View Full Version : A Few Pics of My BCI

09-05-12, 08:53 PM
Had this little girl outside the other day. I really don't think she liked being on the ground. Inside she can be active when I put her on the floor but outside it was like she was afraid to move lol.

I've had her since February and sadly still doesn't have a name. Nothing seems to stick :( She's usually a little spastic when I first get out but once she realizes she's ok, she gets a little curious and friendly and wants to check stuff out. I don't know her exact age, but I know she's an '11. She's awesome to handle, but is difficult to put up. lol

Thanks for looking! :)






09-05-12, 10:25 PM
Very pretty lady <3 Love the tongue shots! (I think she looks like an Emma)

09-05-12, 11:00 PM
How big is the snake?

Maybe it's just the picture that makes it look bigger than it is but it's not an '11 if the pics give a good size reference.

09-05-12, 11:11 PM
Honestly I haven't attempted to measure or guess her length since a little after I got her. She ate tonight so after she finishes digesting I'll get some sort of measurement or better pic with a reference. She eats medium rats, albeit they're a little small for mediums but I noticed this last feeding it didn't leave much of a food bump. I may go up a size next feeding.