View Full Version : Used Cages

10-03-12, 08:39 AM
Hi, I'm looking into getting a larger tank for my kingsnake and the possibility of dividing it for future reptiles and unfortunately do not have the $100-$500 to spare for a brand new enclosure for him.

I do, however, have a friend who has a ton of extra tanks from when he kept fish and other reptiles. The tanks, though, were used for years and at this point have NOT been used for years and I doubt they've been cleaned out but I am unsure.

Is it safe to buy a used cage like this? Is there a sure and safe way I can clean and/or disinfect before moving my animal(s) into the cage?


10-03-12, 08:42 AM
Bleach it and rinse it really well. Let it air out a few days and you will be good to go.

10-03-12, 09:06 AM
I would add to Kats good advice, if these have ugly lime build up around the top like fish tanks often do, you can use vinegar to clean them but it takes a little elbow grease. Lay the tank on it's side and pour vinegar to cover the area to clean, let it soak. Then use something that won't scratch the glass to scrub like a non abrasive pad. It may take a little "rinse and repeating" to get it all off.

10-03-12, 09:28 AM
I warm up the vinegar a little in a bowl (use the microwave) as warm vinegar speeds up the lime dissolving properties.

10-03-12, 09:34 AM
You can also use CLR to get rid of that lime build up. Very effective for lots of things around the house (faucets, shower heads, tools, etc.). For my aquariums items that are too big to soak in it, I put some in a spray bottle ($1 at dollar store) and spray it, let it sit for a few minutes, then just wipes off.

As stated with the bleach - be sure to rinse very well.

10-03-12, 10:13 AM
I warm up the vinegar a little in a bowl (use the microwave) as warm vinegar speeds up the lime dissolving properties.

I have a 75 gal that's had Sliders living in it for the past 10 years, was going to clean it this weekend, I will try heating it up.