View Full Version : Possible kidney issue with ball python

09-06-12, 07:50 PM
I have a big guy I got from the pound about this time last year. Some may remember my posts about him, Ribs...aptly named because he was nothing but ribs when i got him. He went through severe starvation and dehydration. Finally got up to snuff, but recently has been peeing every single day.
It has been warmer weather, so i'm sure he's drinking more...but I tend to lean more towards a kidney issue. He had a huge urate ball blocking his vent, when i first got him, and his urates were orange and "not right" for a while once i finally got him full of fluids and food.
But, for the past couple weeks it's just a little bit of the white solids, and a lot of liquid. But every single night! He's a four foot snake, and he is actually peeing at least a quarter cup each day.

I've done some reading online and if he is going through kidney failure, there's not anything I can do for him.
He's active, alert, wants a girlfriend...but the guy is just full of pee!
Any clues, anyone?

09-07-12, 11:28 PM
No clues or advice forthcoming, eh? Seriously lol

09-08-12, 06:27 AM
Just reading this now.. I hope he pulls through but I am guessing kidney failure as well. Sorry Jaleely..

09-08-12, 06:32 AM
sorry Melissa,thats me just noticed this thred

imo a vet should be able to do blood tests,to determine if his kidneys are failing

i hope you get to the bottom of this problem pal :)

cheers shaun

Becky Goings
09-08-12, 08:03 AM
His kidneys were likely damaged as a result of the dehydration. I wonder though if it might have something to do with mating season? Anyone have any thoughts on that? Maybe they stay better hydrated then? Just an idea. Really hope Ribs doesn't have kidney failure. Generally, lack of urine is a more typical symptom of kidney failure (at least in most critters, not sure about snakes).

09-08-12, 02:17 PM
Thanks guys! I really just wanted some other educated guesses. I could take him to the vet for a blood test, but research says if it's failure, then there's nothing they can do anyway.
Actually, now that i think about it....what if it's a UTI? Do snakes get that??? I've been so careful about keeping him cleaned up right after he pees, because i don't want any bacteria growth in there...but he *always* pees! I know he's slithered through it many times before i can clean it. He's in a 40 gallon tank, with branches and things, but he's a 4 foot snake, so even if there's room he can reach it.

Becky i think you're right...so maybe now i'm leaning towards UTI? We're leaving *tomorrow* to go on a week long trip to my parents house, camping in Oregon.

I wonder if you can give snakes cranberry? lol

09-08-12, 02:21 PM
Actually now i'm looking up different causes for increases urine...steering away from the kidney thing. It actually could be caused by a parasite...*could*.
I will take him to the vet when i get home next week.
I actually did find a good vet, finally, in the area.

Thanks guys!! I hate to hope that it's just something that can be treated...in case it's not and it is his kidneys...but maybe it is and i can treat him! : )