View Full Version : I HATE "dinker projects" but...

09-17-12, 09:44 AM
This is one that I guess I have to figure out. Dammit!
Here's the details: pairing was a ten year old pastel female who I've had in my collection since she was a hatchling, original stock of Greg Graziani. The male was a five year old superblast that was also line-bred from Gregs stock back in 2000. These two animals have never been bred together until this season. Seven egg clutch, the results were 1.3 superblasts and 1.2 super pastels. Of these superblasts, 1.1 are very light, almost hypo in appearance, not that I'm calling them hypo, you understand. I'm calling them "Phenom" until I can prove them out. This is the only time I will be posting pics of these guys until I can prove them out or disprove them, so enjoy the photos.

The best I can figure from my rudimentary knowledge of genetics, is that both of these animals were het for whatever gene manifested itself in these 1.1 "Phenoms". Which means all the other in this clutch are also 100% het for "Phenom" as well.
Only time will tell.
LOVE to hear your ideas on this one folks...
On to the pics!!

The females:

The males:

Normal superblasts with the two "Phenoms":

09-17-12, 10:00 AM
Looks great mykee, like everything else you post... :)

09-17-12, 10:02 AM
pretty cool, im kind interested in getting into ball pythons myself these days, there is some really cool stuff going on
Question...if the 1.1 are hets then the babies are possible hets...correct?

09-17-12, 10:19 AM
The best I can figure from my rudimentary knowledge of genetics, is that both of these animals were het for whatever gene manifested itself in these 1.1 "Phenoms". Which means all the other in this clutch are also 100% het for "Phenom" as well.
Only time will tell.

pretty cool, im kind interested in getting into ball pythons myself these days, there is some really cool stuff going on
Question...if the 1.1 are hets then the babies are possible hets...correct?

They would all be 100% het if it proved out.

Mykee they look really nice, Kind of interested in seeing what comes out of this.

09-17-12, 10:29 AM
het x het = 66%poss het babies

het x visual = hets

09-17-12, 11:27 AM
again....put me at the TOP of the list WHEN they prove out ;)

09-17-12, 12:16 PM
Very nice balls I dont know much about genetics but they are still nice looking none the less!

09-17-12, 02:46 PM
My mistake, yes (long night early morning). The babies that aren`t ``Phenom`` are 66% possible hets, not 100%.

09-17-12, 08:22 PM
they look like visual, and possible snakes, to me.

09-18-12, 07:25 AM
it will be interesting to see hopw these colour up Mykee

i really hope this all prooves out for you mate :)

all the best shaun

09-18-12, 07:28 AM
Cool project. Definitely looks like there's something else going on in there.

Good luck, thanks for posting.