View Full Version : new corn just tagged me lol

09-25-12, 01:12 PM
So I was reaching in to clean her water bowl as she had substrate in it and while my hand was moving tword the water dish WHAM! Right on the spot between my thumb and index finger. Gotta love it!

09-25-12, 01:16 PM
Wow a corn got you usually they are pretty mellow

09-25-12, 01:20 PM
Did you jump? No matter how prepared I am, my brain won't let me anticipate a bite.

09-25-12, 01:29 PM
Haha yeah I jumped. Its not the bite its self that gets ya, its the initial shock of how fast it happens

09-25-12, 01:51 PM
So I was reaching in to clean her water bowl as she had substrate in it and while my hand was moving tword the water dish WHAM! Right on the spot between my thumb and index finger. Gotta love it!

My corn tagged me for the first time during the Pat @ Ravens game... He was on his climb (he is rarely on it) and I was going to change his water as well... Bam! Tagged. I chalked it up to him being a Ravens fan and angry about the officiating in the game :p

09-25-12, 01:53 PM
Cornsnakes bite? That's news to me.

09-25-12, 02:13 PM
I was changing my king's water also on Sunday and as I reached for the bowl, he came over like he always does (he's fascinated by the water - as soon as I put it down he always gets in to check it out and then climbs back out - a quick dip), but instead of doing his usual routine, he lunged for my hand and wrapped himself up around it and wouldn't let go for about 10 minutes, the entire time he was staring me down and wiggling his tail. He never tagged me, but wouldn't let go (he's small - only about 18 inches so not a huge deal).

After 10 minutes he let go and I went and got him a mouse which he proceeded to get so excited about he ate backwards (with much difficulty - legs kept getting hung up). Guess that little trick was his way of saying "Feed Me!!"

09-25-12, 02:15 PM
Lol we all must have missed the memo that this is week is tag the humans when they change our water week

09-25-12, 02:16 PM
My corn tagged me for the first time during the Pat @ Ravens game... He was on his climb (he is rarely on it) and I was going to change his water as well... Bam! Tagged. I chalked it up to him being a Ravens fan and angry about the officiating in the game :p

Hahaha yeah I'm a raiders fan...thank god my snakes aren't id get bit all the time. These replacement officails aren't helping the cause either lol

09-25-12, 02:21 PM
Hahaha yeah I'm a raiders fan...thank god my snakes aren't id get bit all the time. These replacement officails aren't helping the cause either lol

"Russel Martin first quarterback in history to throw a game winning interception." it is getting pretty bad. I like how the NFL is trying to control the problem by attacking the wallets of the wrong people lol!

09-25-12, 02:22 PM
I didnt snakes were such sports fanatics hahaha lol

09-25-12, 02:23 PM
I didnt snakes were such sports fanatics hahaha lol

Well, mine was out on his branch all day while my computer was streaming football... first time he's ever stayed in one place that wasn't underneath the newspaper haha!

09-25-12, 02:28 PM
Lol that's just another mystery of snakes haha on a sports note, did you see what happend to heywaard-bey? He's screwed. That's why I got bit hahahahaha

09-25-12, 02:29 PM
Lol that's just another mystery of snakes haha on a sports note, did you see what happend to heywaard-bey? He's screwed. That's why I got bit hahahahaha

Dude, I feel so bad for him. Is he okay? I haven't seen ANYTHING about his condition. I mean, that could have ended not just his career, but his life as well. So very scary.

09-25-12, 02:33 PM
They haven't said anything yet, other than "he's in good spirits" but I mean that hit, the crown of the helmet to his face mask knocked him out for a few minutes and there wasn't a single flag. He may very well be done with the NFL. They are staying very quiet about it.

09-25-12, 02:36 PM
They haven't said anything yet, other than "he's in good spirits" but I mean that hit, the crown of the helmet to his face mask knocked him out for a few minutes and there wasn't a single flag. He may very well be done with the NFL. They are staying very quiet about it.

I'd be done too. Especially with how flagrant that hit was, and how uncalled for. I mean, if they are suspending that Broncos player for his hit on Schaub, then they need to suspend that Steelers player.

09-25-12, 02:41 PM
Agreed but it is what it is, I wish the regular officails would quit whineing about not having a retirement plan for a part time job....

09-25-12, 02:42 PM
the best part about corn snake bites, other than them basically never happening, is that even when they do get ya, it doesn't feel like much. I held a pueblan at the new England reptile expo this weekend. (super fun! got a bunch of supplies but no snakes. I was tempted by a fire skink though :D)
Not a full sized one, probably 6-8 months old if that, and he just held onto my hand and wrapped around my wrist. I stood there and talked to the breeder for 15-20 minutes until the little guy decided to let go. He didn't even make me bleed since my hands are basically all callous on the inside from power lifting without gloves (he somehow tagged the pad of my hand and got some meat to hold on to. He was cute, I didnt snag a picture though, completely spaced on that one.

