08-30-12, 04:07 PM
Hello all,
I'm Michael, I'm a long time herp keeper and have work with many species non-venomous and hots. I found this site looking for information about a species I'm interested in keeping, I liked what i saw while browsing around and decided to join the community here.
I'm 32yrs old, getting married at the end of September, we have 3 amazing children, two Bulldogs, a mini Schnauzer (spelling?), and a Morki (Maltese and Yorkie)
Snake wise I currently only own an Akistrodon contortrix (Copperhead) that I found while road cruising 18 months ago. It was a fresh baby, and hadn't shed and most likely not eaten yet either. Now its about 15" long thick as a thumb and a very happy little Copper. We named her Penny partly after the copper color, and partly because we love Big Bang Theory. I'm in the process of converting part of my garage into a snake room and will be getting two more copperheads, a trio of Eyelash Vipers, a Monocle Cobra, and perhaps a Bitis gabonica. For non-venomous I'm looking at a trio of color morph ball pythons, Red Dominican Boas, Brazilian Rainbow Boas, and perhaps a trio of Carpondros.
Most of my experience is with American Pit-vipers, and Cobras. Also tree pythons, and once upon a time large boids.
I work as a Network Engineer for an ISP in Tulsa OK. Thank you, any questions just ask.
I'm Michael, I'm a long time herp keeper and have work with many species non-venomous and hots. I found this site looking for information about a species I'm interested in keeping, I liked what i saw while browsing around and decided to join the community here.
I'm 32yrs old, getting married at the end of September, we have 3 amazing children, two Bulldogs, a mini Schnauzer (spelling?), and a Morki (Maltese and Yorkie)
Snake wise I currently only own an Akistrodon contortrix (Copperhead) that I found while road cruising 18 months ago. It was a fresh baby, and hadn't shed and most likely not eaten yet either. Now its about 15" long thick as a thumb and a very happy little Copper. We named her Penny partly after the copper color, and partly because we love Big Bang Theory. I'm in the process of converting part of my garage into a snake room and will be getting two more copperheads, a trio of Eyelash Vipers, a Monocle Cobra, and perhaps a Bitis gabonica. For non-venomous I'm looking at a trio of color morph ball pythons, Red Dominican Boas, Brazilian Rainbow Boas, and perhaps a trio of Carpondros.
Most of my experience is with American Pit-vipers, and Cobras. Also tree pythons, and once upon a time large boids.
I work as a Network Engineer for an ISP in Tulsa OK. Thank you, any questions just ask.