View Full Version : Acrylic Display Cages???

10-04-12, 10:13 AM
I'm trying to find my father safe acrylic display cages with keyed locks. He does educational shows and wants to incorporate his native venemous in the shows. He has an adult Northern Copperhead and an adult Timber Rattlesnake. He wants a display type so it can be viewsble from the sides and top down. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

10-04-12, 10:26 AM
When we do educational shows with venomous snakes, we handle the snakes on snake hooks. We perform the show from within what we call our snake pit. It is a fenced in area that is escape proof. When we display our venomous snakes, we put them in small plastic type tanks with the lids taped down. Then we put the plastic containers inside a larger glass tank, (55 gal tank), with a screen lid that is clipped and ratcheted strapped down. This way there is no possible way a person can come in contact with the snakes.

10-04-12, 10:50 AM
Thanks Jerry. That idea will work for some of his shows, but when he goes into local elementary and high schools they needs to be in locked cages and he can't remove them. He also teaches a few college level environmental science classes and would like to use them there as well.

10-04-12, 11:24 AM
ARS sells acrylic cube displays that lock i believe...i think theyre perfect for what your looking for and very PROFESSIONAL looking

10-04-12, 11:25 AM
ARS Caging Acrylic Cube Show Displays (http://www.arscaging.com/arsacryliccube.html)

10-04-12, 12:16 PM
I looked into ARS and that size would be perfect for his copperhead. His Timber is almost 4' long, heavy and nasty. He is looking for one that is deeper than 7".