View Full Version : leucistic ratsnake tongue color?

09-08-12, 07:17 PM
I just recently purchased a couple of what i was told are baby leucistic Texas ratsnakes and they are great! But I am curious about 2 things.... first, every picture I have ever seen every leucistic snake has a pink tongue, however, everything I have read about the differences between leucistic black rats and leucistic Texas ratsnakes claims that the regular non Texan leucistic ratsnakes have black tongues, but I can't find a picture of this for the life of me... is this merely a rumor or are there actually ones out there with black tongues?
Second, how does everybody feel about housing them together? I've read its OK and the breeder I bought them from said it shouldn't be a problem, but I would hate to have one go missing..... that and I would like to attempt to breed them as they get older so I don't know if that would effect procreation in the future... regardless they are both about 24" long and have a while to go before this. Any advise or pictures would be greatly apprecciated! They are in seperate 20 gallon tanks currently btw

09-09-12, 12:34 AM
I know numerous people that have put rat snakes and garter snakes together and they seem fine! Typically its best each snake have its own enclose

09-09-12, 01:23 AM
I wouldn't house them together. You'll find them to be much happier and healthier if housed seperately. Snakes are not social animals and don't need, or want company.

And what do you mean by "regular" "non-texan" leacistic ratsnakes? There are many non-texan rat snakes but I wouldn't call any regular if they're leucistic. That part just confused me a bit. Anyway I'm not really sure how you could tell the species when it's leucistic but I'm pretty sure texas' have some pretty big bulgy eyes compared to the others as babies. I'd love to see pics!!