View Full Version : substrate help

09-21-12, 04:09 PM
i am currently using repti bark but its not keeping in the humidity well enough. any suggestions?

09-21-12, 04:15 PM
You can try cypress mulch it works really well you may just need to spray it once a day

09-21-12, 04:19 PM
If reptibark isnt keeping humidity high enough then you have too much airflow, i use it for all my snakes including a GTP who needs much higher consistent humidity than my royal.

What sort of setup do you have?

09-21-12, 04:49 PM
i have a 40 gallon reptile tank with a screen lid. i cover most of it with a damp towel though

09-21-12, 06:20 PM
Just put the snake in a tub.. tanks with screen lids are insane to keep at the proper humidity or heat.

09-21-12, 06:24 PM
the heat isnt a problem. i just need to figure out how to keep the humidity stable and idk how because my parents want to keep him in the same terrarium hes in right now

09-21-12, 06:26 PM
You can fix the humidity by placing the snake in a tub with a FEW little air vent holes and proper substrate. Tanks with screen tops allow to much air flow a tub will limit the air flow dramatically.

09-22-12, 06:19 AM
Airflow is the absolute enemy of humidity, you need to make the top a solid piece in order to bump the humidity up. Imo reptibark is one of the best substrates for high humidity and that isnt your issue, the top is.

09-22-12, 07:54 AM
then what do you reccomend i use for a top?

09-22-12, 08:05 AM
If you want to keep the snake in a fish tank cover the screen top with a piece of Plexi glass or a piece of wood. You can use almost anything that will seal the top.

09-22-12, 08:08 AM
i keep it in a reptile tank

09-22-12, 08:09 AM
Ok that means nothing. If it has a screen top it is not made to keep humidity. Seal the screen top and problem solved.

09-22-12, 08:15 AM
got a pic of the tank? reptile tank or fish tank is about the same, do you have a screen top? if you do you need to cover about 90% with glass on anything else that will hold the humidity. You might want to put your snake in a tub until you get your tank fixed up.I have 90% of my snakes in tubs and they do great in them.

09-22-12, 09:22 AM
i keep it in a reptile tank

I hear ya. The problem, unfortunately, is one size doesn't fit all. While this tank may be passable for an animal with more arid requirements it will require some modding to make it a better fit for yours. What everyone here is saying is that your set up will never be the ideal as long as you have a screen top.

I am using a small exo terra right now, and what I did was use a heavy duty foil folded several times for thickness. I cut holes for the daylight and basking light. It helps a lot but I still have to keep a close eye on it. Also I moved it 3 times and diverted my air registers. It's well established what escapes through the screen but I don't see a lot of convo about what gets in. During set up this tank dropped 20 degrees when the air kicked on uncovered and still dropped some covered. And I go through all this for a temporary solution because I was in a bind. Long term this would be a nightmare for me and/or the animal.

Why are you resistant to the suggestions? Is it the money you spent on the tank or looks? What is your concern with regards to the suggestions being made?

09-22-12, 09:42 AM
No such thing as a "reptile tank". It's just clever marketing for the gullible.
A fish cage is a fish cage is a fish cage.
You want your problem solved; the answers been given a few times in this thread.
Otherwise; good luck figuring it out yourself.

09-29-12, 07:27 AM
i use news paper for mine.

09-29-12, 07:06 PM
Like Mykee GunGirl and others said cover the top with plywood, foil (thats what I use on the few tanks I still have in use and it works great), also plexi glass it sounds like the damp towel isnt working well! Even covering 90% it with plastic wrap and misting daily will improve you humidity immediatley!

09-29-12, 07:19 PM
Cut a sheet of peg board and place it over the screen with holes cut out large enough that the lights won't burn the board . If you use heat lamps that is . I did that last year and I cut my misting in half and was able to keep the nice enclosure . I personally am against bins . Snakes do not live in bins in the wild , so I would rather give them a more natural environment . Not trying to criticize those of you who keep snakes in bins , it is just my preference . Also adding a nice pile of moss and keeping it wet helps with humidity , and also provides a nice moist place for them to burrow when shedding .

10-04-12, 04:28 PM
I was having a problem with humidity too and I have a screen top. I covered it 3/4 with plastic wrap. I no longer have an issue with the humidity.... Hope this helps. Plastic wrap will prolly be a lil cheaper and easier than getting plywood or anything. Hope you find something that works for you.