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ok so after all my hard work i have my photos to share with everyone...mind u the gauges and thermostat are on the way! and i will be changing the fresh airr screen on top of the tank!
and my snake ate for the first time yesterday kinda changed my outlook on how to feed him and what i was doing wrong before
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10-07-12, 03:43 PM
Well I hate to sound like a **** here but that is not a good setup for a BP at all.
Again no offence intended here but you need to change more than the screen.
Even if you just covered the screen in foil you are still heating with lights and are gonna dry your snake right out. You need to lose the lights and get a uth then cover the lid with foil and add a couple air holes. I still can't believe they sell people those for snakes. I can't stress enough that that setup could potentialy kill your snake over time. You will need to mist it many times per day. A BP doesn't need much light at all and will probably not be to comfy with that much beaming around him. Even a cheap tub witha uth on a thermostat is far better than those tanks. Ok for corns and kings but not ball or boas ect.
Sorry to tell you this as I am sure you tried hard but follow advice on here and your snake will be healthier and more enjoyable.
10-07-12, 03:54 PM
Terranaut, you are right for the most part, but I still believe proper conditions can be met with a heat lamp, depending on your situation and where you are. I have my boas under heat lamps and heat pads, and I find that spraying down the tank, every day or two keeps it at about 60-70 for me, and that's with paper as a substrate. I do keep my room door and windows closed at all time.
But for the most part you're right, I just think as long as you monitor the humidity, and it is proper even with a heat lamp, then you're good. If not then yea, something needs to be done lol
10-07-12, 04:08 PM
Humidity fluctuates so much with a screen lid and I have used a light to heat my kings viv and his humidity drops 15% during the day with the light on and this setup has 2 plus a floresent. I also wonder where the cool spot is ? Is there any gradient at all? I sound mean but to the op I am trying to help you and your snake. Short term this will do but long term no.
10-07-12, 05:25 PM
It looks "pretty," but it's not really functional for a ball python.
Here is my setup for reference:
The screen, with the lights and small water dish, will dry your snake out. Ball pythons need high humidity.
Check out this page for setting up (
10-07-12, 09:13 PM
Thats funny. Mine looks ver similar.
i just got done with my tank top removed the screen and put a old tank top on it hot gluing the top inside out...and i have cut little airvents in the top of the top... i removed the lights i do have a uth on right side of the tank... i was wonding if it would be ok to put a bubbler under the waterbowl to work on the humidty?so that i dont have to mist the newspaper... if i mist the take wont the ink from the news paper get on the snake?
It looks "pretty," but it's not really functional for a ball python.
Here is my setup for reference:
The screen, with the lights and small water dish, will dry your snake out. Ball pythons need high humidity.
Check out this page for setting up (
How did you keep your log hides from molding!? I got one for Pajamas like..a month ago, and now it has mold all over it =[
10-07-12, 10:05 PM
How did you keep your log hides from molding!? I got one for Pajamas like..a month ago, and now it has mold all over it =[
That's odd. Kaybe has had the same log hides for almost 3yrs now with no problems. Not sure why yours are molding... maybe you're misting too much?
maybe...any idea of how to get rid of it? or should I just get another? (haha, misting too much...never heard that one before xD)
10-07-12, 11:13 PM
maybe...any idea of how to get rid of it? or should I just get another? (haha, misting too much...never heard that one before xD)
I'd just get another. But I have the same problem with my crestie tanks! Anything wooden will mold after a while. But for the retic, I'd just start spraying a little less.
It Is annoying though..
so weird. Yeah, i'll get a new one and stop misting as much...even with how I'm misting now, though, he's having issues shedding. =/
10-08-12, 05:30 AM
Our GTP viv has wood in it and is misted daily to 90% and hasnt molded in two years.......... :)
10-08-12, 05:57 AM
No mold on ours either. Strange??
so weird! I wonder what I'm doing wrong!?
ok so after everyones feed back from my tank i did change some things in it heres some photos
i added another rock hide,moss,new bedding,and a humit box...
thermostat,humidity thermometer,normal thermometer will be here in 2 days!!!! cant wait! (
DSCF0906 ( (
DSCF0907 ( (
DSCF0908 (
10-09-12, 04:00 AM
Watch out aspen tends to mold fast if you keep it humid. Cypress is a better base for a humid tank.
10-09-12, 06:15 AM
Almost there. Put the moss inside a small tub and cut a hole in the side big enough for your snake to go inside. That way the wet never touches the aspen.
