View Full Version : Baby pics of Rosie (Rosaline)

10-13-12, 07:05 PM
My cousin's Boa, now I'm not sure what she really is :o She was sold as a Colombian Red Tail, though i'm sure that's not going to be what she is.

These are old pics of her, from when I was 'snake sitting' her before she was shown to my cousin as his present. I don't have any current pictures of her, but she has definitely grown.



No other really good pictures that i've found (and uploaded). I'll upload some more if this isn't clear enough. I've seen her as an adult and she's a gorgeous bright gray color and vivid red and black markings. I'm thinking she might be a Pastel BCI that got sold for the standard price. Who knows? :rolleyes:

10-13-12, 07:18 PM
She's a pretty, normal colombian BCI to me. Can you get any pictures of her older?

10-13-12, 07:34 PM
I don't have any of her as an adult, I hardly ever see my uncle / cousins. I'm betting you that if she is ever rehomed I will be the first to be asked, though, and I will not refuse her! She's a sweetheart. Just feel bad because her owner sucks. My cousin is two years younger than I am, a druggie, a brat, etc. She usually has at least 3+ poop piles in her tank, and she's still in a 20 gallon, I think. :(

I hunted around and found my cousin's page, these are not current pictures but they show what I'm meaning.



And a picture i found online that looks a LOT like her.

10-13-12, 08:58 PM
that bottom pic looks pastel, and rosie looks like a normal. a very nice one!

10-13-12, 09:00 PM
whenever i see her next (god knows when that will be...) i'll make sure to take a couple of pictures. She's gorgeous, I just hope she's being taken care of well...

10-13-12, 10:08 PM
you should ask to have the snake. just be like "hey, i remember you have that snake...do you still want it? must be a bummer to take care of since you are all busy and stuff. I have a nice big cage for it, and be happy to take it off your hands for you" see what the cousin says : )

10-13-12, 11:17 PM
Well I don't have a cage for her, rofl. I would have to use the one she is in now, or do a whole bunch of snake tank switching...including switching with my brother perhaps. yikes.

Because Colombians get big... right? She'd need the 100gal more than Valentine eventually... yeesh.

I've got a 10 gal, 20 long gal, and the 100gal. My brother has a 40tall gal for his cornsnake (he's got lots of decorations and such). Perhaps I would just buy another tank... who knows..