View Full Version : Zonata !

Blaze Mcsmith
10-01-12, 10:57 PM
These are one of my favorite snakes
so please give me all your thoughts /pics info and opinions as i will hopefully soon have one.

10-02-12, 12:00 AM
I find myself enjoying tricolors more.and more lately

Blaze Mcsmith
10-03-12, 12:09 AM
they do capture the eye.

10-03-12, 01:02 PM
Here are my main thoughts:

1. They are not a beginner snake so buy one established feeder and provide many options for them. Pay attention to humidity options closer than with other colubrids.
2. Beware of Zonata Disease! - Study up on this and ask questions about this before buying.
3. Locality animals are more sought after than generics. Although generics are just as beautiful, just not as expensive.
4. They are very docile as adults, but can be skittish as juveniles.
5. They are one of the most gorgeous North American tricolors.

Blaze Mcsmith
10-03-12, 09:35 PM
Here are my main thoughts:

1. They are not a beginner snake so buy one established feeder and provide many options for them. Pay attention to humidity options closer than with other colubrids.
2. Beware of Zonata Disease! - Study up on this and ask questions about this before buying.
3. Locality animals are more sought after than generics. Although generics are just as beautiful, just not as expensive.
4. They are very docile as adults, but can be skittish as juveniles.
5. They are one of the most gorgeous North American tricolors.

do you have one?
i was aware of everything except #2
what do you consider a generic? a milk?

10-03-12, 09:49 PM
I have a few....

A generic is non locality specific.....

Blaze Mcsmith
10-05-12, 10:06 PM
what do you think of greenhorn locality?

10-05-12, 11:18 PM
Greenhorns are L. z. multicincta.
They are rather clean looking zonata.

Ryan Hoyer used to have a large group of Greenhorns and other multicincta.

Blaze Mcsmith
10-07-12, 02:46 AM
what locality do you have?
you still hanvt told me what you think of that locality?
In any case zonata will remain one of my # 1 snakes.
any info you provide or potential snakes you have i will take in full consideration

10-07-12, 01:15 PM
I said they were very clean looking zonata from Greenhorn.....what else do you want me to say?.....lol

I have Bajas and Santa Barbaras.
The Bajas are agalma. My female is hypoerythristic and my male is het.

My Santa Barbaras are multifasciata and are F1s.

They may breed next year but I may wait until 2014.

Blaze Mcsmith
10-07-12, 09:30 PM
I said they were very clean looking zonata from Greenhorn.....what else do you want me to say?.....lol

I have Bajas and Santa Barbaras.
The Bajas are agalma. My female is hypoerythristic and my male is het.

My Santa Barbaras are multifasciata and are F1s.

They may breed next year but I may wait until 2014.

keep me posted when you breed them.