View Full Version : My monitors are here!!

10-04-12, 12:13 PM
I know chances are they will be fine but.... The stress... The possibility of dehydration... The temperatures...

I need to be prepared for highly stressed, cold and dehydrated animals when they arrive. I need advise on what I should do for them in the case they arrive in that condition.

What is the best way to get them back to normal temps?

What is the best way to rehydrate them?

What can be done to ease their stress(I'm currently using prescribed Xanax for my self lol)?

I feel so bad for the little guys and gals and I just feel helpless!


10-04-12, 12:22 PM
Honestly just put them in there set up so long as thats right theyll be ok Monitors are tough.

10-04-12, 12:28 PM
Yeah, the best thing you can do is put them in the enclosure. You can add some unflavored Pedialyte to their water to help with dehydtration, too.

10-04-12, 03:21 PM
Thank you both for the suggestions.

If anyone else wants to chime in please do.


10-04-12, 03:21 PM
How are they stuck in transit? Were they shipped via live animal shipping?

10-04-12, 03:38 PM
Hope it gets sorted out soon and you get your babies ok!

10-04-12, 04:01 PM
Skumbo: Yes they were.

They are 1.5 hrs from my house but they won't let me pick them up?!?!

10-04-12, 04:08 PM
so when are you going to be able to open the box and let them out?

10-04-12, 04:37 PM
Cant you call and demand a pick up? Theyre animals..

10-04-12, 04:39 PM
Just received a call from the corporate office. They were able to pull my package. I am leaving now to go get them. All day I was told this was an impossibility by employees and location managers. I make one call to corperate and within 5 min they call back and tell me the package is being pulled and will be held for me at the location 1.5 hrs from me.... So I will be having them home in 4hrs instead of 15!!!!! I post an update soon as I am back with them.


10-04-12, 05:07 PM
thats good news, can't wait to see them!!!!!!!!!

10-04-12, 05:46 PM
Great news. Open the package up there to be sure they are safe and well.

10-04-12, 08:22 PM
Just received a call from the corporate office. They were able to pull my package. I am leaving now to go get them. All day I was told this was an impossibility by employees and location managers. I make one call to corperate and within 5 min they call back and tell me the package is being pulled and will be held for me at the location 1.5 hrs from me.... So I will be having them home in 4hrs instead of 15!!!!! I post an update soon as I am back with them.

See! I knew it! You basically had to pester until you found someone who was an animal lover xD

10-04-12, 10:40 PM
All four are alive!!!! YAY!!! They were a bit cold but they are now in the starter cage loving the basking spot.







10-04-12, 10:41 PM
awesome, love the little buggers, glad it turned out good for you!!!!!!!!!!!

10-04-12, 10:42 PM
And a few more...







10-04-12, 10:43 PM
Great news. Just keep them under observation.

10-04-12, 10:58 PM

10-04-12, 10:58 PM
yay!!!!! my grand kids made it finally. Only took a miracle and Antinio not taking no for an answer. How often does a jet break down but they report its on time on tracking info-crazy bs. Glad they made it safe and sound after a bunch of un-assuring phone calls. My finger nails won't be the same lol. Look bright eyed and happy. Make sure to get some crix and roaches in those bellies tomorrow. Best of luck and keep us updated.

10-04-12, 11:22 PM
So darn cute!! Glad they arrived safe :)

10-05-12, 12:09 AM
Congratulations on their safe arrival! :)

10-05-12, 12:12 AM
I can't sleep cause all I can think about is, I wonder what they are doing now? It is driving my nuts to not go watch them, but I do not want to contribute to unnecessary stress... so I will wait. Oh I put a few dubia in that were med. cricket sized or a bit smaller. It blows my mind how small they are.

10-05-12, 04:48 AM
Awesome! Ive always wanted to get a monitor there just so prehistoric looking. Im glad everything turned out for you and they were all ok!

