View Full Version : Please help support this kind woman

09-15-12, 04:33 PM
I have been talking to her, she's open to suggestions, her heart is in the right place, and I strongly feel she will do what is needed, but so far I am only but one voice in the youtube community.

If you comment, please be nice, do not slam her, it's not HER fault she was fed crap information, she's on the edge of not knowing who to believe.

Thank you all, let's save a lizard.


09-15-12, 07:52 PM
I would share with her what little I know but I am not a youtube member or feel like messing with setting up an account... I never go look at stuff there cause it angers me... I watched the video and read the comments I could but. Have you suggested her to join this forum? Your right she is seemingly wanting to do the best thing for the animal and joining this site would be her best bet if you ask me (another noob to monitors). I see in her last posts that it is eating well now and she is taking your advise so she will probably join here if offered the info...

09-15-12, 07:58 PM
I would share with her what little I know but I am not a youtube member or feel like messing with setting up an account... I never go look at stuff there cause it angers me... I watched the video and read the comments I could but. Have you suggested her to join this forum? Your right she is seemingly wanting to do the best thing for the animal and joining this site would be her best bet if you ask me (another noob to monitors). I see in her last posts that it is eating well now and she is taking your advise so she will probably join here if offered the info...

I linkt to this forum in the description area of my videos.

Sadly youtube does not allow links in comments.

whenever things get quiet, and I am bored, I look for the few people who may listen.

So far I have 2 youtube users that are now my facebook friends, and a couple users who are making changes, so it makes me a little happy to know that I can make at least a little difference.

"that reptile chick" just got her 8x4x4 done, and is very eager to improve her husbandry.

09-15-12, 08:14 PM
That is outstanding!! I'm glad to see you are making a difference, even if it is small it is better than nothing at all. If I had more time on my hands and could manage through the frustration the people that don't care cause me, I would love to do what I could.
Wayne this world needs more people like you, people who can and will help all they can.

09-16-12, 06:11 AM
That is outstanding!! I'm glad to see you are making a difference, even if it is small it is better than nothing at all. If I had more time on my hands and could manage through the frustration the people that don't care cause me, I would love to do what I could.
Wayne this world needs more people like you, people who can and will help all they can.

I would like to second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth this comment :):):):):):)

09-16-12, 08:00 AM
I don't know much about lizards or I'd post, but this lizard looks decrepit. Emaciated even... I can see the spinal column, and it's sunken eyes remind me of this guy:


Do their back legs bend that way, or is this animal hopeless?

- h3

09-16-12, 08:48 AM
A simple comment that savannahmonitor dot net is THE place to pay attention to will be helpful.

She said it's eating, but unless she gives it proper soil and the right lighting and humidity, she has already lost the battle.

09-16-12, 08:26 PM
done! poor lil thing. looks like it already had a pretty rough start to life.

Gregg M
09-19-12, 03:04 PM
I am fully impressed by her call for help on you tube. She obviously cares and it sounds like she will do what is needed to give this lizard a shot at living. Good on her.

09-19-12, 03:10 PM
I have been reading the comments, and thank you everyone.