View Full Version : First of the season...

the baPhoon
09-08-12, 12:54 AM
Handled this guy for a little bit and set him free away from his predators (huge toads).

Their mating season starts soon, should see dozens of them beside our house in a week or so. Fun little guys!



Those two were with the 12 megapixle cam. Last one is crappy cell phone.


Decent size, about 5.5" across. I'm nearly 6'6" so he doesn't look so big in my hand haha.

09-08-12, 12:58 AM
nice spider mate

the baPhoon
09-08-12, 01:04 AM
Thanks! My enclosures are full up at the moment with the shovel-nose and ben the scorpion.

Gona pick up another enclosure Sunday and hopefully add a new pet to my stable.

09-08-12, 04:14 AM
Did they show any signs of aggression while you were handling them?

09-08-12, 06:53 AM
cool pictures

i could'nt do that though mate.....

i'm terrified of spiders :sorry:

cheers shaun

the baPhoon
09-09-12, 03:12 AM
No aggression whatsoever. He/she was way chill. When I went to release it, it didn't want to get off me. Kept scurrying up my forearm.

Snagging another enclosure or two tomorrow. See if I can raise a baby tarantula.
I don't feel right capturing an adult.