10-05-12, 05:23 AM
I can't sleep cause all I can think about is, I wonder what they are doing now? It is driving my nuts to not go watch them, but I do not want to contribute to unnecessary stress... so I will wait. Oh I put a few dubia in that were med. cricket sized or a bit smaller. It blows my mind how small they are.

Even the cheapest cameras record video, go set your pocket cam up to record video, point it into the cage hit record and leave it.

A newer camera with a 32gb card in it can record almost a whole day.

10-05-12, 05:29 AM
Congrats!! Post plenty more pictures!

10-05-12, 06:53 AM
Wait till you hear them digging all the time. I hear constant scratching. An adult ackie is smaller then a bearded dragon so they never get very large. I think I have pics of eggs next to a quarter. It's crazy how tiny they are.

10-05-12, 07:43 AM
First off congrats buddy! they look great.

Even the cheapest cameras record video, go set your pocket cam up to record video, point it into the cage hit record and
leave it.

A newer camera with a 32gb card in it can record almost a whole day.

Also if you have a little extra cash dlink makes a wifi camera that you can monitor your monitors :) from your computer, Mac or Win and there are apps for iPhone and Android. I set up one so my wife can keep an eye on her birds. For about 100 bucks we have color sound and night vision. The night vision is surprisingly good. The sound is not great but we can hear the birds taking. You can also zoom a little. It works through MyDlink if you want to check it out. It's a neat toy and a handy peace of mind tool.

10-05-12, 10:34 AM
I will look up the dlink camera now. I do have in their permanent cage 2 spots to mount my gopro camera. I am very excited to move them to the big cage but I want to be sure they are all eating and adjusting well first. They will love how big it is!

10-05-12, 11:03 AM
Are they already letting you handle them a bit? They don't seem very timid at all judging by the pictures.

10-05-12, 03:12 PM
The only time I have even tried to get close to them was removing them from shipping containers. But when I opened the cage this morning they all came out from hiding to see what I was doing. The smallest one of them came within 6" of my hand as I cleaned the poop spots and changed the water. None of them seemed to be intimidated by me being in there though. I gave them 4 dozen small crickets (all the pet store had) and watched for a few minutes and all 4 of them ate readily. I checked an hour later turning all logs/sticks and what not and saw only around 8-10 left. I'm glad to see them all eat!

10-05-12, 03:14 PM
The only time I have even tried to get close to them was removing them from shipping containers. But when I opened the cage this morning they all came out from hiding to see what I was doing. The smallest one of them came within 6" of my hand as I cleaned the poop spots and changed the water. None of them seemed to be intimidated by me being in there though. I gave them 4 dozen small crickets (all the pet store had) and watched for a few minutes and all 4 of them ate readily. I checked an hour later turning all logs/sticks and what not and saw only around 8-10 left. I'm glad to see them all eat!Very good, they sound like they're settling in well!

10-05-12, 03:15 PM
Woot!!!! Glad to hear they arrived alright :yes:

10-05-12, 03:21 PM
I messed with them often so they should be accustomed to people. The two larger ones are normally out and checking things out. What size crickets did you use. I have been doing a mix of large and mediums. If it is to large then they will share lol- for real.

10-05-12, 03:37 PM
The pet shop only had what they called smalls. They were .25"-.75" guessing the measurement lol.

10-05-12, 03:39 PM
I want to put them in the large cage soooooooooo bbbbaaaaaadddd!!!!

10-05-12, 04:36 PM
Haha I would wait a little longer to monitor food intake. learn their patterns and social order. Plus your monitors are not in transit and need a new topic :)

10-05-12, 05:31 PM
Plus your monitors are not in transit and need a new topic :)

Topic title changed.....

10-05-12, 06:01 PM
Thanks for changing the topic!

10-05-12, 07:49 PM
How big is the cage you have them in now?

