schatzi, my Amel still amazes me every time I think about how she laid all those eggs even at her size. She's only 250g.

10-22-12, 10:00 AM
my snow lays that many eggs too, (she's bigger than schatzi though) and last year she double clutched, but all the second clutch (another 14) were slugs.

10-22-12, 09:45 PM
Thank you. Schatzi, my Amel still amazes me every time I think about how she laid all those eggs even at her size. She's only 250g.

Earline, my anery only weighed 220 grams and she layed 12 eggs.

10-23-12, 12:45 AM
So you know what I mean. It's just amazing to me.

10-23-12, 02:38 AM
What all do you have?

I've got some Ultras het caramel motley, ultramels het caramel motley, ultramel motley het caramel, amels het charcoal, and a few normals het hypo lavender. I also have hypos 66% possible het Sunkissed Ultra, and a Hypo Sunkissed 66% poss het Ultra.

These two babies are some examples of what you could produce with the latter babies.

Here's a Hypo Sunkissed Ultra, or Ginger.


And here's a Hypo Ultra, or Supernova.


Just for kicks, here's the Hypo Sunkissed up for sale.


10-23-12, 05:49 AM
I feel sorry for the snakes, as very young children are attracted to corns because of the cute faces and bright colours. I personally know of a young girl who LOST 4 corns and Daddy just bought her another one each time she lost one!

10-23-12, 09:36 AM
I feel sorry for the snakes, as very young children are attracted to corns because of the cute faces and bright colours. I personally know of a young girl who LOST 4 corns and Daddy just bought her another one each time she lost one!

I'm not sure what you are referring to but this first time owner of this pair of Corns is a girl in her 20s. I think she's old enough to take care of these snakes especially with the experience her friend has because of the Jungle Carpet she has.

10-23-12, 09:49 AM
Do you ever feel odd about selling snakes to CL people? Do you question them about their snake experience? Not being hostile, just curious. I know corns are quite simple to care for.

Yes I feel odd selling to people on kijiji or cl. I acquired 6 blood red het motley and stripe and 1 motley blood red het stripe ( all are ph anery and amel) back in July. I still have three left because I have refused to sell them to some of the people that have showed up with cash in hand.

10-23-12, 10:09 AM
I've got some Ultras het caramel motley, ultramels het caramel motley, ultramel motley het caramel, amels het charcoal, and a few normals het hypo lavender. I also have hypos 66% possible het Sunkissed Ultra, and a Hypo Sunkissed 66% poss het Ultra.

These two babies are some examples of what you could produce with the latter babies.

Here's a Hypo Sunkissed Ultra, or Ginger.


And here's a Hypo Ultra, or Supernova.


Just for kicks, here's the Hypo Sunkissed up for sale.


Is the hypo sunkissed make or female, how old is it and how much forit?

10-23-12, 10:05 PM
Is the hypo sunkissed make or female, how old is it and how much forit?

He's a male, hatched the third of this month, and is up for $95.

10-24-12, 04:48 AM
Take the sales to pm most don't care what you are selling these for.

10-24-12, 11:02 AM
Take the sales to pm most don't care what you are selling these for.

What do you mean "most don't care what you are selling these for"?

10-24-12, 11:09 AM
What do you mean "most don't care what you are selling these for"?

Here are the rules (http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/general-discussion/83236-general-discussion-rules-please-read-first.html). Please read them and familiarize yourself with them. There is a rule specifically for this situation.

10-24-12, 02:05 PM
Sorry, didn't realize it was against the rules. I haven't been on here in a while, so I have forgotten some of them.