View Full Version : Another rescue (Grant L@@K!)
Damien Aube
01-23-03, 03:22 PM
I know i've not been around in a while, the store thing and all.....
but we've had time to adopt another pitty. His name is Apollo and he's awsome. We saved him out of Toronto, we was abused and starved when they found him. Now he's a god, thus the name.
Here's a pic of him.
01-23-03, 03:32 PM
Haha he looks like he thinks he owns the place! (Which he most likely does!) Congrats on a new addition, very cute
Cute puppy. people should be shot for abusing dogs.
Grant vg
01-23-03, 03:46 PM
Hey man! Congrats on your new found friend!
That is one beautiful looking dog!
Its a real shame something that beautiful could be so mistreated.
even more so it being a red nose pit bull.
Not that any dog should be abused, but im bias towards pits. :D
Im Glad to hear hes doing so well.
When and how did u get it? which organization if any?
how long have you had it?
and how has it been adapting to the new surroundings and the other dog?
Im glad theres ppl like you around to take in these beautiful animals, i know i would if i had the room.
PS. that pink nose on that complete white coat is making me melt! lol
Big Mike
01-23-03, 04:16 PM
Great looking pooch.
he looks awesome and so happy !
01-23-03, 05:04 PM
That is one gorgeous animal. I have a female that looks just like him.
01-23-03, 05:23 PM
Nice going Damien another great looking pooch for the household.Wish more people cared about their animals the way you do.
Damien Aube
01-23-03, 07:26 PM
Hey Grant.
We got him Jan. 13th although we've been waiting for him for over a month. The foster family had to ensure he wasn't dog aggressive. He's not. We adopted him from a group in Toronto. They are listed in @ this website. If you go into the "dogs for adoption" at the top and find "Canada and Alaska". He should still be in the second listing down. They have him as "Jacob".
On this website will be things that will break you heart. Pitty abuse the likes you've never known. Dogs having their ears cut off with scissors buy fighters, pups with missing eyes that have been booted out of them buy owners thinking it'll make 'em better fighters. Starved on purpose pitts, you name it, it's in there. There are also great stories of pittys winning and getting the recignition they deserve.
Apollo just needs some discipline and he'll adjust fine. He's a little wild and tries to hump my little female all the time. The bigger male we own (also a rescue) isn't sure he likes him yet, but hasen't done too much except growl and bark.
Who couldn't love the little bugger.
And yeah Grant that pink nose sniffin' you face in the morning is one of the best ways to wake. I'll post pics of the 3 dogs soon.
Grant vg
01-23-03, 10:07 PM
I see what your saying, i just finished reading alot of stuff on that site and its just discusting, however, im glad to see a site like that, i have never seen it before.
Thanks for giving it to me, i think a donation is due.
Keep me updated on apollo.
01-23-03, 10:20 PM
I want a pit so bad.. but i'm so afraid there are a lot of dog fights around here.. and every pit i see is in a small metal cage in the back of a truck with cuts and scars and snaps at anything tha tmoves... so i'm a little scared of them :(
beth wallbank
01-24-03, 02:07 AM
hey Damien!! my Rogue looks like your girl!!
Here are my two bandogges....Rogue female is the black one,
Keigan is the brindle male.
The new white is adoreable. Good for you, and there needs to be more good dog people out there.
I hope the pictures both work.
01-24-03, 10:14 AM
He is a pretty one. ^^
your doing a great job, Damien.
nice job damien, i have a rescue pit out of hamilton, emos oasis was the rescue organization, i don't have a pic of him up right now, but he looks like petey from the little rascals...he was starved and mistreate when i got him, he was 6 1/2 months old and about 20 pounds..could barely walk, had trouble breathing, he's doing fine now though 1 1/2 years old and was weighed yesterday at 54 pounds. i wish there were more people out there like you...too many pit bulls for adoption, it's such a wonderful breed, it's kind of a shame they got so many idiots out there
Grant vg
01-24-03, 11:28 AM
Whats everyones take on breeding pit bulls?
I for one think the only breeding that should go on is with registered pits.
that is why i got both mine spayed and neutered.
Not to say that i wouldn't like to experience the wonderful sight of birth from one of my dogs, i just really dont think there is are enough good pit owners out there. Plus, theres so many dogs like apollo out there.
