View Full Version : New vine snake. Awe yeah.

09-16-12, 03:40 PM
I acquired a beautiful Asian vine snake at my local reptile show today. I named the little beauty Stretch and he/she currently resides in a 10-gallon vertical setup I put together. I plan to move him/her into a 20-gallon setup soon. I'll be posting pictures when I can! I'm really excited about this!

09-16-12, 03:52 PM
Congratulations on your new pick up I can't wait for pics :) how big is it???

09-16-12, 03:54 PM
Congratulations. Looking forward to those pics as well.

09-16-12, 03:56 PM
I'm guessing it's between 2 and 3 feet, but I am honestly not sure on account of how skinny he/she is!

09-16-12, 04:49 PM
Nice snag! Is it eating? Lets see some pics!

09-16-12, 04:57 PM
super jelly!

09-16-12, 05:05 PM
That's awesome

09-16-12, 09:47 PM
Cool, but twenty gallons is too small for her now. You will need a much larger set up.

09-16-12, 09:54 PM
This is great news, put up some pictures as soon as you can.

- h3

09-17-12, 05:18 AM
Congrats! :D

09-24-12, 11:57 AM
What is the cheapest way to keep a vine snake fed? Also, will they take frogs and pinky mice?

09-24-12, 12:07 PM
Most will not take pinky mice. I feed mine anoles and house geckos.

09-24-12, 12:09 PM
And what's the most cost-efficient way to keep a steady supply of anoles and/or house geckos for a vine snake?

09-24-12, 12:12 PM
Cost efficient? Buy them as you need them. They breed slowly and their care requirements wouldn't be cost beneficial for one vine snake.

09-24-12, 07:46 PM
How did you acquire it? I've always wanted one. Did you know it would eat lizards?

09-25-12, 05:46 AM
Pictures!! Please??

- h3

09-25-12, 09:38 AM
How did you acquire it? I've always wanted one. Did you know it would eat lizards?

I got it at my local reptile show, and I have always wanted one too! I did know that they would have to eat lizards, but can they eat frogs as well?

09-25-12, 08:12 PM
yeah pics, pics!!

09-25-12, 08:51 PM
I would feel iffy about feeding them frogs. Amphibians secrete poisons through there skin. While some animals are adapted to handle the poisons, others are not. Others are locality specific, meaning they are adapted to eat amphibians from their area, but not from other areas.

11-24-12, 08:29 AM
What is the cheapest way to keep a vine snake fed? Also, will they take frogs and pinky mice?

yes, they eat frogs. my 5' viny can take on 2 frogs in a single night. i tried feeding it with small finches but won't eat it voluntarily. same goes for mice. i tried putting a live fish in her water bowl ang guess what? it does eat fish :D

11-24-12, 08:56 AM
i sae a youtube video of a guy working at a zoo feeding them fish. just my 2c.

11-24-12, 07:43 PM
i sae a youtube video of a guy working at a zoo feeding them fish. just my 2c.

i saw that one too. i think each individual viny has a prey preference of its own

12-22-12, 05:56 PM
depending on what species of the ahaetulla genius u have (all mildly venomous) you can usually tell what species you have by looking at the end of its nose, it may only feed on geckos or green anoles (or tree frogs if u really want to spend a lot of money), house geckos are cheap 3$ each and anoles are a bit more expensive 7$ each. the anoles are a little bigger tho and my A. prasina which is the lizard eater has a faster feeding responce to the anoles (go figure more expensive lol). others feed ONLY on fish nothing else (A. fronticincta) also called burmese vine snake. the ahaetulla genius is not a natural eater of mice although they can eat mice its not good to feed them anything bigger than a pinky due to the fact this snake has a harder time breaking down fat then most snakes. so constantly feeding this snake mice can kill it, plus they rarely switch to rodents.