View Full Version : another chondro

10-06-12, 04:07 PM
Took a drive to my breeder's place and came home with this girl.
Pretty blue hues in this one with the potential of more white speckles to follow.. at least from the looks of some of her scales. Aru x Aru/Jade 2011 by Eric Hasler.

Now if you don't mind that I'm stealing your pictures for references.. The following pictures do not belong to me, they belong to Eric.

10-06-12, 04:09 PM
OMG I want the Blue! I love them.

Yours is nice too! :)

10-06-12, 04:53 PM
Haha thank you, although I should transfer the thanks to him.

A blue green tree python; somewhat of a conflicting idea but what a sight to behold. More importantly, she turned blue all by herself! The thing I really like about chondros is that they are more than capable of making themselves attractive without the influence of men. I got to witness her copulating for the current breeding season, I wish I had taken a picture of it.

Edmond Y
10-06-12, 08:58 PM
Very nice green tree!! Love those worms.


10-06-12, 09:01 PM
You said she is hormonal blue, does this mean she turns blue when she is in 'heat', so to speak? either copulating / ovulating / gravid? I've always loved the look of those blue ones! Just a curious question from me. :)

10-07-12, 07:44 AM
You said she is hormonal blue, does this mean she turns blue when she is in 'heat', so to speak? either copulating / ovulating / gravid? I've always loved the look of those blue ones! Just a curious question from me. :)

I believe this happens during pregnancy. Some may stay permanently blue while others may turn back to the regular colour, or they may just get develop a "tinge".

10-07-12, 11:53 AM
absolutely gorgeous either way. I was wondering how there were 'blue' green trees... >.>

10-07-12, 12:37 PM
absolutely gorgeous either way. I was wondering how there were 'blue' green trees... >.>

There are blue gtp's but they are extremely expensive, definitely on my ultimate snake wishlist :)

10-07-12, 01:18 PM
absolutely gorgeous either way. I was wondering how there were 'blue' green trees... >.>

There are blue gtp's but they are extremely expensive, definitely on my ultimate snake wishlist :)

Blue chondros that aren't hormonal, or 'High Blue' animals as some people call them are the results of its ontogenic colour change from the animal's colour genetics. While they are one of the most stunning animals to look at in the world of reptiles in my limited opinion, it is important to note of all the inbreeding that has occurred to preserve this colour that could/will lead to genetic defects. Even if the pair aren't directly related, chances are it's just meeting another weakened line. Just take a look at the clutch sizes/end results from some of the big designer chondro breeders out there, they aren't producing healthy animals and sometimes not at all. They demand a high price and people want to make more of them. All this from a man who once lit a candle in my empty skull.. I was actually entertaining the idea of obtaining one of the designer line chondros until I saw the extremely tiny clutch size and I ultimately never even heard back from them because those handful (!) of eggs never ended up making it.

Surely, that's not to say you can't appreciate them or even in some cases, hand over the money to get one of them. Just something to think about.

10-07-12, 03:42 PM
Wow she stunning.

10-08-12, 06:07 PM
Beautiful animals, love that blue!

10-09-12, 10:01 PM
Beautiful animals, love that blue!

Robyn, I have your monitor segment from the RR on my itunes.. haha.

10-22-12, 08:22 AM
Tae,thank you for the nod and I do appreciate it but I left this site many years ago for a reason and that reason is as strong now as it was back then,even more so. Please remove my photos.


Eric Hasler

ps:now flush

10-22-12, 02:12 PM
Tae,thank you for the nod and I do appreciate it but I left this site many years ago for a reason and that reason is as strong now as it was back then,even more so. Please remove my photos.


Eric Hasler

ps:now flush

Respectfully, sir. Will do.