View Full Version : milky eyes 7days ago but still not shed??

09-18-12, 04:50 AM
So just over a week ago i noticed my new balls eyes had gone milky so i thought he was sheding so i upped the humdity to 80 and put a damp hide in well he still hasnt shed his eyes r still a little milky is he shedding am i doing something wrong??am new to this and worried about my boy

09-18-12, 07:51 AM
Don't worry about it. After the milky stage they go back to looking normal for a few days and then shed. Your snake is just in the "clear" stage and will shed soon enough.

09-18-12, 08:00 AM
He's most likely fine. My rosy boa takes FOREVER to shed after the 'milky' stage. Just be sure you keep the humidity high while he's in shed and he will be fine.

09-18-12, 08:04 AM
Ok thanks guys was really worried id done something wrong!!!

09-18-12, 08:41 AM
Your doing everything right some just take longer to shed

09-18-12, 09:07 AM
my carpets take anything from,3 to 10 days,after their eyes clear to shed

cheers shaun

09-18-12, 11:47 AM
Ok so i went to check on my little dude to find he has shed in one(i think)it was all wrapped up with a what i think was a poop in it!is this normal i didnt wanna unwrap it as it didnt look to nice!his eyes now look clear,so fingers crossed i have got every thing right.is it ok to feed him on sat or do i need to do it sooner or later?sorry for the silly questions but he is my first ball and i wanna make sure i am doing it all right!

09-18-12, 11:52 AM
It is normal for them to wrap it up and poop in it. Look him over and as long as he looks all shiny and new he is fine. Feed him whenever he is due to eat.

09-18-12, 11:55 AM
Thank you gungirl x

10-03-12, 03:18 PM
my ball does same, dont worry about it.