View Full Version : Log file of your snakes
10-13-12, 06:52 PM
What's up everybody!
I'm wondering if i'm the only freak who keep's track of everything related to
his snakes. I mean keeping a log file of when they eat what size when they shed if they were treated for mites or had a preventive shot of Nix their weight with pictures ...
Right now it's all gathered in a folder on my desk top but I'm thinking about
making an Excel file with everything or making individual word document for
every one of them.
Ciao Ciao
10-13-12, 07:00 PM
I record it as well, I didn't up until about 3 months ago when I noticed Valentine going off feed. She hasn't fed for three months now and I'm trying to notice a pattern and figure out why. I still don't feel her ribs, and I offer food regularly, so i'm not too worried.
As i've only got three snakes, I just have a word document with a 'feeding' and a 'sheds' section with their names and the relevant info on them. :)
10-13-12, 07:05 PM
Hmm I had started doing this when I got my first snake, but didn't manage to keep up with it. In the future though I may consider doing it again because I think it could be really helpful in diagnosing issues
10-13-12, 07:08 PM
I use this, and I LOVE it
I should note that its not just for the private collector, its also designed for reptile business owners, its about 25$.
10-13-12, 07:16 PM
Snakekeeper iphone app is pretty cool too. It's free and let's you track all kind of snake related facts.
filthy phil
10-13-12, 07:51 PM
When you start weighing its poo I will think youre a freak
I'm "old school" lol! I use an excel file. Snakekeeper looks interesting, although I'm not sure I'm in the mood to transfer all my data from excel to the app. Although, much of my life is already on the phone, so I'm sure it will happen eventually!
10-14-12, 03:52 AM
I've always kept feeding and shed records from day 1... However they're hand written.. Now THAT'S old school :D
[QUOTE Now THAT'S old school :D[/QUOTE]
True that!
10-14-12, 10:08 AM
I've always kept feeding and shed records from day 1... However they're hand written.. Now THAT'S old school :D
Lol i also keep records and like you Hand written too....:)
10-14-12, 12:43 PM
Hand written records here also.
Nothing wrong with old school:D
10-14-12, 01:15 PM
Hand written. I keep a little pocket-size notebook with each enclosure. I seldom record weight or length, though. Mainly just feeds, sheds, or anything out of the ordinary.
10-14-12, 01:45 PM
That's what I do revenant.. And little notebook for each snake :)
I log feeding and shed cycle.
10-15-12, 05:39 AM
I'm "old school" lol! I use an excel file. Snakekeeper looks interesting, although I'm not sure I'm in the mood to transfer all my data from excel to the app. Although, much of my life is already on the phone, so I'm sure it will happen eventually!
no mate i'm OLD school.....
i use a BOOKS :shocked:
a yearly diary for recording sheds and any other relevant info
also a feeding book,that records all my carpets feeds
cheers shaun
10-15-12, 06:29 AM
Wow !
Thank you all for your replies, I didn't think I would get so many answers =).
Have a good one
I do I started just writing it all down on Microsoft Word, then I changed it to an Excel file. I tried to attach it but was unable too. If you or anybody would like a copy I can email it to you. Also you can always get on Iherp and create a free account I've checked it out It's really good especially if you breed any. An recently I checked out a free program called metzcal they have a decent program with quite a bit of information on it. The only thing I didnt like about it was when your selecting your feeder it has a few sizes of mice and a large rat and thats it. You can adjust the weight of the rat to whatever so I geuss that it works out. The program is a little confusing at first but you quickly get the hang of it and there is a data pak you can download that has a ton of info on it from vets all over the U.S. and the world for that matter but mainly the U.S. info on genetics, breeding just all kinds of stuff . If you get the program you need the data pack too it is all free Metzcal Herp Software ( I'm still looking for the logging system thats just right for me but as of the moment I Think Im going to have to go for excel and if not that just a good ol pen and a notebook
10-16-12, 08:48 AM
Thank you ZStone :yes:
10-16-12, 08:55 AM
I don't keep records of my snakes.
Might start keeping track of measurements of their sheds, though...
10-16-12, 10:02 AM
I've been keeping a note in my phone about when my snakes eat. I didn't write down when they shed, but maybe I should.
I used to breed (pet) rats, so keeping records isn't new to me. I think its a good idea, so if something seems off I have something I can refer back to.
I track as much as I can.
I weight after every shed, measure length of shed (not exactly total length since the shed stretches, but allows me to measure growth), weight of each feeding item, and if/when shedding begins (milkiness!) and when he sheds.
It actually really helps because he didnt feed for the first time ever, and I checked and he was due for a shed. a few days later - he started getting milky. Go figure!
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