10-05-12, 09:07 PM
It is a 50gal Rubbermaid tub. Contains sticks, logs, elevated basking spot with different levels, hollow half log, leaf litter, 6-8" substrate. I am actually putting in another basking spot to add more basking options for them. It is only for me to observe them a bit to be sure all pull through the intense shipping indecent well. Oh their is a few dubia in there as well.

10-05-12, 09:30 PM
Should aim to get more crix in there tomorrow. Probably 6 dozen if you can get them. The leaf litter will help keep humidty and they seem to enjoy snooping around in the leaves.

Little Wise Owl
10-05-12, 11:08 PM
I'm glad they arrived alive and well. :) Can't wait to see more pics!

10-05-12, 11:14 PM
Awesome I'm happy they turned out alright. Waiting on a new reptile is like being a kid on Christmas Eve. They look great.

- h3

10-07-12, 07:04 PM
And once you actually get them, waiting to let them settle in well is a bit worse!

10-12-12, 05:42 PM
Yay my littles are in the big gage now and loving it! All four are super eaters to the point I only see them not looking for food or eating it when they bask and are sleeping. They are plump little things for sure. And WHY oh WHY must they see how much sand they can possibly get into the water dish before I change it every morning!! LOL If I did not know better I would swear they use a shovel to get all of it in there. I would understand if they had dug a burrow near by and flung it in but that is not the case no burrows are to be found near by. It is almost like they get in water then walk out roll around in the sand then wash it off and repeat.

They move around so much it is hard to get a photo that is not blurry. The gopro2 in its current mount on the cool end is gathering to much condensation on the watertight case so I'm currently moving it inch by inch to the less humid hot side trying to find the sweet spot that is not to hot or to humid... slow process to say the least. I may even have to figure a way to lower the mount so that it is not up so close to the top of the cage where the humidity builds up.

10-13-12, 07:43 AM
Odataria are so much fun. Not why sure why most dont get into them. If you knoe half of what yiu should then they pay for themselves at least once. Anyways, they are always busy. Mine think filling up the water bowl is a fun game to play also. The big really move some dirt.

10-17-12, 08:29 PM
That's too funny! :) I can't wait for the photos and videos! :)

10-17-12, 10:53 PM
Odataria are so much fun. Not why sure why most dont get into them. If you knoe half of what yiu should then they pay for themselves at least once. Anyways, they are always busy. Mine think filling up the water bowl is a fun game to play also. The big really move some dirt.
I need to stop replying from my phone. Looks like a second grader wrote that lol.

10-18-12, 03:28 PM
Hahaha I thought the same and was hoping you were either drunk(but at 9:43am I was thinking it was a bit early for drunk) or on your phone...

Think I got the condensation on gopro case beat finally... so now I'm just working on a good angle that gets the best view...

here are a few pictures I got with my phone. The little buggers do not stay still long enough to hardly take a good picture!



My favorite so far. I had to time it because the brat was running non stop after crickets and dubia.

10-18-12, 04:12 PM
More pics!

10-18-12, 06:28 PM
Looking good, that one is close to doing a full body shed. They are always chasing something, digging something, or .......... sleeping lol. Busy bees need rest :)

10-18-12, 08:28 PM
Are you talking about the one by the water dish? That little jerk did not like the idea of water in that dish, it kept using its front legs to fling the water out. So I would refill it and the little snot just did it again haha! Finally just left that one empty for a day.

Pirarucu: I'll go try to get some now, and as soon as I get the camera working how I want, I will be posting daily if things go right.

10-18-12, 09:13 PM
Ok there was only two out and about so I did get a few shots with my iPhone.

This one thought I could not see it or my rock has a head.

This one was running around like crazy!


Having a cricket snack.

10-18-12, 09:17 PM
Hand feeding dubia. I been trying to use tongs but for some reason the tongs freak the monitors out...






10-18-12, 09:19 PM
stunning little creatures.. looking good.

10-21-12, 10:41 AM
A few new pictures




10-21-12, 10:54 AM
These are just cool, I always like to see pictures of these. :)

- h3