View Full Version : so frustrated

08-29-12, 08:04 PM
im on day 74 of incubation with my corn snake eggs and they have yet to hatch, had a long time breeder come over today to pip one and find out whats going on...and there not rdy yet im gonna die of impatience odly enough the snake that came out of the egg <not rdy yet and did die> is almost twice the size of the 5 wk old hatchlings i have in house....wierd any thoughts about whats going on?

incubation temp were 80 till it started getting warm then had to drop it to offset the 85 degree days so i would say 80 degrees for 6 weeks then closer to 70-75 degrees for about 2 weeks and its been a pretty steady 78 degrees these last 2 weeks

08-29-12, 08:06 PM
on a side note all the eggs are very healthy nothing wrong with them and the baby that was inside was big and healthy with very little coloration..which i was told was one of the last things a hatchling gets inside the egg