View Full Version : When to upsize his food?

09-25-12, 08:56 AM
So Kalis is now approximately two months old, weighs in at 150 grams and is about 20 inches long.

He's still on mouse hoppers every 5 days, when do you think I should up his food size?

Also, when do I up his tub size? He's in a plastic tub the size of a shoebox right now.

Thanks in advance!!!!

09-25-12, 09:16 AM
My male was eating a weaned rat pup every7 days at that size. The rat can be thicker than the snake with no issues. Plus you want to get yours on rats asap.

09-25-12, 09:17 AM
I go with prey that is 1.5-2 times the girth of my royal.

09-25-12, 09:51 AM
That animal should have been on rat fuzzies after his first three meals. Switch now or you'll have issues doing it later.
At 150g, I feed mine rat pups every 5 days.
Also, I keep hatchlings in shoebox Rubbermaids until they are ~500g.

09-25-12, 09:56 AM
Get him on rats soon otherwise he will develope a taste for mice and will be hard to feed later on

09-25-12, 11:34 AM
Thanks for the advice, still new to all the Ball Python stuff.

09-26-12, 10:28 AM

After some thought I have decided to switch him (and Boaz, if I can) from live to f/t. Today was his feeding day, I upped his prey size to an adult mouse (comparable in size to rat pups, correct?). I killed the mouse (by cervical dislocation) before feeding it to him, which he took without hesitation, instantly. He seems to only care that it looked somewhat like a rodent and that it was moving. He doesn't care if I watch, or if my hand is nearby, etc.

Once I get him on f/t I will slowly make the switch to f/t rats. First I will start scenting the f/t mice like rats, then I will offer rats that are scented like mice. (Will this work??)

How many fresh-killed feedings do I need to do before offering a f/t? His next scheduled feeding is in 5 days, btw.

09-26-12, 11:28 AM
I would just switch now and see what happens. Leave all the scenting ect. and only go through all of that if he "kills" it but won't eat it.

09-26-12, 12:03 PM
Just try a ft rat, it may just take it without all hassle of scenting etc :)

09-26-12, 01:16 PM
if he takes 2 prey items,of the size he is currently on,for 4 feeds in a row,then he's ready to go up a size,this is what i do with hatchlings

cheers shaun