09-25-12, 02:43 PM
Agreed but it is what it is, I wish the regular officails would quit whineing about not having a retirement plan for a part time job....

I agree 100%... but after last nights game, and what happened there, the regular refs now have a key piece of leverage against the NFL... And I have a feeling they WILL use it.

09-25-12, 02:45 PM
I agree 100%... but after last nights game, and what happened there, the regular refs now have a key piece of leverage against the NFL... And I have a feeling they WILL use it.
Nope, the NFL sided with the officials in a release today. They're basically just insulting every bodies intelligence at this point. Im only watching because hockey isn't happening atm..

09-25-12, 02:46 PM
the best part about corn snake bites, other than them basically never happening, is that even when they do get ya, it doesn't feel like much. I held a pueblan at the new England reptile expo this weekend. (super fun! got a bunch of supplies but no snakes. I was tempted by a fire skink though :D)
Not a full sized one, probably 6-8 months old if that, and he just held onto my hand and wrapped around my wrist. I stood there and talked to the breeder for 15-20 minutes until the little guy decided to let go. He didn't even make me bleed since my hands are basically all callous on the inside from power lifting without gloves (he somehow tagged the pad of my hand and got some meat to hold on to. He was cute, I didnt snag a picture though, completely spaced on that one.

Yeah it was virtually painless, two little drops of blood and that was it. Just gota let em feel big n bad from time to time lol

09-25-12, 02:47 PM
Nope, the NFL sided with the officials in a release today. They're basically just insulting every bodies intelligence at this point. Im only watching because hockey isn't happening atm..

Yep, its getting ridiculous now tho

09-25-12, 02:54 PM
Nope, the NFL sided with the officials in a release today. They're basically just insulting every bodies intelligence at this point. Im only watching because hockey isn't happening atm..

I read that. But at some point, the fans are probably going to stop going and once it gets to the nitty gritty, somethings gotta give. The NFL needs those refs more than those refs need the NFL, or so it seems. The more these replacements keep screwing up, the more leverage their union will have in negotiations. And yes, I agree, I do miss the NHL. I can't wait for them to get over this disagreement!

09-25-12, 02:58 PM
If my snakes bite because of bad football and officiating, I'm screwed since I am a Browns fan :( lol.

09-25-12, 03:02 PM
If my snakes bite because of bad football and officiating, I'm screwed since I am a Browns fan :( lol.

*Walks over and offers a hug* I'm sorry my friend. I'm sorry! If it makes you feel any better, I'm a Cubs fan :)

09-25-12, 03:29 PM
*Walks over and offers a hug* I'm sorry my friend. I'm sorry! If it makes you feel any better, I'm a Cubs fan :)

**Accepts hugs ** lol. It helps a little bit. But I'm also an Indians fan hahah.

09-25-12, 03:31 PM
**Accepts hugs ** lol. It helps a little bit. But I'm also an Indians fan hahah.

Lol youd need gloves eveeytime your snakes see you if thats the case

09-25-12, 03:38 PM
I read that. But at some point, the fans are probably going to stop going and once it gets to the nitty gritty, somethings gotta give. The NFL needs those refs more than those refs need the NFL, or so it seems. The more these replacements keep screwing up, the more leverage their union will have in negotiations. And yes, I agree, I do miss the NHL. I can't wait for them to get over this disagreement!

The only thing that will "make" them do anything (otherwise I guarantee they lock out the refs all year) is if the players (and they are starting to have a real case) decide to strike because of unsafe working conditions.

If my snakes bite because of bad football and officiating, I'm screwed since I am a Browns fan :( lol.

Its bad for everyone. The ravens missed that FG, The refs placed a ball on the wrong 44 yrd line in some other OT game, this end of the game "td" catch on monday. Its all over the place and just terrible.

**Accepts hugs ** lol. It helps a little bit. But I'm also an Indians fan hahah.

Im not really a sox fan, but im from boston. Now *that* is bad.

09-25-12, 03:44 PM
**Accepts hugs ** lol. It helps a little bit. But I'm also an Indians fan hahah.

Yeah but... You had Charlie Sheen pitching for you! And Wesley Snipes as your lead off hitter.... And Dennis Haysbert as your shaman homerun hitter!... We've had... Some 12 year old kid with a screwed up arm. And Gary Busey!

09-25-12, 04:50 PM
Cornsnakes bite? That's news to me.
They do, trust me.

09-25-12, 05:02 PM
the best part about corn snake bites, other than them basically never happening, is that even when they do get ya, it doesn't feel like much. I held a pueblan at the new England reptile expo this weekend. (super fun! got a bunch of supplies but no snakes. I was tempted by a fire skink though :D)
Not a full sized one, probably 6-8 months old if that, and he just held onto my hand and wrapped around my wrist. I stood there and talked to the breeder for 15-20 minutes until the little guy decided to let go. He didn't even make me bleed since my hands are basically all callous on the inside from power lifting without gloves (he somehow tagged the pad of my hand and got some meat to hold on to. He was cute, I didnt snag a picture though, completely spaced on that one.

