View Full Version : What are some of the adventures your snake has been on?

10-14-12, 07:27 PM
Here are a couple of my everglades rat snake's many adventures (he was safely extracted from the oven).

Where have you taken your snakes? How much trouble have they gotten into around the house?

10-14-12, 07:42 PM
Lost a Taiwan beauty snake for over a month, found it when my dog came to me with about a foot of his tail down the snakes throat (my dog is about 120lbs and the snake was about 8 feet and 2-3 lbs lol)

10-14-12, 07:47 PM
Ok so adventures I've had both outside and let them check out the yard..

I was letting Lucy get used to the house one day and as soon as I put her on the ground she decided that dark space behind the door was where she needed to be. I didnt want to jar the door by banging the pins out so I unscrewed the hinges. No harm done.

And Dio escaped one day and managed to wedge himself between a bookshelf and the wall.. that took about a half hour of coaxing to get him out, no harm done either. The bookshelf is actually built into the wall.. its kind of weird, there is an identical one on the other side of the wall in another room. I've thought about tearing it out and building a terrarium into it but I think it would be a little too much work.. plus I just want to rip that whole wall out and make the two rooms one large one.

10-14-12, 08:06 PM
...I was letting Lucy get used to the house one day...

Why would you do this? They aren't dogs.

Adventures? From the breeders house to my house. Or my house to my customers house.

That's as far as snakes should go.

I don't get this thing that it's OK for these snakes to be in these situations. It isn't comical as a lot of the time it can be dangerous to them or your neighbours or to yourself. Imagine the snake somehow getting into your electrical and starting a fire. I'm sure you'd all just go "Oh Snakey." Then come post how comical it was here....

10-14-12, 08:11 PM
I agree^ If you feel the absolute need for some reason to let your snake roam on the floor, you should be supervising it extremely closely. On the other hand, escapes happen, and why not have a thread where people can post an anecdotal account of the crazy things there snakes have done.

10-14-12, 08:23 PM
My snakes are boring, they pretty much stay in their cages except for cleaning and the occasional photo shoot.

10-14-12, 08:30 PM
The rare times my snakes are allowed anywhere that isn't my hands or their cage, they are 100% supervised. I don't take my eyes off of them. Their don't go on "adventures."

10-14-12, 08:49 PM
Why would you do this? They aren't dogs.

Adventures? From the breeders house to my house. Or my house to my customers house.

That's as far as snakes should go.

I don't get this thing that it's OK for these snakes to be in these situations. It isn't comical as a lot of the time it can be dangerous to them or your neighbours or to yourself. Imagine the snake somehow getting into your electrical and starting a fire. I'm sure you'd all just go "Oh Snakey." Then come post how comical it was here....

For the record I didn't find this comical, and I was supervising her the entire time. I don't allow my snakes out of my sight. She literally bolted as soon as I put her down.

10-14-12, 08:52 PM
My animals are always supervised but there has been one to escape. I found her in the room next to the snake room, hiding in a box in the closet.

The boyfriend took the carpet outside the other day to get a little sun. He thought it would be cool to try to put her on a low branch in a tree to take pictures. Halo decided it was optimum time for scurrying up the tree and he had to climb it to get her out. Lesson learned. Don't put Halo in the tree!

10-14-12, 09:44 PM
yup agree with the no adventures. No going to pet stores (could get sicknesses from other pets) no floating around the house unsupervised, or at all really.
Most mine have done is tried to crawl into my eazy-chair while i'm holding them. This prompts a fast tickling of the tail to make them come out the back. Very few have had this "adventure" lol

10-15-12, 04:34 AM
They dont have "adventures", they live intheir vivs, get taken out for handling but NEVER allowed to roam.

10-15-12, 07:53 AM
For the record I didn't find this comical, and I was supervising her the entire time. I don't allow my snakes out of my sight. She literally bolted as soon as I put her down.

You somehow let her 'bolt' out of your sight. I find this rather difficult to believe since I've had my ball pythons "bolt" and yet I can still manage them. They aren't that quick.

You never answered why they were out to 'get used to the house' either. I'm sure you planned to let the snake free roam a whole lot more often.

10-15-12, 08:06 AM
My kingsnake is so quick, if I put him down to "roam", he'd be bolting away in the blink of an eye and probably disappear into the walls never to be seen again (live in an apartment and they were cheap when running cable - just drilled holes in the bottom of the walls to run the wires through and didn't cover them).

