View Full Version : I told you so!

09-05-12, 10:19 PM
Convo this morning between the boyfriend and I:

Him: "I put some tea outside in a milk jug for sun tea!"
Me: "Did you put it out of reach of the dog?"
Him: "no, he won't bother it."

Guess who came home to a chewed up milk bottle? HAH! I know my dog too well >.<

09-05-12, 10:51 PM
replace milk jug with 'anything put outside' and welcome to my life. and my husband continues to put things outside with a "naw, he won't bother it" lol

09-05-12, 11:02 PM
same! haha. the dog will eat everything...thus, don't give him things to eat! He and my cat finished off my venus flytrap collection...so now i have to build a greenhouse he can't get into so I can start again. bleh.

09-06-12, 03:27 AM
Do you not train your dogs with the "leave" command? I can put a full roast dinner on the floor in front of any of the dogs that i have ever had and say "leave" and then leave the room and come back later and teh dog will just be drooling and looking at the plate :)

09-06-12, 04:04 AM
Ditto on the leave command. I teach my dogs that for their health, My dogs won't even eat their food until I give the ok to do so.

09-06-12, 11:08 AM
He knows leave it as long as I'm there. We're working on him. This is not a post for you to chastise me, I meant it for laughs.

09-06-12, 11:19 AM
Ditto on the leave command. I teach my dogs that for their health, My dogs won't even eat their food until I give the ok to do so.

Yeah, when I had a Dane that was a must. He would eat so fast (even with a slow feeder bowl) he would make himself sick... And I was petrified he'd give himself bloat... so "wait" and "leave it" became crucial.

And just for my peace of mind: I am not chastising you iBaman! Just sharing a story, I swear it.

09-06-12, 11:47 AM
Someday, you'll have a dog as anxious as mine. he's a puppy mill rescue, and trust me, leave it is something he knows. but if something is just lying around and we aren't around, he WILL chew on it, which is why we DON'T LEAVE THINGS LYING AROUND. We've had multiple dog trainers help us, each of which is stumped.

09-06-12, 11:52 AM
Someday, you'll have a dog as anxious as mine. he's a puppy mill rescue, and trust me, leave it is something he knows. but if something is just lying around and we aren't around, he WILL chew on it, which is why we DON'T LEAVE THINGS LYING AROUND. We've had multiple dog trainers help us, each of which is stumped.

Separation anxiety? I had a dog with that, so much so that we had to put him in a crate... and he ended up destroying his crate. We were very fortunate he didn't hurt himself on the broken metal bars.

09-06-12, 11:59 AM
No, not separation anxiety...just...anxiety. We can't put anything in his crate (minus his toys) or he will destroy it. We can put him outside, and that's the only place he doesn't destroy everything (minus the milk bottle, but that's the first). When it's time to feed, he sits and waits, but will whine and scream the whole time we're putting food in his bowl. He paces. doesn't like most other dogs (one or two exceptions)...he's just special, and I love him for it.

09-06-12, 12:02 PM
Chill out,i just asked a question and then explained why i asked that question, no need to feel "chastised"!! :)

09-06-12, 12:10 PM
sorry, so many people jump to conclusions without even knowing anything >.<

09-06-12, 12:41 PM
Do you not train your dogs with the "leave" command? I can put a full roast dinner on the floor in front of any of the dogs that i have ever had and say "leave" and then leave the room and come back later and teh dog will just be drooling and looking at the plate :)

same here Rob

the worst was my Rhodesian Ridgeback,boy could she drool :hmm::laugh:

even my working lurchers were trained,to leave things at a single whistle

as a puppy my Ridgeback,chewed the complete corner off,the concrete hearth of our coal fireplace,right down to the metal re inforcing bar...

she also tried to chew her way through,our mahogany living room door

cost me a bloody fortune as a puppy that one :laugh:

cheers shaun

09-06-12, 12:43 PM
He knows leave it as long as I'm there. We're working on him. This is not a post for you to chastise me, I meant it for laughs.

imo Rob is having a laugh pal

its just one them posts thats been took the wrong way ;)

cheers shaun :)

09-06-12, 01:07 PM
XP I'm not medicated right now, bear with me xD

09-06-12, 01:51 PM
I was looking for the explanation of why ( which you gave) certainly no intent to offend :)

09-06-12, 01:56 PM
I forgive you =] I'm easy to offend right now xD

09-06-12, 01:58 PM
I know how you feel, with the story you gave about the dog it makes total sense why leave doesnt always work, and when we rescue animals we are more protective over them.

No harm done :)

09-06-12, 09:22 PM
My dogs will "leave" it when i'm around...but when i'm not, well i must not *mean* it then lol
You cant get much more stubborn than a beagle and a basset.
We've taught out beagle tons of tricks..she can be taught...but she will take every single tiny opportunity to steal and destroy!

09-06-12, 09:24 PM
same here...he's a terrorist, but I love him to bunches. It HAS taught us to keep anything we deem 'important' out of reach...his favorite no no is my scissors...and never the cheap $2 pair..no, my $30 sewing scissors >.< Or my venus fly traps (have to restart my collections because of him and my cat). He's odd.

09-06-12, 09:57 PM
bowser is a gem now, except when it comes to finding things outside sometimes. I have them penned in the kitchen, and they have a dog door to the back, during the day. They seem to think anything NEW in their environment is theirs for the taking.