Our milksnake likes to do this to and he is only a hatchling its kinda cute he thinks hes a bad a**! Lol

09-25-12, 05:11 PM
Yeah, in my experience, milks tend to be way more bitey. I've been bit by my kings and now a corn but my kings tamed down and my corn seems to have been in a bad mood today but milks like to live up to their biting reputation in my opinion.

09-25-12, 05:14 PM
Yeah, in my experience, milks tend to be way more bitey. I've been bit by my kings and now a corn but my kings tamed down and my corn seems to have been in a bad mood today but milks like to live up to their biting reputation in my opinion.
My milk has never even thought about striking at me, nevermind actually biting me. He's a voracious feeder though! Hes a year old and hasn't missed a meal since he took his first pinky. That said, hes a black milk, and ive only heard about them being very well tempered.

09-25-12, 05:17 PM
My milk has never even thought about striking at me, nevermind actually biting me. He's a voracious feeder though! Hes a year old and hasn't missed a meal since he took his first pinky. That said, hes a black milk, and ive only heard about them being very well tempered.

I had been saying the same thing... until tonight. T'was Plisskens feeding night, and he will not eat. He hasn't missed a meal with me since I got him, but he just will not eat tonight.

09-25-12, 06:00 PM
I could very well be wrong about milks, I've just been bitten by them a lot lol who knows maybe I've just encounterd ill tempered milks....

10-05-12, 04:54 PM
I got tagged last night from an adult corn!!
Think I need to go to the ER?? lol!

10-05-12, 04:58 PM
I havent been tagged by a snake in like over a decade now! I hear ya on the quickness of the bite making you jump more than the pain. I used to catch black racers as a kid by letting them bite my left hand and gettin em behind the neck with my right. The pain was almost non-existent but I never got used to how surprisingly quick snakes are at striking!

10-05-12, 05:08 PM
Cornsnakes bite? That's news to me.

extra extra, read all about it, Cornsnakes DO bite!!!!


Not that it hurts in the slightest, but they move so fast, you jump anyways!!

10-05-12, 05:11 PM
Oh the horror! Lol yeah I've been working with my corn on a daily basis, I get bit on a daily basis lol ill post a pic of the next good one.

10-05-12, 05:17 PM
that pic is of a bite from my okeetee, who used to be my nicest, friendliest snake. Then one day , stupid me decided to clean the poop out of her viv BEFORE feeding her but after feeding the others, apparently the smell made her think my hand was prey and she has been striking my hand ever since!!!

10-05-12, 05:24 PM
Gotta love it! Thankfully it doesn't hurt what so ever its just a matter of "REALLY?!" Lol

10-05-12, 05:34 PM
I know!! less than a papercut.

the only thing about that bite was, she really thought I was prey, she tagged, kept ahold and wrapped herself around my hand and wrist, I had to unwrap her and detach her from my hand too!!

never try to clean a cage when your hand smeels of dead rodent!!

10-05-12, 05:44 PM
Lol yep! I learned that lesson when I had my first Bp. Stung a little but not to bad. My cornsnake like to wrap my hand/wrist up as well. Im normally okay with waiting her out but every now and again she tries to swallow my finger lol then its time to intervene

10-05-12, 06:46 PM
LOL!! ya I guess so!! but as you can see from the placement of the bite, I was in no danger of being swallowed whole!!! LOL

here's my beautiful biting gal!!




10-05-12, 06:57 PM
Wow, she's a very gorgeous cornsnake! Just have to let her think she's big and bad eh? LOL

10-05-12, 07:17 PM
Thx!! ya she's the butch of the bunch, that's for sure!!

10-05-12, 07:20 PM
Lol nothin wrong with that! Shes just more in touch with her manly side!

10-05-12, 09:15 PM
Wow a corn got you usually they are pretty mellow

I had a corn snake that bit me almost every time I went to get her for 6 years. :suspicious:

10-05-12, 09:19 PM
Did you ever tame her down?

10-05-12, 09:36 PM
Did you ever tame her down?

No. I rehomed her. I often have kids at my house and I'm not interested in having snakes that aren't kid-friendly.

10-05-12, 09:41 PM
Fair enough, I can understand that, for me its more of a personal challenge lol take a mean snake and make it nice... (or at least tolerant of handling lol) but my son is 1 1/2 so I have plenty of time to. Tame this new girl down. I managed to get my big cali king to stop biting/musking me so im sure I can make progress with this one

10-05-12, 11:22 PM
Hahaha yeah I'm a raiders fan

Whoa, seriously? You're on the other side of the bay? I thought you were a cool guy...I'm a 49ers fan. I hope you understand that we can never speak again.

- h3

10-06-12, 05:27 AM
Hey now, its not that bad having a raiders fan as a friend lol always someone to talk crap too once your team beats us LOL