View Full Version : Waterproofing, non-toxic sealer??
Little Wise Owl
10-11-12, 01:20 AM
My boyfriend and I are in the process of making enclosures for the following:
Argentine Tegu
Pacman Frog
Emperor Scorpions
Leopard Gecko (although I'm not too worried about sealants for her)
And we're not sure what to use to waterproof the insides. I've heard of using Drylok but I'm unsure of its safety for something like a Pacman frog.
10-11-12, 03:50 AM
I don't know about where you live but here we can get a few different things I trust a lot. I have a product that is made from Cheese whey Vermont Natural Coatings ? Professional Wood Finish Made Green (
I have used this on all my vivs. I also use a product that once cured is like glass Glaze Coat High Build Epoxy Coating (
Hope this helps..
Little Wise Owl
10-11-12, 04:10 AM
That whey stuff is interesting. I can find it in a couple stores near my area.
There is quite a bit of usefull info on you tube look up lizardlandscapes and diy vivarium backgrounds or waterproofing vivariums. ...Good luck !
10-11-12, 07:24 AM
Youtube is full of people with no commons sense. If that is where you get your information on you will most likely kill off your animals.
There are plenty of people that dont know what they are talking about. On the other hand, there are quite a few people who are very knowledgable.. Same thing with people on here a lot do have good advice, but some dont. Welcome to the internet. To make that generalization about all of you tube is childish. While you tube is not my primary source of information I still consider it a usefull resource especially diy.
10-12-12, 09:20 PM
If you are only dealing with high humidity not standing water you can use any top quality exterior primer and then same quality exterior paint. But it will not work if you do not follow the directions for both to the T and I say that because of an epic fail I experienced. Stay away from the paints, primers and silicone/caulk with mildew inhibitor, it releases a chemical over time to ****** the mold that may not be good for super sensitive amphibians ie. frogs.
10-13-12, 09:23 PM
I used polyurethane on my Bearded Dragon viv for water resistance, but I am not sure what would work for your Pacman Frog. the polurethane would work well with about three coats for everything else.
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