View Full Version : Kalis Update and strange story.

10-14-12, 02:19 PM
Just thought I would give an update on Kalis, and if anyone has any advice to add, that is welcome.

Kalis is beginning to get 'used' to me. Not quite as terrified of everything, not balling up as much. He stopped hissing more than a month ago.

He is now about 2 feet long and 2.5 months old. He weighs just over 200g. I had to give him a bigger hide since the old one was too small - he was actually lifting it up when he went inside, lol. He doesn't really use hides much though. He also shed a few days ago.

I have gotten rid of paper-towels as a substrate, he's got moss and carefresh-type bedding in his tank. Will be changing that to aspen shortly with a humid mossy hide (or cypress if I can find it anywhere!)

I also upped his temps a while back to between 90-95. I figured since he's not a hatchling anymore he should have actual BP temps. His humidity is between 60 and 70%...it's been hard to keep it exact. When he sheds, I up it to 80-90%.

Unfortunately he is still on adult mice - one every 5 days - even though I wanted to get him on rats. This is where the interesting story begins. As I have mentioned before, almost all the pet stores in my area are owned by DUMMIES. Most people don't even know that rats come in small sizes, it seems. So, I called one of the pet stores a while back and asked if they could order me some frozen rat pups. The lady asked me what those were...I told her that they are young rats that are about the size of adult mice. She answers "Oh, yes. We have those." I was surprised, asked to make sure, "you have the rat pups?" She says "No, adult mice." So...I had to explain to her again, that no, rat pups are the SIZE of adult mice they are NOT mice they are RATS. Finally it sounded like I got it through her skull, she took my name down and said they would probably be in the next week. So I called the next week and asked if they were in, someone else answered. I asked the person if the rat pups I had ordered had come in yet. She said she would go check, and then said that there was a new bag of some type of rodent in the freezer that looked bigger than pinkies. I said "are they rat pups?" Then she asked me "are those fuzzy?" I said "yes..." so she then said "yes then we do have them"
I drove into the town and asked to see the rat pups that I had ordered. She takes me to the freezer and pulls out a bag of MOUSE FUZZIES. I said "those aren't rats." She told me that that's what they sent her. I then told her I ordered RAT PUPS. RATS. Not MICE. RATS. Rat pups are the size of adult mice. They are not mice...

Anyway, they have re-ordered them for me...keeping my fingers crossed...by the time they finally get my order right he will be too big to even eat rat pups...

Anyway, that's what's been going on lately. Kalis is crawling around all over me and making it very difficult to type.

10-15-12, 07:13 AM
PS: Anyone know of any Canadian frozen feeder suppliers that will sell frozen rats in small quantities (in case the pet store messes up again)? Only freezer I have is the one in my refrigerator so I don't have room for large quantities, and all the online places I've seen make you buy them in bulk.

10-15-12, 07:50 AM
There's a few. Where are you located? PM me.

10-15-12, 07:57 AM
If the places are within Ontario the shipping shouldn't be too bad. Okay. The pet store should get the order in tomorrow, if they've messed up again I will be considering ordering from a supplier.

10-16-12, 03:09 PM
Yayy! The store actually ordered rat pups this time! Looks like I have somewhere local to get my feeders at least.