01-24-03, 12:28 PM
my ex girlfriends grandfather bred pitt bulls and made my ex girlfriend watch the mother eat the babies as they came out... pitt bulls are the cutest dogs ever!! i just wish i could own one.. out of all my past experiances with them i can't :( :(
01-24-03, 01:28 PM
Very cute puppy you've got there :) He looks like a sweetie...
grant..good questions, i too think only registered breeding should go on...not only with APBT's but all breeds, there are too many DOGS period in shelters around the world, if only registered breedings were taking place i know for a fact that number would drop dramatically..i breed my dogs every 2nd to 3rd heat..not many litters, but all mine with the acception of chuckie, rescue, are UKC and ADBA registered, and 2 are purple ribbon and from Gr Champion bloodlines...the puppies are sold before their even born, pit bulls are wonderful sweet smart dogs, that are the most athletic and versitile working dogs in the world...yet because of all this backyard breeding and the fact 'it's coo' to own tough dogs, there are soo many inbreedings and unstable dogs being produced, thats what you hear about in the news...when do you hear about the golden retreiver that bit the kids face...never...but i garuntee you that happens a lot more,,,i'm just rambling now...i love the breed...
hey yours get along at all with other dogs?
01-26-03, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Dunner
i too think only registered breeding should go on...not only with APBT's but all breeds, there are too many DOGS period in shelters around the world, if only registered breedings were taking place i know for a fact that number would drop dramatically...
Amen to that!
Far too many people buy dogs on impulse nowadays. Then they realize that having a puppy is like having a little kid, and when they can't handle the responsibility they dump the poor thing on a shelter...or even worse, just neglect it. It's a real shame.
Grant vg
01-26-03, 03:51 PM
Good point dunner.
i agree.
My 3 yr old male hates all dogs, although, i can change his mind after a few short introductions, its just that many other dog owners dont bother staying around me too long.
My pup is pretty good with older/bigger dogs, although shes a tad bit too ruff with the little ones.
yeah, same with my young male grant, he loves everything, but doesn't know his own strength, he plows into everything, i'm afraid he's going to break ribs one of these female, hates any living animal..loves people though, go figure..chuckie, he's timid of most people..due to his past obviously.
Far too many people buy dogs on impulse nowadays
don't forget to add all the people who give away dogs...because they have a litter after litter, not you have to do is spay the dog...i mean they can't say it's too expensive..have you ever tried feeding a litter until 8 weeks before? that cost alone will pay for a spaying...i don't know...i think people just have to give their heads a shake.....there are enough dogs now
and tonka..male...kissing my gf.....lots of tongue
Grant vg
01-26-03, 08:36 PM
Great lookin dog!
I wish i would have got my dogs ears cropped, however, i never seemed to have that much extra cash lying around b4 it was too late. :(
01-27-03, 07:36 AM
I love Pitts... most of the ones that I have been around have been great. It is a total shame that they have such a bad reputation though... in this area especially. We have a high concentration of "city areas" with people that think it's cool to own a pit or a rot and let it bite and torment other dogs and children. My home owners insurance will actually not insure me if I get a Pitt! It's a total shame!
beth wallbank
01-27-03, 10:21 AM
I don't want to step on any toes here, but I think some of you are being a bit hypocritical here on the topic of 'pitts'. First of all, do you all know the extent of surgery that a dog has to endure to have 2/3 of thier ears cut off for esthetic purposes? I think that that alone is animal abuse. I personally am involved with many veternarian clinics in and around BC, and every one of those clinics with the exception of one, refuse to dock ears on any breed of dog.
Secondly, I personally have been breeding dogs for 11 years, and I find it hard to believe that you place the blame soully on the buyer of the dogs. It starts with the seller, such as myself. I breed bandogges, bred for temperment and confirmation, and careful genetic consideration goes into the breeding of these breeds together. For each and every litter of puppies that I have born in my home, they are raised with other animals and children. The puppies are handled from day 1 even by my kids, and the mom is fine with that. She is also confortable in having visitors in and mucking around in her puppies box.
When it comes time for puppies to go to thier new homes, I personally choose a puppy for a family, and the buyers are all seriously questioned of thier home, lifestyles, family, etc. On many occasions I have told people to leave without a puppy. This is where the sellers are wrong.
The only reasons these breeds have developed a horrid reputation is first of all, thier ancestory was originally bred for big game fighting and hunting. Bred for fighting bears and big game. This is where the airheads in mankind took it upon themselves to use them as 'pit' dogs. They are a very standoffish breed, and do not mingle well in packs. This is the way they were bred, its thier nature. It is then up to the owner of the dogs to socialize thier dogs properly. My dogs are both 145+ lbs, and myself 100 lbs, and I am totally confident in taking a walk with BOTH of them on a leash through a park by myself. They have been taught properly on behavior, with positive reinforcement. Sure, they would love to have a go at any four legged creature that crosses thier paths, but that is thier nature, what they have been bred for for centuries. My dogs are also raised indoors and sleep nightly with my children, and are solcialized with everyone that comes into my home. But I know that if they ever got the chance to run amuck around the neighbourhood, they would have a ball treeing cats and so forth. It is the owners of dogs that are neglecting thier responsibilities as dog owners, not the dogs themselves. I also have a policy, that each and every puppy that leaves my home, has a come back policy, for any reason what so ever, to ensure they have a proper home. I DO know where each and every one of my dogs go, and I do stay in contact with each and every buyer.
