View Full Version : New Comet, Need a name!
10-03-12, 04:27 PM
I got Chubs the comet goldfish a companion today, and they're getting along great!
Downside? I have no clue what to name the new one. I posted this video in my 'kaetlin's fish' thread, but here he is again. He's got a very pretty golden shine under that brown / black calico look.
Any name suggestions are appreciated! I'd like to refer to the new one as a boy (unless I see the two of them spawning, in that case... well, I'll have to figure out which one is a boy and which is a girl and rename accordingly, haha), but female names are welcome too!
Even crazy or silly names will be considered :wacky:
10-03-12, 05:16 PM
I'd refrain from adding any more goldfish to your small tank. They are dirty buggers.
10-03-12, 06:15 PM
Was only going to have two :) just didn't want Chubs to be lonely as i've read on several sites that comets are somewhat social.
This tank is not their permanent home, not by a longshot and I never intended it to be (unlike my friends who want to keep theirs in one gallons for their entire lives. Both of them have just shrugged when I said that they should upgrade them some day...). Eventually I'll upgrade them to a bigger tank, but for now they're still little (maybe an inch and a half long, maybe 2).
10-04-12, 07:40 PM
~bump. :) no ideas? Im serious, throw me your craziest ideas haha
Lord Rupert Weatherbottom The Third
10-04-12, 07:42 PM
Name him Goldie.
10-04-12, 07:59 PM
Ragnar, that's a fantastic idea, I'll actually keep that one in mind. >XD he would be the first though I think.
As for goldie, well, when I got him he wasnt all that gold. He was rather dark, almost solid black (as seen in the video), now he's dark gold on top and white-ish like chubs is on the bottom. In the mornings he is really dark, and as the day goes on he seems to brighten.
Bring on more silly names! :D
10-04-12, 08:14 PM
Name it Sparkle.
10-04-12, 08:24 PM
His scales sparkle...Another one I'll consider. Trying to get a bunch of ideas then choose from them. :3
So far its;
Lord Rupert Weatherbottom the Third
Random idea I came up with;
Slim Jim (he's more sleek than Chubs is, Slim and Chubs :D )
10-04-12, 08:34 PM
I think Robin Sparkles is the best name.
10-04-12, 08:37 PM
why Robin sparkles?? lol
just curious, haha.
10-04-12, 08:42 PM
Cause I said....guess you didn't get the reference...
10-04-12, 08:52 PM
guess i dont. :S Sorry. i'm a young'in...Don't get some references. Care to explain though, if you don't mind? :) I'm always up to learning!
10-04-12, 10:13 PM
Haha- Aaron- How I Met Your Mother, correct? That's funny! And Kaetlin, I will try to think of some names for you but I have nothing yet lol
10-04-12, 10:31 PM
that would explain why I didnt get the reference, if it's from How I met Your Mother, I've watched an episode or two but not many.
My RA from college likes Slim Jim - We had the term's surprise fire drill a little earlier, and afterwards she stopped by to check our fire hazards, etc. Showed her the new fella, she loves him haha. Told her the names Lord Rupert (etc..) and Slim jim, she likes slim. :P I'm leaning towards it too, but it doesn't feel right.
New fella is rather shy, acts like a puppy and is never far behind Chubs, even though new one is slightly bigger than Chubs.
Also, I've researched high and low to figure this out, but the new one is some magic color changer or something. When he was at the tank with several dozen other goldfish, he was that dark color with underlying shine. Almost a calico look. Now he's lost most of the dark coloration and has brightened to a beautiful brown gold color. This morning he seemed to return to the original dark color, and as the day went by he brightened up. I'll see if he darkens again in the morning... Chubs did something similar, but he hasn't reverted to his original color at any point. He was a dull tan color then brightened up amazingly. Do comets experience color change with depression or something? That's the only explanation I can think of that could make him change color so suddenly. Just very puzzled. Any thoughts? O.o
10-04-12, 11:41 PM
I can't comment on his color changing magical ability, but perhaps there are objects around that maybe influence it? I know he isn't a Chameleon, but I've heard of fish picking up colors and adjusting their scales accordingly. I'm assuming you've googled it? Slim is kind of a fitting name considering Chubs, but you don't have to name him immediately. I always want to name my pets immediately, but also want something fitting and somewhat original. I like the names that sound all classy... "SO and so the third" but I've always thought about that for when I get my very expensive dream dog. Then finding a cute nick name. "Sir Francis Wellington III" ... Aka "Frankie". Lol. I'm still thinking for ya, girl. I don't know a lot about fish, but I'm gonna do a little research (I have nothing else to do) lol
10-05-12, 12:04 AM
Well ive researched about gradual or long term change, but cant seem to find anything about sudden change except from normal to dark looking, in which case it would be ich or other parasites, etc..
In shadows he looks more like his original colors, but not the same. I mean he was nearly pitch black, now he has no black whatsoever.
I thought maybe moving him into the new tank cleared something off of him and into the water, and maybe chubs would start to get it too, but i havent seen any change in chubs. Its really bizarre. I just cant think of what it could be! All my searches end up in the same thing "...comets change color over time..." "...certain foods bring out their colors..." "your fish will turn white if you keep it in the dark..." etc, etc. But all of this, like ive mentioned, is gradual not sudden. One of my friends has two comets as well, one was similar in that it looked calico in its temporary cup of water home, but i looked at it the other day and i can hardly distinguish the one that was calico from her other one which is gold! Im just so confused. O.o
10-05-12, 01:20 AM
Most comet goldfish start out dark and eventually turn bright orange. Both of yours will probley get orange as time goes by. My last group of goldfish ended up all orange and red. We switched the tank back to ciclids so if I add goldfish they don't last long... Chomp the oscar is an eating machine!
How about naming him "Comet"? :)
10-05-12, 08:24 AM
I'd thought about calling him Comet, but then his name would also start with C, like Chubs. Trying to keep to one letter for each animal (within the species at least, hehe.)
For example, my snakes are;
Cats are;
Jackie (Used to have Buddy and Caramel, so no 'buddy's, please....It would hurt to name him that. :( )
Dogs are;
Just a thing I've noticed and like the trend. :) But thanks for the suggestion! He's got a longer, deeper forked tail than Chubs and he is wicked fast, but the relation to a comet ends there. Real life comets aren't shy. :P
10-05-12, 08:29 AM
I vote for slim, chubbs and slim go good together.
10-05-12, 01:10 PM
Im leaning towards Slim, it's the most ideal but something just doesn't click I guess. His name will come along with time. :)
10-05-12, 01:21 PM
How about ANON, short for anonymous lol
10-05-12, 01:26 PM
I think of Shakespeare when I hear 'anon'.
"Anon good nurse, anon!" >.>
10-05-12, 01:39 PM
Lol just throwin it out there :)
10-05-12, 01:43 PM
I understand. I almost picked it - then I remembered romeo and juliet... lol
10-05-12, 01:56 PM
Lol well I tried lmao
10-05-12, 01:57 PM
you did, and i got a laugh out of it, no worries about that. :D
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