10-09-12, 03:07 PM
If that one hide has paper towel in it then pull it out and stuff that moss in. Now thats way better than before. I love it when people actually listen to advice given. Good move. Your snake will be much better off. It kills me how many people post shedding problems on here and then say "well my humidity is at 60%" when its posted all over to have 70%+ and more when shedding.
So lets see the snake ;)
10-09-12, 03:18 PM
It looks "pretty," but it's not really functional for a ball python.
Here is my setup for reference:
The screen, with the lights and small water dish, will dry your snake out. Ball pythons need high humidity.
Check out this page for setting up (
ooooooooooooh thats pretty ,like that a lot ,clean and very tidy and great housing ,great reference forsure :)
My new stuff came today so i wanted to update again i thank everyone so much for helping me understand what my new snake needs and not just brush me off as someone who's not willing to learn what needs to be done to have a happy snake! (
all my new goodiess^^^^^ (
Mar out of hiding and moving around YAY!!! (
Mar's first good fuzzy mouse!!!
10-09-12, 05:34 PM
Mar can and should definitely be eating bigger prey.. he looks skinny and almost a little dehydrated IMO. If you can get them locally/order them online, rats are going to be better for your little guy in the long run.
10-09-12, 05:52 PM
Yup Mar could eat 5 of those in one meal. Try a weened rat pup or small rat. It might look huge but Mar will put it back. He looks very dehydrated as said above. Wait a few days and offer a much bigger rat not mouse.
10-09-12, 06:00 PM
When choosing food for your snake choose an Item at least the same thickness as the largest part of the snake if not a bit larger. Your snake could be on small rats...
10-09-12, 06:04 PM
It looks "pretty," but it's not really functional for a ball python.
Here is my setup for reference:
The screen, with the lights and small water dish, will dry your snake out. Ball pythons need high humidity.
Check out this page for setting up (
I really like your snakes housing. Where did you get those from?
i have been trying all kinda food with him the other owner said Mar wasnt eating at all there for i didnt wanna just rush in and give him all of it at one time he had 2 little pink mice the two days ago then a fuzzy one today i didnt wanna over do it to start with... and i really didnt want to rush him i will feed mar one more pink mouse and i fuzzy one 2 night. i get all my hiding stuff from petco! wonderful place i think they was like $8.99 ..and the other stuff came from amazon!
Yup Mar could eat 5 of those in one meal. Try a weened rat pup or small rat. It might look huge but Mar will put it back. He looks very dehydrated as said above. Wait a few days and offer a much bigger rat not mouse.
how can you tell a snake is dehydrated? and hmm really had no clue really other then the not eating thing :hmm: how do u make a snake drink?
10-09-12, 08:53 PM
Increasing the humidity can help with the dehydration, also, make sure you replace the water in their dish often, as algae and other nasties can form causing your snake to avoid it.
10-09-12, 09:32 PM
Mar looks like he's quite thin. He can eat prey MUCH larger than what you show in that video. The prey should be a bit bigger than the LARGEST part of his body (his girth). They CAN get large prey through that seemingly tiny head and neck ;)
Upping the humidity will help with hydration. You can also offer the f/t rat wet, so that he has some fluids along with that prey. Change the water often so that it's fresh and no urates/feces or anything builds up in there.
i as i said the Mar was most likely super streested out being he was in the tank with the other snake before i got him he as everything he needs now so and he wouldnt eat for the old owner at all or so i was told the only thing i guess i can do is to give him what i can and keep him with fresh water... over the last 2 days he's had 3 lil pink mice and 2 big fuzzy mice...
his humidity is at 90% cool side at 70 degges hot said at 90 he stays on the hot side all the time in the rock hide over the UTH
how long do u think it will take him to get hydrated again? if in fact he is dehydration?
new update i added some new stuff to the back of the tank so i wouldnt be look at the wall when im taking photos and stuff just for looks more aless (
10-11-12, 02:45 PM
It looks "pretty," but it's not really functional for a ball python.
Here is my setup for reference:
The screen, with the lights and small water dish, will dry your snake out. Ball pythons need high humidity.
Check out this page for setting up (
Boaphile? Size? They look like 48x24x18. I'm still deciding on whether to build the new enclosure for mine or just buy one. Wondering how a radiant heat panel would set up in a boaphile.
10-11-12, 03:12 PM
I have radiant heat panels in some of my pvc enclosures. Works beautifuly. But you do have to put a couple holes in it for the mounting screws and 1 for the power cord 1 for the thermostat temp sensor. Very easy to install and works great.
10-11-12, 03:18 PM
While I do like the look of the pvc vivs I prefer hand made.. Here is my 4'x2'x18"
I also heat with a radiant heat panel... love it!
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