10-15-12, 10:20 AM
One of my red tailed green rat snakes got away from me when I first got them. Hands down the fastest snakes I've ever interacted with. He literally bolted from my hands and it was fun chasing him across my room... So he earned the name "PITA" the first week I had him. Besides that, the pythons aren't as adventure prone.

10-15-12, 10:48 AM
My snakes prefer it in their vivs, which have plenty of room for them to stretch out.

Their only adventures take place after they shed. I pull them out to clean their viv up, and shoot a couple pictures. Even then, Spot prefers to stay on the branch which I took him out on, and for me to place the branch back into his viv with him still on it...

10-15-12, 11:40 AM
My snakes are boring, they pretty much stay in their cages except for cleaning and the occasional photo shoot.

thats the same for me

that said.....

our house double glazed windows,that can open completely,or tilt open at the top,which leaves the window open 5 inches at the top,but it runs down to 1 inch at the bottom...

i put a jungle carpet on my bed near the window,while i cleaned out it's tank,luckily my wife walked in an told me,that the jungle was half way out the window,so...

i've got the back half of the snake,while the front half is hanging out a 2nd story window,trying to wrap itself around a drainpipe,after much perciverance i got her back in,but lesson learned as i now close all the windows while cleaning out tanks:hmm:

cheers shaun

10-15-12, 11:55 AM
thats the same for me

that said.....

our house double glazed windows,that can open completely,or tilt open at the top,which leaves the window open 5 inches at the top,but it runs down to 1 inch at the bottom...

i put a jungle carpet on my bed near the window,while i cleaned out it's tank,luckily my wife walked in an told me,that the jungle was half way out the window,so...

i've got the back half of the snake,while the front half is hanging out a 2nd story window,trying to wrap itself around a drainpipe,after much perciverance i got her back in,but lesson learned as i now close all the windows while cleaning out tanks:hmm:

cheers shaun
Lol! That's a great image.

Sometimes Spot will try to sneak away when I'm focused on his cage. One time I had to grab his tail when he was trying to sneak under some furniture.

I could only imagine trying to pull a big carpet back into a window. If that was your front window, it must have been a sight for passing cars. :yes:

I've learned to keep a really good eye on Spot, as he really does seem to be aware of when I'm paying attention to him. I can't count on him to relax and stay in one place while I clean his cage, like my Ball Python does...

Imagine your wife wasn't there to tell you that your snake was leaving the house. You would have went crazy searching. lol

10-15-12, 02:02 PM
All three of my ball pythons like to explore when I take them out, however they never go unsupervised, never. I make it a point to always have a hand on or near them. The only time I ever 'let them go on an adventure' is when it is in my driveway (flaglot, so no cars come down or pass by too close) and I'm watching closely while I take pictures.

Valentine succeeded in escaping her home once, while I was away. She was in a sealed room and no way to truly escape, however. My step-dad ended up throwing a towel over her so he could pick her up without feeling like he was going to get bit. We keep the lid of her tank securely attached now...;)

10-15-12, 02:30 PM
Here are a couple of my everglades rat snake's many adventures (he was safely extracted from the oven).

Where have you taken your snakes? How much trouble have they gotten into around the house?

I have a young everglade rat snake, a little more than a hatchling. He hasn't gotten into any adventures yet, but he has developed the odd habit of striking my wife, and my wife only.

Based on your pictures I know what possibly awaits me.

10-15-12, 10:50 PM
NONE of that should await ANYBODY.

I have NEVER had an escaped snake. Why? Because I don't use **** enclosures like tanks with crap screen lids that I jerry-rig to work for heat/humidity. I spend quality money and quality time building my racks and the like and don't have escapes.

I fear for your snakes lives.

Shaun, you're excused from all of that.

10-16-12, 05:59 AM
My snakes don't have adventures.. they are taken out for cage cleaning and a check over then placed back in their vivs. I have never had an escape but I also build all of my vivs and they have no faults.

10-16-12, 06:13 AM
NONE of that should await ANYBODY.

I have NEVER had an escaped snake. Why? Because I don't use **** enclosures like tanks with crap screen lids that I jerry-rig to work for heat/humidity. I spend quality money and quality time building my racks and the like and don't have escapes. [...]

Strangely enough, the times I had problems with snakes taking off, none of them were related to enclosure problems. Almost all operator error of some sorts, in particular with my kids.