View Full Version : great opportunity =]

08-27-12, 10:21 PM
My friend is an aspiring bp breeder. He has his set up, incs, lots of nice specimens, to include a GORGEOUS high white male pied. Now, my dream snake is a pied. Something about them just catches my eyes...so, he's offered me a deal. If I'll buy a het pied female ($150), he'll breed her and let me keep a pied in return, letting him keep her...=D so basically, I'll be paying $150 for a pied. ^-^

08-27-12, 10:23 PM
great opportunity indeed you lucky duck... I want a pied so badly. :s not a super high white one, but about 1/3rd white or less. they're such beautiful morphs!

08-27-12, 10:24 PM
Well, depending on how old the female is, it might be a while before you get that pied. But yeah, sounds like a good deal.

08-27-12, 10:25 PM
For real! and with this, I'd get the pick of the clutch =3 Persuading the boyfriend may prove difficult...but he likes pieds too, so yeah. With Pajamas' enclosure, I sort of want to make two more enclosures on top...one for oliver, and one for a pied =3 it's perfect!

08-27-12, 10:25 PM
Well, depending on how old the female is, it might be a while before you get that pied. But yeah, sounds like a good deal.

this is very true, but I don't mind waiting. May be best, in fact =3