View Full Version : Is she a normal?

09-07-12, 03:54 PM
I know pretty much nothing about ball morphs but I'm curious about this girl. She looks normal to me, but she does seem to have a nice yellow for a baby normal.

This is out of pure curiosity :o


09-07-12, 03:57 PM
Yeah, she's a normal. She's pretty.

09-07-12, 04:09 PM
Yup, normal. Nice though.

09-07-12, 05:43 PM
Yes indeed, a very pretty normal :)

09-07-12, 06:31 PM
Thanks :)

She's definitely one of the prettiest normals I've ever seen. Then again I never paid much attention to ball pythons...

09-07-12, 06:37 PM
P.S. Her name is Esmeralda and she's my boyfriend's new snake. Except my boyfriend is in the Army and can't have her with him so she's going to live with me but he will pay for her expenses :p Or as he put it, I'll get to play with his snake all the time haha

snake man12
09-07-12, 06:52 PM
A very pretty normal.

09-07-12, 07:02 PM
Esmerelda was my first snake's name. :)

Very pretty!

09-07-12, 07:13 PM
Esmerelda was my first snake's name. :)

Very pretty!

Was she a ball? :)

09-07-12, 07:43 PM
Yes she sure was.

09-08-12, 04:12 AM
So how do you tell a normal apart from other morphs? Because I went to pick up a tank from a dude who breeds balls earlier today and he showed me some morphs that looked normal to me...

Balls are confusing...

09-08-12, 06:29 AM
Looks like a pastel ?

09-08-12, 07:01 AM
So how do you tell a normal apart from other morphs? Because I went to pick up a tank from a dude who breeds balls earlier today and he showed me some morphs that looked normal to me...

Balls are confusing...

Maybe he was confused, and thought he had morphs.

09-08-12, 09:43 AM
Some are difficult but most of the morphs I have seen, there is no way to confuse them with a normal. Very awesome ball you have on your hands lol no pun intended...

09-08-12, 10:45 AM
Maybe he was confused, and thought he had morphs.

There was for sure at least one morph in there. But out of all the normals, Esmeralda was by far the most yellow and that's why he thought she COULD be a morph. He didn't try to overcharge me or anything.

09-08-12, 11:07 AM
So he sold a snake that "COULD" be a morph? Id have to find a different seller. But if your happy with her then that's all that matters, I just hope that guy learns a little more before selling anymore lol. Just my .02

09-08-12, 11:14 AM
If he doesn't know what snakes he has he probably didn't make them himself. Perhaps the business he's in did but he didn't. Like it's been said, it's typically easy to tell a morph from a normal, thought some are bloody tricky sometimes and are reduced or subtle. For the longest time I thought my Valentine was a classic jungle because of those flames of yellow running up her sides and the light brown spot on her head, but she's a normal all the same.

She's definitely got a brightness to her, but so did Valentine and she's normal. I can vaguely see the belly on the little tyke and they've got black spots so not a
YB. No blatant spot on the fading of the head, but normals dont have to have those.

if you're ever unsure if you've got a morph, you can try looking up morph lists or one that i've grown fond of;

Next World Exotics :: Available Boa Offspring (http://www.nextworldexotics.com/hg.htm)

It doesn't show EVERY morph out there but it covers some of them.

All that aside, she's gorgeous. :)

09-08-12, 11:17 AM
So he sold a snake that "COULD" be a morph? Id have to find a different seller. But if your happy with her then that's all that matters, I just hope that guy learns a little more before selling anymore lol. Just my .02

He rescued her. I really like the guy. He is very knowledgable, he may just not know his balls that well :D

09-08-12, 11:20 AM
If he doesn't know what snakes he has he probably didn't make them himself. Perhaps the business he's in did but he didn't. Like it's been said, it's typically easy to tell a morph from a normal, thought some are bloody tricky sometimes and are reduced or subtle. For the longest time I thought my Valentine was a classic jungle because of those flames of yellow running up her sides and the light brown spot on her head, but she's a normal all the same.

She's definitely got a brightness to her, but so did Valentine and she's normal. I can vaguely see the belly on the little tyke and they've got black spots so not a
YB. No blatant spot on the fading of the head, but normals dont have to have those.

if you're ever unsure if you've got a morph, you can try looking up morph lists or one that i've grown fond of;

Next World Exotics :: Available Boa Offspring (http://www.nextworldexotics.com/hg.htm)

It doesn't show EVERY morph out there but it covers some of them.

All that aside, she's gorgeous. :)

Thanks! I'll check it out

09-08-12, 11:24 AM
He rescued her. I really like the guy. He is very knowledgable, he may just not know his balls that well :D

Fair enough. It all depends on who you trust. And if he takes good care of them and isint trying to rip you off, then it's all good. At the end of the day you still have an awesome looking healthy ball!

09-08-12, 11:36 AM
He rescued her. I really like the guy. He is very knowledgable, he may just not know his balls that well :D

Well that makes sense as to why he didn't know, haha. I'm still learning and I could very easily mistake morphs, but I'll never mistake a normal. :)

09-08-12, 11:46 AM
I don't know much about this myself but, I agree that it is a normal. A snake with that coloration though, might very well produce something special many generations from now. That's how selective breeding works. All the morphs we have now days came from a handful of normals that had a genetic mutation that stood out above the rest. I want to get a normal, myself. I'm just waiting until I come across that Normal that doesn't look normal.

09-08-12, 12:08 PM
I'm gonna get a morph male and breed her! I saw a gorgeous snow albino yesterday that I could never afford haha

09-08-12, 01:08 PM
There was for sure at least one morph in there. But out of all the normals, Esmeralda was by far the most yellow and that's why he thought she COULD be a morph. He didn't try to overcharge me or anything.

If you spent more than $40 then he overcharged you. Hopefully not.

All the best with your new one.

09-09-12, 01:13 AM
Thanks! I'm gonna feed her on Monday or Tuesday so hopefully she'll be a good ball :)

09-13-12, 03:26 PM
Baby girl ate yesterday, although it was a bit of a struggle for her because she started with the butt.

Now she's relaxing in her pool.
