View Full Version : caught this mammoth while hunting prey for my shovel-nose..

the baPhoon
08-28-12, 03:09 AM
This big beast was trying to make entry into my home... keeping him outside in a bucket to show a few buddies. Roughly 4.5" at least with tail straight.
Haven't found a live one this big yet.
If I get lucky I'll find an opposing sized camel spider and have a nice bug ufc bout heh.



08-28-12, 09:42 PM
Wow. Do you know what kind of scorpion that is?

the baPhoon
08-29-12, 01:24 AM
No idea. My area gets tons of bark scorpions but I've not seen a living one this size.

I went wandering around with my scorp light and a flashlight tonight and found two more of similar size dead on my property. Here's a couple more pics.



the baPhoon
08-29-12, 01:26 AM
Did some Googling:
Hadrurus arizonensis, the giant desert hairy scorpion, giant hairy scorpion, or Arizona Desert hairy scorpion, is the largest scorpion in North America, [1] and one of the 8–9 species of Hadrurus in the United States, attaining a length of 14 cm (5.5 in). [2] Its large size allows it to feed readily on other scorpions and a variety of other prey, including lizards and snakes. This species is usually yellow with a dark top [2] and has lobster-like pincers. It gets its common names from the brown hairs that cover its body. These hairs help it to detect vibration in the soil. [2] A similar species is Hadrurus spadix.

the baPhoon
08-29-12, 03:03 AM
Caught him munching on a cricket I caught for em.
Video here http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid305.photobucket.com/albums/nn215/dAshisse/VID_20120829_005540.mp4

08-29-12, 11:46 AM
I ran across a similar looking scorp and it was called a giant desert hairy spider, so I'm assuming that's what it is lol

I'm not fond of scorpions but I did have an emperor scorp for a few months that I was keeping for a friend. I loved watching it eat.

the baPhoon
08-29-12, 04:48 PM
It is fun watching that predator face chew on stuff.

the baPhoon
09-08-12, 12:27 AM
Got a little brave one evening.

Ben getting some affection.


No aggression at all, although the last picture seems rather evil.

the baPhoon
09-21-12, 02:36 AM
Well, once you pop the fun don't stop.

I'm up too four of these stinging bastages now!



Lemme know what y'all think.

11-12-12, 05:30 AM
so cool! i love scorpions, but sometimes they are very agressive, my aunt use to have one, evil creature.

11-12-12, 10:11 AM
I shuddered a little, but that's still cool. XD


the baPhoon
11-14-12, 09:09 PM
The in-house scorpion, Ben, is super docile. I don't trust the triplets I keep in the cllimate controlled garage.

Ben likes being held but its still really unnerving.

He even enjoys having his back petted. That only happens after a few beers heh.

11-14-12, 09:35 PM
^^ :laugh: :laugh:

Is that one of those "hold my beer and watch this!" moments?

11-14-12, 09:40 PM
^^ :laugh: :laugh:

Is that one of those "hold my beer and watch this!" moments?I love those moments. So, so much. Lulz are always to be had.


the baPhoon
11-15-12, 01:37 AM
Yep. That's the only time haha.