I dont think it is fair that you think 'purebred' dogs are the only way to go and that only those breeders should be able to have puppies. The paperwork that comes from both CKC and AKC is just that, a piece of paper. Heck, I personally can get a registration for most breeds of dogs without them being 'registerable' to begin with. The BIG breeders are some of the worst dog breeders out there. And some of them are those 'puppy mills' you see and hear so many horrid stories about.
I commend you all on the adopting of rescue animals, but I don't think it is fair to condone breeders or buyers of this type of dog. I
agree that there needs to be some responsibility on the part of the buyer to ensure thier puppies are raised and cared for properly, but it starts with the breeder, properly interviewing each and every person before they are able to own a puppy. The general public has made a mountain out of a mole hill as they are only prejudice against this 'breed' of dog by the negative publicity.
I just wanted to share my views and opinions on the 'pitt' breed that you are talking about. It is the dogs nature to hunt or be hunted, irregardless of the home or the upbringing. Heck, my dogs would love to throw thier chests at another dog as they walk by, but I do not allow that, and the dogs know the difference.
You all have beautiful looking animals by the way, and again, I commend you on your 'rescues'.
good points beth, only thing i don't agree with really is the socialization factor....true ALMOST any dog can be brought up to be a good canine citizen...2 of my dogs have there CGC amd have been temperment tested and passed with flying for the socialization..thats a little different with APBT's most with show heritage in their blood, ie the UKC dogs make great loving pets that get along great with most animals...but you can't really tell me you could take a pup from game bred line, such as say a jeep/redboy breeding...have it from 8 weeks, socialize the heck out of it, never encouraging fighting, and think that dogi s going to still get along with other dogs....9 times out of 10 it's going to snap and tear that other dog to shreds, you can try...but instincts over power...i've seen it many times
i'm with you on how it is the responsiblility of the breeder, every single puppy i sell goes with a spay/neuter contract...some go with show contracts and no breeding contracts and very very very few are sold as dogs are all judged by their conformation, and temperment, and if i had an unstable dog it would be snipped right away, wouldn't be bred...the puppies are played with right away, just like you say...
and you say you breed your bandogges to conformation, i'm just curious whats the conformation of bandogges?
oh yeah and as for ear cropping....people debate on this all the time, true it is for esthetic purposes, but i've never noticed any pain on the dogs behave after the surgery...i've had 4 dogs ears cropped...and never a wimper or a whine, i can touch the ear, put pressure on it, nothing...oh yeah any of your bandogges...or any of the dogs you've ever owned had their tails docked or dew claws removed?
He looks great! Glad he's found a good home! :D
beth wallbank
01-27-03, 11:41 AM
hey Dunner, I can testify to the fact that I have seen on two occassions, a dog die from infection and blood clotting due to the ears being cropped. I am not too keen on the tails being done either, but I am guilty of that one so I can not be judgemental. As for the dewclaws being done, I agree with them being done because in the wild they are used for hunting and holding prey, but in captivity, the dew claws are not used, and I have seen countless cases of people bringing thier dogs in with dewclaws being torn or ripped just by simple snagging on furniture. They are very painful tears and the dogs can actually bleed to death if not sutured immediately.
I think you misunderstood me though with the temperment thing. My dogs if given the right chance would love to tear something four legged . I have cats, rats, mice, and countless other animals in my home, and these guys wouldnt dare touch them. In the streets running amuck on the other hand is a different story. They do have the fighting throw thier chest at everything attitude, but this is where I have control of them on a leash. And yes, they are well disciplined in that respect.
As for conformation of the bandogges, I have bred for the size, body and bone structure much like the staff, but in a bigger frame.
As for the temperment, I have bred for the gentle guardian that the neo is. Thier hips and eyes are great, no displaisia, no cherry eyes, no cleftpallets, and no bone deformaties. I have also found that 'pure'bred dogs, because of the breedings and lineages, for example dobies with heart defects, scipperkies (sp) for seizures, rotts for cancers and heart defects, shephards for displaisia,.etc. that with the cross of the staff and the neo, the line is stronger and not as defined as a 'pure' blood line would be.
