View Full Version : Update on my western shovel-nose.

the baPhoon
09-01-12, 02:38 AM
First off, thanks are in order for those who helped me in properly identifying this little guy.

Boid is doing great. He's slowly but surely adapting to his new home and surroundings. He gets more and more active with each passing day, exploring his environment and amusing the cats.
Also, he has eaten. I put six smedium crickets in his enclosure 48 hours ago. Only two are left!

Here are some updated pics of him cruising around his enclosure.




Also the giant hairy scorpion is doing very well. Eating heartily. He's out of the trash can and into his own Rubbermaid environment. Here's a quick action shot of him decapitating yet another grasshopper.


09-01-12, 01:59 PM
Looks great!

snake man12
09-01-12, 02:06 PM
Yeah great setups.

You can try varying the diet for the shovel nose like grass hoppers, crickets, and any other inverts you can think of.

09-01-12, 02:51 PM
Very nice, looks like Boid is happy :)

the baPhoon
09-01-12, 04:29 PM
Its good to see him out and about. Wish he didn't eat in the dark haha.

the baPhoon
09-07-12, 11:02 PM
Its official.
Ran out of crickets today. Living in bfe I found a few small green grasshoppers. Took the legs and wings off of one and plopped it in his enclosure. Immediate strike. Couldn't get his jaws past the wing hinge so I had to use some tweezers to help him out.
But I got to see him eat this time. Huge relief.

The scorpion is doing well also. Heh

the baPhoon
09-09-12, 03:16 AM
Couple more pics!



No shed yet, grabbing more crickets and a vita-light tomorrow. And perhaps green cricket dust.
He really seems to like green bugs more so than brown.