View Full Version : Wondering about GTP locales

10-01-12, 03:34 PM
I have been thinking about what kind of critter I'll be getting next. The only requirement is that I have to save up for it, and I've gone from angolan pythons to ivory BPs to GTPs in a couple of weeks.. heh. Until I actually get something, I'll keep changing my mind, but doing some research on whatever I consider sounds like a good idea to me. So that's what I do..

Excuse my rambling, now, my real question is if there is any difference in hardyness/tolerance to mistakes in care between the different localities of green trees.
At an expo in Tulsa, I went to the table of who I can assume is a GTP breeder(that's pretty much all he had their) and said that Biaks were the hardiest of them all(but I only noticed Biaks at his table, lol).. is that true?

10-06-12, 03:45 PM
From my limited knowledge, I do believe that they tend to be more sizable and perhaps that equates to a good appetite - all in good assumption.

As for getting a Biak and thinking you could get away with more husbandry errors, well that's doesn't sound right.

10-06-12, 05:13 PM
Biaks are the more aggressive ones. I've always thought that Arus were the hardiest. Still all GTPs are considered advanced intermediate.