Judt me opinion though.
Grant vg
01-27-03, 03:13 PM
I fully agree with the points you have made.
i was not putting the blame on breeders or buyers, i just feel that with a strict enforcement on who can breed and who cant, there would be a better chance of having these dogs around in the future.
You arn't like most pit breeders, the many i have seen in the toronto area could care less about where there pups are going or whos buying them (or there health for that matter). and thats the reality. My opinion is based on the fact that there would be a greater control on whos doing what and whos going where if there was some sort of documentation for all of the breed.
right now there are plenty of pitts floating around with and without papers. and in most instances its the non-papered dogs causing the trouble and giving the rest a bad name.
Thats not to say that papered dogs dont fall into the wrong hands, because i have seen it first hand. But, with minimizing the breeding stock as well as the amount of unresponsible owners/sellers. the breed would be alot more well off.
i've seen pits being offered on downtown street corners for 50 bucks, others being offered in high crime neighbourhoods , i even stepped out of a club once and saw some guy trying to "chop" them to drunken couples.
if this was illegal. and the availability of dogs was minimized as well as the price raised, i really truly feel everyone would benefit.
and i think that there should be a system for controlling who actually owns these dogs as the discretion of most breeders just doesn't cut it.
beth wallbank
01-27-03, 04:22 PM
No offence taken Grant.....I do agree about the amount of unwanted or poorly housed dogs out there. I know for fact that my dogs would and could inflict some serious damage. Imagine a staff your dog's size, then multiply that. I pity the poor fool that ever decides to see if we have anything worth stealing in our home.
And you are correct about the breeders discretion in dog placement just doesn't cut it, but unfortuneately, even to the kennel clubs, money talks. As long as the owners are selling what they are representing, then they dont care. Even the local law enforcement have thier hands tied. All a person has to do is lie of the breed and he can have what ever he chooses.
oh really it's a no win situation when it comes to dogs, as long as they are around their will be morons trying to cash in and look tough. there is no changing it..which is really unfortunate..the kennel clubs could really care less, they say they do but as long as they keep getting paid..and as for the un papered dogs doing most of the trouble, thats true, but in the world of professional dog fighting...and trust me thats a big world...your dog HAS to be registered with the ADBA..thats the reason the ADBA was founded, was to document the pedigrees of match dogs...all in all people breed for their reasons...i commend you on yours beth...if i sounded hostile at all, i wasn't intending to, i read my posts and felt i came off a little rude, i'm sorry, this is a conversation i would much rather have speaking, so much i want to say...but my poor fingers..anyways, we can all agree we have fine, beautiful
by the way, i love bandogges, have you ever been the molosser world website beth or grant? it's almost EVERY single mastiff a\nd bull breed dog from around the world, it's an amazing site. if you haven't seen it i'll get the web address for you, if you like these dogs it's a must. not a breeding site, just information and pictures
beth wallbank
01-27-03, 08:06 PM
hey Dunner, no problem.....when animal lovers are trying to stress a point of view, there are always raised voices. No harm done, youre human. Haven't seen that site, share if you can find it. And I agree about the ADBA and thier fighting. Here in BC they have the pitts fighting still and it really is a crying shame.
Grant vg
01-28-03, 12:56 AM
is it just me or did this discussion end on a happy note? LOL
I too am interested in seeing this site, please pass it along.
And yes, we do have great animals.
Id give up all my snakes if it was a choice between the dog or snakes. :D
How are the laws out there in BC Beth? isn't there something going on there?
beth wallbank
01-28-03, 09:59 AM
Yes Grant, no fighting!! Imagine
The laws out here are few and far between for both the dogs and herps. There are a few municipalities that have dangerous dog laws rules and regulations, and the same goes for the herps. But all in all, if your animals are tended to, your neighbours are cool with things the way they are, then usually all is fine. There was an incident about a month ago of a girl in Vancouver that was mauled by two free roaming rottxpitts. She sustained some serious life threatening damage requiring many surgeries and permenant disfigurement, but in the end she was interviewed and said she doesn't blame the dogs but instead the owners for making them hungry enough to do such a thing,. In the end, the two dogs were destroyed and the owner is now being sued.
it's a great site, there are no laws what so ever here regarding herps or dogs, which is good, actually sorry there is one small community that bans rottis and pits...but they're crazy out there anyways. and i don't think i have ever heard of a case of dog fighting on the island before. i know a guy in moncton new bunswick who travels all over the states fighting dogs. one good thing about the island is tohugh, i could probably count on 1 hand the amount of pit bulls that are on the island other than my dogs,
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